Sunday, May 9, 2010



Code d' Odalisque makes a fundamental distinction between an odalisque and a 'memlook'. Here are the key points:

*A 'memlook' is a common slave, a low slave. An odalisque is a high slave, a specialised slave who has risen above the status of memlook.

*A memlook is a work slave. An odalisque is an erotic slave whose 'work' is the arts of love. An odalisque is spared from toil. She does not work. She is not a maid, a cook or a cleaner. Memlooks are domestic slaves.

*A memlook can be male or female whereas the role of odalisque (cockslave) is necessarily reserved for females. (Obviously, only a female can serve heterosexual Masters.)

*A memlook may be dressed and shod any way his/her Master chooses. Including in work clothes. An odalisque is essentially naked and barefooted.

*Memlooks can be used for sex, but they are not reserved for this role. An odalisque is dedicated to sexual service.

*An odalisque has many privileges not enjoyed by a memlook. For instance, she may eat with her Master. Usually a memlook would not be permitted at a Slavekeeper's table.

*Memlooks are not protected by the provisions of Code d' Odalisque. They have no rights under the Code. An odalisque has rights and is protected from violence and abuse. Memlooks have no such protection.

*Memlooks cannot be owned by odalisques but they can be made to serve odalisques. An odalisque, that is, can be served by another slave. This is one of the privileges of odalisques.

*Most slaves in contemporary BDSM play are probably best classified as memlooks. They can be included in Code play in this role. Females can be elevated into the higher status of 'odalisque'.

(The word 'memlook' is a corruption of 'Mamluke', an ethnic group once made slaves by the Arabs.)

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