Monday, May 27, 2013

The Odella

One of the privileges enjoyed by an odalisque is that she is entitled to her own quarters. This is not true of low slaves (memlooks). Memlooks may be made to sleep anywhere: they have no bedroom of their own. An odalisque, however, must have her own room, officially called her "odella". It is at once her bedroom and her prison. Ordinarily, an odalisque will spend a lot of time in her odella. She remains there until she is needed by her Master, or until she is otherwise given permission to leave.

The ambience of an odella should not be dank and grungy. Rather it should be sensuous and evoke pleasure and sensuality. It should be well heated and well ventilated. At the same time, it should be private. This is very important. An odalisque should be hidden and kept away from the prying eyes of the world. An odella need not be big, but it should also be more than a converted cupboard. Usually, an existing bedroom can be adapted to the purpose. Paint. Redecorate. Black out the windows. Hang heavy velvet drapes and lace features. Install a modern heating unit. A bed. A bedside table. A small bookshelf. A writing desk. Floor pillows. Rugs. Other things such as a TV or a laptop computer may be provided subject to the generosity of the Slavekeeper.

An important point regarding an odella, under the provisions and protocols of Code d' Odalisque, is that it is not an arena for sex. A Slavekeeper has his own room dedicated to that: his "saray". A saray is a Slavekeeper's playroom, and it is the natural centre of sexual activity. Under the Code, the slave's odella is not a place for sex; it is the slave's retreat. When her Master wants to use her, he calls her from her odella and takes her to his saray or elsewhere.

Accordingly, there is no need to put sexual devices or sex-appropriate furnishings in an odella. A saray will usually feature chairs, beds, benches or divans specifically for the purposes of assisting with sex. There is no need for such considerations when decorating the odella. There should be the bed - it need only be a single bed - along with basic comforts. The odalisque goes naked (most of the time) so there is also no need for wardrobes and storage for clothes. Some attention should be given to surfaces: soft surfaces, silks, cotton etc. are best.

Since the odalisque is naked (or nearly so) most of the time, it is important to have good thermal control of the odella. It should be well insulated with no draughts. It should be possible to regulate the temperature in the odella to keep it at a comfortable temperature for the slave. (Most people find a temperature around 78 deg. F. is comfortable when naked.)

It is highly desirable for an odella to have its own en suite. Bathing and grooming are important odalisque activities. An odalisque needs good bathing facilities. The provision of a decent odella, suitably heated, and good bathing facilities are among the costs incurred by the gentleman who would own an odalisque.

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