Friday, June 14, 2013

La Fille (repost)

26.19. - The use of the nickname 'La Fille'

As a term of endearment, a Keeper may refer to his odalisque by the French la fille (girl) and employ it in the manner of a nickname. Only a slave's Keeper may use this form.

Examples of correct form:

La Fille! Your Keeper wants to see you.

Your Keeper wants your services tonight, La Fille!

One of the French elements of Code play is the use of the term “la fille” (pronounced la fee) as a nickname, a term of endearment and familiarity. A Slavekeeper will refer to his odalisque as “la fille”, as in the following scenario:

He thought for a moment, before turning his attention to his slave.

“La Fille,” he said, “I am endeavoring to organize guests for tomorrow night. I am letting you know. Mr Harris. Mr Cousins. I am having them around for dinner.”

“Oui,” said the slave meekly.

Only a Slavekeeper may refer to a slave in this way. It is a nickname exclusive to the Master/slave bond.

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