Monday, August 29, 2011


Question: My wife wants to be my odalisque, but we want to do it properly. How do I go about “buying” her?

Slaves are purchased. An odalisque should be purchased. She is not whore for hire and she is not a slut who is taken for free. If your wife wants to be your slave then you should “buy” her, yes. This is important. If she is not purchased, she is not a slave.

To purchase your slave is very simple. Under Code d’ Odalisque – which is to say under modern, consensual slave play – the slave price is always commuted to alms. That means that the Slaveowner must pay a slave price, as always, but these days that price is given to charity. Code d’ Ode operates as a system of charity. The slave price is commuted to alms and paid to an appropriate charity.

The steps are as follows:

*You can, if you wish, assess and grade your slave and set her a nominal slave price. This is optional.

*The slave nominates a suitable charity. (This should be a charity devoted to helping women and girls caught in illegal prostitution.) The slave tells her owner that she wants the slave price paid to such-and-such a charity.

*The Slaveowner makes a donation to the nominated charity.

Once the donation is made, the slaveprice has been paid and the slave is officially purchased.

Note that the amount paid is up to the Slaveowner. He makes a suitable donation to the charity named by the slave. He decides how much to donate.

Note that he is not obliged to tell the slave how much he donated. Nor is he required to provide any proof to her that he made the donation. The Owner simple goes to his slave and says, “I have paid the slave price.” She does not know how much he donated and nor does she have proof that he paid it. She must trust that he has “paid the slaveprice.”

For example, a woman might name ‘The National Campaign for the Protection of Children” as her preferred charity. This is an organization that fights child prostitution.

Her prospective Slaveowner then donates, say, $300 to this organization.

He does not tell her how much he paid.
He does not show her the receipt.
He merely goes to her and says, “The slaveprice has been paid.”

At this, she is officially purchased. The slave price has been “commuted to alms”.

It makes a considerable psychological difference that the slave has been purchased in this way.

It is, of course, illegal to traffic in human beings. This aspect of consensual slavery must be simulated. No money changes hands between players. In modern consensual play, the slaveprice is paid as charity. This is how a man “purchases” his sex slave.

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