Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Question: I was reading that some historians say that odalisques were not sex slaves. Your depiction of odalisques is wrong.

Code d' Odalisque is a creative enterprise. It does not purport to be historically accurate. And in so far as it draws upon historical models, those models are NOT the real history of slaves in Ottoman Turkey. Instead, Code d' Ode draws upon odalisques as they were IMAGINED by Europeans in the 18th and 19th centuries. The values and aesthetics of Code d' Ode - and the fantasy of it - are taken from the works of European Orientalists, not history books about Ottoman society. The inspiration for Code d' Odalisque was the paintings of hareems and naked slaves done by European painters.

The point is that Europeans IMAGINED odalisques in this way. Code d' Ode draws upon those imaginings as its "historical" material. Otherwise, we are not interested in history and what historians might say. Code d' Ode is about pleasure and fantasy, creative hedonism - who cares what historians say?

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