Sunday, October 9, 2011

Essentially naked

One of the mottos of Code d’ Odalisque is “Nakedness is her leash!” This refers to the use of nakedness as a method of control in odalisque slavery. A low slave – a “memlook” in Code terminology – may be required to wear a collar and may be kept on a leash. She also wears clothing appropriate to her work. An odalisque, however, is elevated above the status of a memlook. This means, amongst other things, that she is preserved from labor – she is not a beast of burden. She is a luxury pleasure slave, kept for sex.

Accordingly, she is not usually leashed like an animal, and there is no need for her to wear clothing. Instead, she is kept naked or, as the Code states, “essentially naked”. As a sexual slave there is no need for her to wear the protective clothing of a worker. Instead, she is an object of beauty. She is treasured for her sexuality.

For example, a low slave (memlook) may be required to cook for her Master like a common domestic servant. Since cooking involves hot liquids and oils such a slave will normally wear suitable clothing in the kitchen. It is foolish to cook naked or half-dressed – you will almost certainly end up scarred by burns. But since an odalisque is not required to cook she does not need protective clothing. Her duties only consist of displaying her beauty and servicing her Master’s bed. In keeping with this limited and specific role she is kept “essentially naked”.

This means that her Master may provide her with some clothing – for warmth and to enhance her beauty - but he should be careful not to dress her like a work slave. And since she is kept naked, her nakedness becomes her leash. Her Master controls her clothing and in this way controls her. Thus, most obviously, if she is kept naked then she cannot leave the house at will. She is naked and barefooted and has no access to clothing.

This is an implicit restriction upon her movements. Keeping her naked is a way of keeping her captive. There is therefore no need for a collar and leash. The collar and leash are symbols of the low slave (memlook). The odalisque enjoys freedom from collar and leash – she is kept naked instead. This is a fundamental aspect of odalisque slavery as distinct from other styles of female submissive Master/slave play. If you own an odalisque, she is kept naked. She is not a work slave. She is kept unclothed and unshod for her Master’s visual enjoyment.

She need not be completely naked at all times. Typically, her Master will supply her with a shawl or other loose or see-through garments. But she is “essentially naked” as is appropriate to her duties. She is “essentially naked” because she is always sexually available to her Master.

The first thing a man should do when he acquires an odalisque is take control of her clothing and her footwear. Her nakedness is her leash. This is an important difference between odalisque slavery and other types of Master/slave lifestyle. An odalisque’s nakedness defines her and distinguishes her from low slaves.

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