Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Married Couples Owning Slaves (Repost)

It often happens that married couples play bedroom slave games, but in fact good wives do not necessarily make good cockslaves. The odalisque role is quite different to that of a wife. So, a better option that couples should consider is for them – as a couple – to purchase and keep an odalisque to service their fantasies and needs.

In such a case, the odalisque will belong to the husband, since an odalisque must be directly responsible to a Master. She serves her Master and obeys him. She does not serve her Master’s wife. But – upon her Master’s instructions - she will serve the erotic needs of the Master and his wife both.

26.35. - Addressing the wife of a Slavekeeper

When an odalisque addresses the wife of her Keeper she does so with "Madam". Thus "Keeper and Madam". But not "Madam Slavekeeper". The Master's surname is used, "Madam [Jones]"

Let us suppose you are a horny middle aged couple. You own a large house, empty since your kids grew up and moved away.

Advertise for a woman to be your odalisque. She lives with you, occluded, secret from the world. She is kept naked. She has her own room. You use her in your sexual fantasies. Most nights you put her to use. As a couple you use the slave as a willing fuckpuppet, a toy, to explore your fantasies. Your odalisque is a luxurious indulgence, pure decadence.

An odalisque is a female sexual servant.

It could be what your marriage needs.

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