Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Status of Women

In response to some emails here are a few points on women and gender relations in Code d’ Ode, specifically answering the notion that Code d’ Ode might be evil and sexist:

1. A man purchases an odalisque because he loves woman. Slavekeepers in Code d’ Ode are resoundingly heterosexual - they love women. There is no room for women-haters in Code d’ Ode and there is nothing misogynistic about it. The whole tenor of the Code is about protecting and supporting women, about giving rights and a safety network to women who choose to be involved in adult sex slave games, and about the appreciation of the female form and female sexuality. Odalisques are treasured and regarded with great respect and celebrated for what they are.

2. Slaves are treated as slaves in Code d’ Odalisque because they are slaves and not because they are females. Females, per se, are not lesser than men in Code d’ Ode. But slaves, per se, are (obviously) lesser than both freemen and freewomen. There is nothing in Code d’ Ode that suggests that all men should be Masters over all women or that equates woman with slave. Because all odalisques are women, it does not follow that all women are odalisques.

3. No male player has any reason to regard a freewoman as a lesser being. Among freemen and freewomen, male and female are happily equal if they wish to be. There is no theoretical claim that males are superior to females, only that slaves should serve Masters.

Nevertheless, the Code does propose that:

“The dominance of human males over human females is biologically sanctioned even if it is not a sociological constant.” - 1.16

There are two things here: biology and sociology. Biology is the purely animal level. But no one denies that nurture (society) can modify nature, and does so to a great extent. Code d’ Ode is rooted in the undeniable biology of male/female sexuality of the male dominant/female submissive kind. No apology is made for this. Girls who love cock. Guys who love cunt. It is very basic.

4. Slavery in Code d’ Ode is purely sexual, so it is only on a sexual level that the female slave is necessarily submissive anyway. She may be a nuclear physicist on another level, or a successful high-powered business woman, but sexually she is a slave to her Master. Under Code d’ Odalisque a cockslave cannot be made to cook and clean and be treated as a beast of burden. She is preserved from toil. And she need not go out to work and make a living, toiling in factories or commerce. She is kept.

5. The only reason that only females can be odalisques is because of the nature of the service an odalisque provides and that a Slavekeeper demands - not because females are necessarily beneath men and therefore deserve to be enslaved.

6. A premise of Code d’ Ode is that only a few women are true odalisques. We do not suppose that all any woman is good for is her sex. Some women are born to be nuns. Some women are born to be housewives. Some women are born to be astronauts. But some women are born to be cockslaves. Women are diverse. We know that odalisques are rare and so we don’t treat all women like they should be on their knees worshipping our cocks.

The Code draws attention to the following fact:

1.15. - Female sexual servants

It is a constant in human social affairs that there is always a class of female who in one way or another have as their vocation the sexual satisfaction of men.

This does not imply in any way that ALL women should be cockslaves. But there is a (small) class of such women and there always has been. Code d’ Odalisque is for them.

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