Thursday, August 4, 2011

How often?

How often, on average, would an odalisque have to service her Master?

There is no single answer to such a question: there is too much variation between cases. On the whole, though, the answer to the question is: often. An odalisque is dedicated to sexual service. Much will depend upon the temperament of her Keeper, but in general an odalisque can expect to serve her Keeper sexually very often – that is why a man keeps an odalisque and that is what odalisques are for. This might mean service every day, or more often.

Let us recall that odalisque slavery is about sexual exploration. It necessarily involves frequent and often intense sexual activity. Any woman who consents to live an odalisque’s life must expect frequent and often intense sexual activity.

There are certain other factors that need to be considered:

Usually under Code d’ Ode a Slavekeeper can share his slave with other gentlemen. This will increase the frequency of her service.

Under the articles of the Code a slave is entitled to sex-free days. A Keeper cannot put her to excessive use. She is also exempt from service during menstruation.

In practice, it is notable to us that the problem most often encountered is that slaves are not put to enough use. Excessive use is not the problem. The problem is that Keepers lack the stamina and imagination to put a slave to frequent use. Slaves get bored and are under utilized. Slavekeepers must endeavour to put their slave to regular use - a slave also has the right to be used.

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