Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Women and work

We live in times of radically changing work patterns and economic uncertainty. Generally speaking there is less work to go around than ever before. In advanced economies manufacturing industries have collapsed and hi-tech industries only make up the difference temporarily. There's more part-time and casual work and fewer uninteruipted career paths. Whereas the photography company Kodak once employed 140,000 people, the hi-tech company Instagram employs a grand total of thirteen employees. Accordingly, we face a world of increasing unemployment and even more under-employment. Times are uncertain. Even the idea that a college degree will assure you of a career no longer holds; more and more people are paying more and more for degrees that are obsolete before they even graduate. The job market is increasingly competitive and state welfare is increasingly unaffordable. The halcyon post-war era of full employment in lifelong careers and of the welfare state safety-net are gone. 

The people most effected by these circumstances are those least able to look after themselves in the rough-and-tumble of a cut-throat market. This includes - as a group - submissive women. These are highly feminine women who tend to be shy, introverted and unassertive. Already, such women have been forced into the workforce by the feminist revolution which insists that women only have value when they compete with men on equal terms. The market favours masculine and assertive, dominant women. Submissive women are marginalized in a feminist society. They end up in poorly paid and trivial occupations, waiting tables or cleaning. Others suffer a worse fate. As we see in eastern European countries, and elsewhere, a trade soon begins to exploit submissive women, herding them into prostitution rackets. Forced prostitution is thriving in the world today. It targets vulnerable, unemployed women who have been displaced in the new economy.

The odalisque lifestyle presents itself as an alternative. Assuredly, it is only suitable for a small number of women who have real aptitude, but there is a class of submissive female for whom life as an odalisque - a sexual servant - would be fulfilling. The deal is that a gentleman owns and keeps an odalisque as his personal sexual servant. She is kept from toil and does not work. She serves through her beauty and her sex. She is protected from abuse and harm and maintained in a life of idleness and luxury. It is an opulent slavery. Her only duties are to be a compliant and willing sexual servant to her Master.

How is this better than waiting tables or washing dishes or wiping the backsides of incontinent old folks in aged care homes? Some women - contrary to all feminist assumptions - identify their beauty and their sex as their strongest asset in life. Why should a beautiful, sexy woman waste her eroticism working ten hour shifts in cafe kitchens? Why not put her assets to work for her instead? Instead of demeaning hack work, an odalisque can enjoy a life of luxury and pleasure where she spends her days doing what she is good at: fucking. There really are women who can boast that sex is what they do best. Why not enjoy a life where you can do what you do well?

How, then, would the odalisque's life be better than prostitution? The answer to this should be obvious. A prostitute's life is hazardous at best. Prostitution is usually outside the law and is subject to the violence and corruption of pimps, organised crime, crooked cops, as well as a sub-culture steeped in drug addiction and disease. It is not a glamorous life. Once again, submissive unassertive women miss out. Women who succeed as prostitutes tend to be toughened to the savagery of the street, hard women with strong preservation instincts. Its a life that will crush a shrinking violet. It is a life that brutalizes sensitive females.

The motto of Slavekeepers under Code d' Odalisque is: Protect. Nurture. Enjoy. The odalisque is protected, nurtured and enjoyed. It is an easy life of indulgence. The odalisque is protected from the destructive obligations of labour and is sheltered from prostitution. She is looked after and regarded as a treasure. She lives exempt from the workforce. She makes her living from sex, like a prostitute, but the sex is much more fun and instead of a pimp she has a Master whose first obligation is her welfare. For such women, bonded service is a much better deal than hire service.

But, you say, a slave is a slave. Why would any woman surrender into a state of slavery? The answer is that any average job is a form of slavery too. Wage slavery. As if washing dishes for $8 an hour isn't slavery. As if working nightshift at an all-night drive-thru for miserable wages, dealing with rude and abusive customers, isn't slavery. Only the wealthy are self-determining. In hard times especially most people - submissive women, in particular - are reduced to wage slaves whose lives are a day to day struggle. What is "freedom" worth then?

What about motherhood and marriage? This is an option for some women, but again the feminists have worked hard to ensure that those traditional roles are difficult to sustain. Not all women are suited to it, though. Some women are naturals. They have the body and the psychology that makes child-bearing natural to them, and they find motherhood extremely fulfilling. But the life of the mother/wife isn’t glamorous either; it can be a life of drudgery, dirty nappies and sleepless nights. The feminists are right to say that motherhood is not for every woman and should not be compulsory just because a woman has a womb. Far more women are suited to those traditional roles than the feminists imagine, but it is still not for everyone. (Marriage too is a slavery. That's why its called "the old ball and chain.")

Code d' Odalisque is founded upon the sure conviction that there are a certain number of women in the world who would find the odalisque's life both a refuge from social brutality and a rewarding adventure. Much depends upon a kind Master, of course, but the framework created by the Code is designed to discourage women-haters and sadists and psychopaths, all of whom prey upon vulnerable female submissives. The Code establishes a noble ideal of slavekeeping, a space for sexually submissive women to find protection and nurture. This is the stated mission of Code d’ Odalisque.

If a woman loves sex, if her real skill in life is entertaining and satisfying gentlemen, if she can find no dignity in lousy low-paid jobs, if she is not looking for marriage and children, if she is submissive and non-assertive by nature and seeks refuge from the harsh economic realities of our age, the odalisque lifestyle offers itself as a possible alternative.

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