Thursday, July 7, 2011


Is there a bond of love between a Slavekeeper and a slave in Code d’ Odalisque? Does the slave love her Keeper? Or is it cold and emotionless?

While it is possible for a man’s wife or girlfriend to play the role of odalisque for him, nevertheless a wife or a girlfriend is a very different thing than a sex slave. If people are looking for emotional companionship, they would be wrong to seek it in odalisque slavery. An odalisque is not an emotional partner. If a man wants an emotional partner he should be looking for a wife or a girlfriend. Similarly, a woman should not become an odalisque if what she is really seeking is a deep emotional relationship.

Odalisque slavery is essentially sexual. An odalisque is a sexual servant. In this, she is no more emotional than is a prostitute. A prostitute provides sexual relief for her customers. It is improper for her to fall in love with her clients and it is improper for them to fall in love with her. An odalisque – though not a prostitute – is no different in this regard.

It is important not to confuse roles. It is important to realize that her role is essentially sexual with no intrinsic emotional dimension. Indeed, emotional attachments can (and often do) interfere with the whole purpose of odalisque slavery – the provision of creative sexual adventure. An odalisque is a captive slave. Scenario: a perverse sex fiend kidnaps a beautiful woman and keeps her as a naked captive for his unrestrained sexual use. There is no place for romance in this scenario.

Certainly, a Slavekeeper should seek to fulfill his emotional needs with women other than his odalisque. If his odalisque is also his wife or girlfriend, keeping a clear distinction between roles will be important. His relationship with her as odalisque will be sexual and aesthetic, not romantic and emotional.

For an odalisque, the fact that she is choosing to spend part of her life as an odalisque says that, at this present time, she is not looking for an emotional relationship. If she is, she should forget about being an odalisque and seek a husband or boyfriend, or look for a different type of Master/slave arrangment.

She cannot expect life as a captive, consensual sexual slave to be deeply emotional in itself. Her fulfillment comes through service, through sexual satisfaction, completion of her duties. She can (with her Master’s permission) have friendships and other relationships (with an Overmistress, for example) and can find some richness and warmth in them. These are natural needs. But her relationship with her Master is not essentially emotional.

An odalisque is not expected to love her Master. Not in the romantic sense of “love”. Respect, certainly. But not necessarily love. Any servant is expected to respect - but not fall in love with - their Master.

The motto ‘Man is her Master, cock is her god’ is relevant to these matters. In some types of femsub Master/slave relationship, the slave becomes completely absorbed in the personality (and ego) of her Master. He becomes her god. She loves him as a devotee loves a deity. A consuming love. An absolute love. This is not the case of Code d’ Odalisque. Instead, the slave is sex focused. Cock is her god. She is not looking for emotional deep and meaningfuls, she is looking to be used for sex. She obeys her Master. She respects her Master. But he is her captor, not her Beloved. Her heart must lie in cock-worship – that is her real passion - and her relationship with her Master has this foundation. The difference in emphasis is important.

This is not to deny that odalisques (real human beings, after all) have no emotional needs. Everyone does. But a woman becomes an odalisque at a time in her life when she has decided that she is not up for intense or involved emotional relationships.

In any case, usually women with aptitude for the odalisque lifestyle have low emotional needs. This psychological type gets much of her emotional fulfillment and sense of completion through being desired and used sexually. She finds self-definition and inner security through being desired.

This is one of the key things that makes her an odalisque. Psychologically, she has low emotional needs but high sexual needs. Women who are suited to the odalisque role are often of the type that seek emotional meaning through being desired and used. (Such women – as a type - often come across as emotionally limited but sexually compulsive.)

1 comment:

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