Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Skin care - dry brushing

24.18. - Attending to skin care

An odalisque shall attend to the health and care of her skin and adopt a diet and regime that has healthy skin, free of blemishes, as its objective.

An odalisque is essentially barefoot and naked. Her nakedness is her leash. When in occlusion, she is kept naked, a naked sex slave. Accordingly, she doesn’t have to attend to matters of clothing, but being nude she does have to attend to the good care of her skin. A Slavekeeper does not want his slave presenting to him with poor oily skin and acne. An odalisque is expected to care for her skin through hygiene, grooming and diet.

An especially useful practice for odalisques is dry skin brushing. This involves brushing the whole skin with lightly abrasive brushes and cloths before showering or bathing. It removes dead skin and cellulite, improves detoxification and has many other benefits to the general health. Regular dry skin brushing, along with a healthy diet and plenty of water, is a sure technique for healthier, cleaner, younger more radiant and toned and beautiful skin with fewer blemishes. 

There are a range of brushes, cloths, slings and other devices and products for dry skin brushing. Long-handled brushes and slings enable brushing of the back and buttocks. It is especially important to dry brush these areas because they tend to have spots and zits and are zones for the elimination of wastes through the skin. A finer cloth – rather than a brush – should be used for dry brushing the skin on the face which is more delicate and prone to scratching. The whole body is dry brushed, including the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands. As well as the many health and beauty benefits of dry brushing, it also enlivens the skin, stimulates the nerve ends, and makes the skin more sensitive to touch and stimulation. That is, it improves erotic sensitivity. 

It is good practice for an odalisque to dry brush her whole body for at least fifteen minutes every day. This will produce a very noticeable improvement in the tone of her skin in a short time. If her skin tends to be dry (from air conditioning or heating) then she should rub in a vitamin E cream or aloe vera or equivalent once a week or as needed.

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