Monday, June 13, 2011


It is usually necessary to attend to the slave's walk. A slavewoman should be trained to walk in an elegant and graceful manner. Things that usually help:

*Make her imagine that she has a string holding her up like a puppet. The string is tied to the base of her spine, goes up her spine and out the crown of her head. This helps her to walk straighter and to correct slouching and poor posture.

*Make her take smaller steps. An odalisque doesn’t stride. Most slaves can improve their walk by taking slightly smaller steps. (But not tiny steps like a geisha.)

*Draw a line on the floor. Make her walk along the line with her heal on the line at every step. The female frame is made to walk on a single line. The male body (with its external genitals) is made to walk along two parallel lines. You can make your slave’s walk more *feminine* by training her to walk along a single line.

Attending to how the slave walks is a key element of her refinement. She should be graceful and refined sitting, standing, walking.

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