Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Standards of grading?

Question: Is the assessment and grading of slaves objective or is there no standard method?

The Code only sets out the parameters of assessment and leaves it for Slavetraders and others to reach an agreed standard. This is necessarily subjective, but it is done according to the guidelines of the Code which list the factors to be considered. Slaves are graded against an ideal, namely:

A triple A – highest grade – odalisque is young, has never been married and has never been pregnant, has unblemished skin and perfect teeth as well as a perfectly crescent well-formed vulva.

In practice various Coders seem to use different methods. The original documents that were compiled into Code d’ Odalisque did not detail a specific method. In time it is hoped an objective standard emerges. This is an area of Code d’ O that will develop as more gentlemen become involved.

As a rough guide, though, here is one scheme. This uses a tally of points very similar to that used in judging, say, thoroughbred horses.

The grades by point are as follows:

AAA = 100-90
AA 90-80
A 80-70
BBB 70-60
BB 60-50
B 50-40
CCC 40-30
CC 30-20
C 20-0

The points are scored as follows:

Teeth = 10
Skin = 20
Vulva = 10
Age = 20
Married = 5
Years married = 5
Pregnant = 5
Birth = 20
Years suckled = 5

Teeth = graded out of 10. Ten points for perfect teeth down to zero points for
full false teeth. Average is 5.

Skin = graded out of 20. Twenty points for perfect. 10 is average.

Vulva = graded out of ten.

Age = 21-24yo is 20 points. Subtract one point per year after that.

Married = no is 5 points. Yes, once, is 2pts. Twice or more is zero.

Years married = none is 5 pts. 1 or 2 years is 4pts. Subtract a point for every
two years.

Pregnant = No is 5 pts. Yes, once, is 2pts. Twice or more is zero.

Birth = No is 20pts. Yes, once, is 10 pts. Two is 5 pts and more is zero.

Years suckled = None is 5pts. Subtract a point for every year.


Average woman of 35 years. Married for 5 years. Twice pregnant. One child.
Suckled two years.

Teeth = 6
Skin = 14
Vulva = 7
Age = 9
Married = 2
Years married = 2
Pregnant = 0
Birth = 10
Suckled = 3

Total = 53 (The BB grade)


But there is as yet no uniformity in this. Several gentlemen presently active in Code d' Odalisque who are using different scales to this.

All the same, given the guidelines in the Code, it is not difficult for gentlemen to reach an agreed assessment of any particular slave. The grading of slaves is based upon objective criteria. Judgments of “beauty” and personal taste are not involved. Usually, the older the woman the lower her grading. This is because an odalisque loses value through the “wear and tear” of life. Inevitably, age takes its toll.

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