
An essential dimension of Code d' Odalisque is the appreciation of female beauty. While the culture of Code d' Ode is centred on sexual adventure and the sexual gratification of men, it is not always about sex in the active sense - it is also about the mature appreciation of the female form; it is about looking, watching, viewing, loving the feminine form.

Men in Code d' Ode love to look upon the female form. The aesthetic appreciation of woman is an essential part of Code culture. Men in Code d' Ode are lovers of the female. They love the beauty of woman. Cockslaves are not only kept in order to perform sexual acts - they are ornaments, kept to be looked upon and enjoyed visually. An odalisque is an object of beauty. She displays her body to her Keeper for his visual pleasure. Sexual slavery under Code d' Odalisque is about the admiration and appreciation of the female form. It cultivates an aesthetic of female beauty and eroticism. The Code states:

The female form is the encapsulation of earthly beauty. She is made to inspire man to wonder and awe. The delights she offers him remind him of and drive him to seek Paradise.

In this sense Code d' Ode is very pro-feminine. Women are regarded as a great blessing in the world. The female form and its surpassing beauty is a great mercy in life. Imagine a world without women. Imagine a world without the beauty of the female body. The female body is the finest creation in nature. Code d' Ode is about the proper, respectful appreciation of the female body and the cultivation of the feminine in its most beautiful forms. An odalisque is an object of desire and an object of beauty. She is respected and admired for this. Code play is designed to nurture and protect her beauty at all times.

Obviously, different men have different tastes in women. Some will like plump women. Some will like thin women. Some will like large breasts. Some will like small breasts. Some will like redheads, some brunettes, some blondes, and so on. The Code does not make stipulations about such factors. There are many different standards of beauty. It is not only the thin magazine model type who is beautiful. Feminine beauty must be broadly defined and include a wide range of types. There are, however, certain standards preferred in Code d' Odalisque. These are defined by the idea of "virginity".

"Virginity" in Code d' Ode does not mean just the state of a woman prior to her first sexual penetration. Rather, it means her quality of beauty - a quality she will inevitably lose throughout her life. "Virginity", in Code d' Ode, is the quality of physical innocence in a female. It is not a state once lost but a quality that diminishes over time. Men in Code d' Ode value "virginity". They love and prize women who retain the quality of "virginity". A cockslave is valued according to her degree of "virginity".

A number of factors reduce this quality in a cockslave. Virginity is diminished with age, and when she marries, when she is married for any duration, when she falls pregnant, when she gives birth, when she suckles, when her teeth wear and whenever her body is blemished by age or injury or use. Therefore, and conversely, some of the things highly valued in a female in Code d' Ode are:

*Women who are unmarried or women who have not been married long
*Women who have never been pregnant
*Women who have never given birth
*Women who have never suckled children
*Women who have strong, healthy, natural teeth
*Women whose body is unblemished and free of scars and the signs of age

The ideal is a young woman (but over 21yo), never married, never pregnant, who has never suckled, with good teeth and clear, unblemished skin. She may be thin or plump, blonde or brunette, or otherwise - the important quality is "virginity". When women marry, have children and age their value is diminished. "Virginity" is the quality that Slavetraders and Slavekeepers seek in cockslaves. As she loses her "virginity" according to these criteria a cockslave's value declines.

Basically, the thing that diminishes "virginity" is "wear and tear" upon the female body. Worn or damaged teeth indicates a loss of this quality. So too does blemished skin. In Code d' Ode men value clear, unblemished skin in a woman. Any blemish is regarded as a deviation from the ideal. This includes tattoos, birth-marks, scars, acne. The ideal is a body without any such marks. It is unfortunate that so many young women are now getting tattoos on their body. In Code d' Ode this is regarded as a blemish that detracts from the purity of feminine beauty.

It is true that odalisques may be tatooed or branded to mark them as cockslaves, but this mark is placed in the pubic delta so that it can be hidden by pubic hair. Tattoos or other marks elsewhere on the body - even if they are artistic and tasteful - are regarded as blemishes and imperfections. It is much preferred that a woman is not bearing a tattoo on her body in Code d' Ode.

In Code d' Ode sex play it is essential that nothing is done that might scar or blemish the skin of the cockslave. Every effort should be made to preserve the skin of a cockslave in its pristine, clear state. This is regarded as a measure of feminine beauty. For this reason whipping and lashing are not usually parts of Code d' Ode play and bondage play does not use devices that might bruise, cut, scrape or otherwise damage the cockslave's skin. Soft cloth materials, rather than chains and metal, are used to bind the cockslave in bondage play.

For her part, the cockslave is expected to look after her skin. She eats a diet that maintains fresh, young, supple skin and she uses such beauty products as necessary to keep her skin clean and pure. Cockslaves are expected to maintain and nurture their beauty, to look after their body and to be visually appealing to their Keeper.

The other part of feminine beauty much admired by men in Code d' Ode is a woman's "mool", her vulva, her cunt. Men in Code d' Ode seek a slave with an attractive, well-shaped vulva. In this respect there is a lot of variation among women. In some women, for example, the vulva protrude. In others the vulva are contracted. There are many different types of "mool". It is important - for obvious reasons - for a sexual slave to have an attractive vagina.

In the ideal there is a perfect crescent formed by the body from the belly to the anus. The perfect mool does not deviate from this crescent shape. The vaginal lips do not protrude or droop. Nor are they misshapen in any way so as to be sucked up into the body. Instead, they maintain a perfect line in a crescent or arch, like a moon, that extends from the navel to the anus. It can be seen by looking at the woman side-on. In Code d' Ode men are looking for this perfect crescent in a woman's form. It is regarded as a sign of great beauty and elegance.

Other matters come down to personal taste. There are no regulations in the Code dictating other parameters of feminine beauty. The essential things are:

(a) unblemished skin and
(b) a well-shaped mool.

Cockslaves are graded according to their "virginity" and the beauty of their mool.

In general Code d' Ode favours a preference for the natural female form and natural beauty. An odalisque is not a painted doll. Usually she will not need make-up or lipstick. It is her natural, unaffected beauty that is valued.

An odalisque should be expert in presenting her beauty to her Master in the manner he prefers. She should display herself to him as an ornament of beauty to be desired and admired. An odalisque is not constantly having sex. Sexual activity is only a part of her duties. For a large part of her time she will be presenting herself as a living erotic ornament to her Master, a sensual object for his visual enjoyment, "eye candy".

It is part of the etiquette of Code d' Odalisque for gentlemen, including Slavekeepers, to offer a compliment to slaves, praising their beauty. This is one of the rights of a slave under this code of manners. Although she is a slave and pledged to service and obedience, an odalisque is not a piece of trash. She is an object of beauty and deserving of respect and admiration.

Training of an odalisque includes the cultivation of her beauty. She must learn to care for her body, her hair, her posture and her appearance. She must maintain her appearance at the standards required by her Master.


An odalisque is essentially (i.e. physically and psychologically) naked. The naked female form is valued in Code d' Odalisque. An odalisque is not dressed up. Especially, she is not dressed up as a whore with suspenders, stocking, high-heels. She is naked and barefoot. Her beauty is natural and pristine. The aesthetics of Code d' Odalisque shun the pretensions of the whore or the slut. A slave is not permitted to indulge in such pretensions. Instead, she has been stripped bare. Her clothes and her shoes have been removed and are forbidden to her. This is one of the defining features of an odalisque. Nakedness is a symbol of her captivity and dependence. Her nakedness is her leash. Accordingly, men in Code d' Ode appreciate the simple nudity of a naked slave. They do not want her to be a painted whore. She is not trashy or cheap.

Much contemporary media eroticism is based upon the image of the whore. Prostitute chic. Many young women deliberately wear too much make-up, blood-red lipstick, fishnet stockings, mini-skirts, like street whores. They try to look trashy. This is not part of Code d' Ode eroticism. Again, a slave is NOT a whore and should never be dressed like one. The dignity and beauty of an odalisque is in her nakedness and her simplicity.

Similarly, a cockslave should not be dressed like a worker (memlook), a french maid or kitchen hand, for instance. An odalisque is not a domestic worker. It is common in modern erotica to depict attractive women in grungey industrial landscapes. This is not consistent with Code d' Ode erotic aesthetics. Beautiful hands are valued in a cockslave as an indication of her freedom from manual work.

The injunction that a slave must remain naked does not mean that she can never wear any garments at all. She can wear whatever garments her Keeper supplies for her, but he must be careful to always gaurd her nakedness and maintain her in a naked state. Whatever garments he supplies for her should not prevent her from being essentially naked. For example, she may wear a shawl or a veil - such garments do not stop her being naked. On the other hand, a set of garments like a soldier's outfit or a maid's outfit are costumes and when a woman wears them she is no longer naked. The nakedness of an odalisque should be maintained at all times. Selected garments might complement her nakedness but her naked state should not be compromised.

In a similar way, an odalisque is a barefoot slave. When a woman becomes an odalisque she surrenders her footwear to her Master. She is said to be "discalced" or unshod. In Code d' Ode aesthetics naked, barefooted women are appreciated. There is a distinct element of foot fetishism in Code d' Odalisque.

The other part of the female body to which Code d' Ode attaches aesthetic value is the back or nape of the neck. To bare the nape of the neck is a gesture of submission in Code d' Ode.


Question: I have a small tattoo on my lower back. Does this mean I can't be an odalisque?

Answer: No. But the tattoo will be regarded as a blemish. It means that your value as a cockslave (on the hypothetical slave market) is diminished. You can still be an odalisque but the tattoo is regarded as an imperfection.

Question: I have a birth-mark on my right thigh. Is that regarded as a blemish in Code d' Ode?

Answer: Yes, it is regarded as a blemish. It is a blemish of the skin. It will lower your value as a slave. But only slightly.

Question: Does Code d' Ode favor women with big breasts?

Answer: There is no preference. Different men have different preferences. Code d' Ode does not favor any particular physical characteristics except fine, clear skin and a beautiful, crescent-shaped vulva. They are the only aesthetic preferences in the Code itself. Otherwise, different players may express their own preferences and predilections according to their own tastes.

Question: What about BBWs, big, beautiful women?

Answer: There is no preference. Big women are as likely to be odalisques as slim women. Some men prefer big women. The Code does not specify any preferences and does not discriminate for or against any particular physical frame.

Question: Can an odalisque wear jewelry such as ear-rings?

Answer: Yes. With the permission of her Keeper. But never to the extent that she is made to look sluttish.

Question: I am a woman in my early fifties. Am I too old to be an odalisque?

Answer: Not at all. The crucial factor is aptitude and willingness. There are many advantages to owning an older slave. If she is sexually active and has the right temperament, a woman is never too old to serve as an odalisque. But for the purposes of sale price an older woman will be worth less than a young, nubile slave. That is to say, she is less "virgin".

Please note that while youth is a valued quality in a cockslave - and so young women are regarded as more "virgin" than older women - there are strict legal limits that must be observed at all times. ALL FEMALE PLAYERS MUST BE 21 YO OR OVER. "Sexy teens" are not suitable for Code d' Ode play.

The use of under-age slaves is illegal and unethical. No part of Code d' Odalisque may be construed as in any way permitting or encouraging the involvement of under age females in any capacity!

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