Saturday, June 12, 2010


Question: What does the word "mool" mean?

The word "mool" is used in Code d' Odalisque to refer to the female genitalia, the vagina, the cunt. It is part of a small specialised vocabulary. Every game, lifestyle, sub-culture has its own jargon which is known to and used by the "scene". In Code d' Ode the term used for the female genitals is "mool". By extension, a slave may be referred to as "mool" as in the sentence, "She is very nice mool."

The word itself is an old slang term and comes from the same root as words like "mollusc" = shell fish, oyster. The visual similarity between the vulva and the lipped shell of some molluscs should be obvious. Many languages have slang terms for the vulva that draw attention to their similarity to the lips of oyster shells.

By extension, in this comparison, if the female genitals are being compared to an oyster, then inside the oyster is the "black pearl". The in-house jargon and sexual symbolism of Code d' Odalisque includes these elements. Today the Slavekeeper's Guild for practitioners of this style of slave play is called the 'Guild of the Black Pearl'.

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