Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Large Ladies

Question: "Do odalisques have to be beautiful? All the women in your pictures are young and slim. I'm not. But I would love to be an odalisque. Is there any place for plain women, older women or large ladies?"

Code d' Odalisque does not express any preference for any type of female body. All types can be beautiful, and it is her submission and her devotion and her willingness to serve that makes an odalisque beautiful. Large women, as well as slim women, big or petite - any woman can be an odalisque provided she has the aptitude and disposition.

You will find that among men there are a wide range of tastes. Some men prefer large ladies even though the fashion industry promotes slim ones. Any mature gentleman will understand that women in real life are not like women in magazines. Do not feel that you would be left unowned. Odalisques are rare. Slavekeepers cannot be too fussy and expect them to be supermodels.

People speak of the "slave heart" - that someone has a slave's heart. That is what matters. Women should not feel that they are excluded from serving as odalisques just because they are no longer young and slim. The desire to serve is what matters and if that is sincere then men will see your beauty.

Submissive females often have low self-esteem and a poor body image. That is part of their submissive personality. They should not think "I am too ugly to be an odalisque." The urge to serve is what is crucial. They should follow that urge and let the gentlemen who are put over them be judges of their beauty. And part of the training of an odalisque is teaching her how to be beautiful. Any woman can be beautiful.

If a woman has a genuine urge to serve as an odalisque, her age and body shape and size do not matter.

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