Sunday, May 30, 2010

Phallic obsession

Phallic obsession is a central theme in Code d'Odalisque. An odalisque (cockslave) is, by definition, obsessed with cock. She has a much, much deeper love of cock than ordinary women – that is why she has decided to dedicate herself to sexual service. Cock is her god. She has a deep desire – a deep need – to serve cock. She only feels true to herself when she is in service to cock.

Obviously, such women are rare. While most women might have a natural love of cock, an odalisque's phallic obsessions extend much further and much deeper. She is truly obsessed. Her natural love of cock has consumed her. She is mad with cock lust. She wants nothing more than to serve. She has a deep instinct to serve.

The basis of cockworship in Code d' Ode, however, is not the same as most historical phallic worship. Throughout history and across many cultures people have worshipped the phallus, but usually as an object of fertility. Phallic cults have worshipped the male organ as the giver of life, the impregnator, the fountain of fertility.

In Code d' Ode phallic worship is not a fertility cult. Instead, it is a PLEASURE CULT. Code d' Ode is not about fertility. It is about pleasure and the pursuit of sexual ecstasy. The reason why a woman worships cock in Code d' Ode is not because cock is the carrier of life but because cock is the instrument and agent of pleasure and joy. Cock has the power to bring a woman to ecstasy, to transform her. No other power on earth can do this. This is why cock is worthy of worship.

The basis of phallic worship in Code d' Ode then is the phallus' power to transform and to bring ecstasy and joy. Why would a woman worship cock? Because, of all things in the world, cock is made to bring her to unspeakable ecstasy and orgasmic delight. She can find nothing else that moves her to the same degree. This is why she will worship cock. Because cock gives her a divine experience of joy. It has nothing to do with fertility. It is about pleasure, desire, delight. That is the basis for her obsession. She loves cock and wants to serve cock and reveres cock because of what cock can do to her.

It is important to realise that cockworship in Code d' Ode takes this form and has this foundation. It is not a fertility cult. It is more a tantric cult of ecstasy and transforming pleasure.

Note also that although an odalisque is a cockslave who serves and obeys a Master, it is not him who she worships. She obeys him. She serves him. But cock is her obsession. Cock is her god. (She could never serve a eunuch... ) Cock is the focus of her devotion.

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