Monday, May 24, 2010

What is discalcing?

Question: What is discalcing?

Answer: Discalcing means "to remove shoes". In Code d' Odalisque it is the technical term for when a freewoman becomes a slave. The process of initiation is called her "discalcing". This is because, at the time when she signs her contract of submission and agrees to be an odalisque, she must remove her shoes and hand them over to the Slavetrader or presiding male at the ritual. A slave is barefoot. A slave is discalced. Freewomen wear shoes. Cockslaves are barefooted, unshod. A slave's bare feet are an object of fetishistic beauty in Code d' Odalisque. Her bare feet symbolize the essence of her slavery. To say that a woman has been discalced means that she has become an odalisque (cockslave).

By extension "discalcing" also means the training process by which a slave is taught the difference between freewoman and slave. Any technique that teaches and reniforces this difference is part of her on-going discalcing. There are levels of slavery, levels of submission. Discalcing is an on-going process. The trainer goes deeper and deeper taking the slave further and further from the state of the freewoman she had been.

By extension the removal of shoes is also a ritual stripping. When a freewoman becomes a cockslave she hands over her shoes and then she is ritually stripped. The training process (discalcing) continues this. First her clothes are stripped from her, but the discalcing process strips her of deeper veils and inhibitions. The discalcing process in this system of slavetraining extends the slave's nakedness to deeper and deeper levels.

(The other training process in Code d' Odalisque is called "unslutting". It complements the discalcing process.)

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