Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Drinking wine

One of the restrictions placed upon an odalisque is that she is not permitted to drink wine (alcohol) from a glass of her own accord – she may only drink from her Master’s glass; he feeds it to her. At “Wine Nights” and other occasions where a Slavekeeper enjoys wine, an odalisque is not permitted to have her own glass of wine. Instead, she sips from her Master’s glass. Her hands should not touch the glass. They should be crossed as if bound. He “plies” her with his wine by putting his glass to her lips. She is not allowed to be in control of her own glass, or - by extension - her consumption of alcohol. Her Master controls that.

Among slaves, an odalisque has many privileges, but wine drinking of her own accord is not one of them. In this, she is submissive and compliant, humble before her Master. .

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