Mr Lewis commands Mademoiselle Qamra to ‘Tongue’
With her eyes downcast but her shoulders square, Mademoiselle Qamra stood to one side, patient while her Master finished his conversation. He laughed jovially on the phone, then concluded his business and hung up. He thought for a moment, before turning his attention to his slave.
“Le Fille,” he said, “I am endeavoring to organize guests for tomorrow night. I am letting you know. Mr Harris. Mr Cousins. I am having them around for dinner.”
“Oui,” said the slave meekly.
Her Master then stood up and walked towards her.
He considered her beauty. Her brown skin. The shapeliness of her hips. The smoothness of her thighs. Her breasts and nipples. He stopped and looked over her body in the dim shadow of the corner where she stood. He looked her up and down.
She could feel his eyes on her nakedness but she didn’t flinch, not a muscle. Her gaze remained downcast, her heart in a helpless submission.
The Slavekeeper stepped to another position where he could admire her form from a different angle. Her deliciousness. ‘O my…,’ he was thinking to himself, feeling himself smitten once more by her beauty.
She was succulent. Gorgeous. For a moment he looked at her entranced.
Then, snapping out of it, he gave her a sudden command in a firm voice.
“Tongue!’ he said.
Immediately, Mademoiselle Qamra lifted her face, dropped her hands by her side, looked directly ahead and extended her tongue between her red, thick lips.
The Slavekeeper paused to look upon her once more. Now she seemed less coy, less timid. Upon his command she was suddenly lewd, blatant. Without a hesitation she reveled her sexual persona.
She extended her tongue out as far as she could, willing and obedient.
He stepped closer. Her face was fixed. She breathed softly through her nose. Her eyes were directed ahead at attention, unmoving. She looked more actively sexual. Now it was her face – and the beautiful wet pinkness of her tongue, her lovely tongue, extended in readiness and submission – that fascinated him.
‘Its true!’ he thought to himself, ‘I love her tongue!’
Suddenly he stepped right up to her, bent his head down to her level and, in a single motion, put his mouth around her tongue – all of her tongue - until their lips were meeting. Quite forcefully, he sucked and slurped.
Still looking ahead, she remained static – like a living statue – as he sucked, her eyes wide open, forward, his eyes closed.
He tasted her. Then he broke the kiss and stepped back.
The slave remained statuesque for another moment but now let her tongue recede into her mouth. Then, shyly, she resumed First Position, eyes down.
Her Keeper went and sat in his chair, directing her to come closer to him.
“I just want you to dance for me, tonight, Le Fille,” he said. “We will save other entertainments for tomorrow night with Mr Harris and Mr Cousins…”
- from The Whiteflower Bathhouse
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Non-violent slave play
From its inception over a decade ago Code d’ Odalisque has sought to cater for submissive women who are NOT interested in SM (sado-masochism). Just because a woman is sexually submissive – just because she finds fulfillment in erotic service – does not necessarily mean she enjoys spanking, beating, whipping, nipple-torture or other forms of pain and torture. There are many women who are submissive who do not get a kick out of pain. Code d’ Ode is non-SM. It caters to such women. It offers a non-violent hedonistic codification of consensual sex slave play. It does not draw inspiration from the Marquis de Sade.
We often receive emails from women who relate to us many bad experiences they have had in the contemporary BDSM community. They have been looking to fulfill their submissive nature through selfless service and obedience to a Master. Instead, they have fallen into scenes where they have been submitted to torture and abuse and used to satisfy men’s sadistic urges. Code d’ Odalisque offers such women a new alternative – a carefully codified framework of non-violent sexual slave play. It is for women who want to be submissive sex slaves who are used for erotic pleasure, not for sado-masochistic thrills.
There are, of course, women who do enjoy pain and are happy to play sado-masochist games. That is fine - safe play between consenting adults is entirely legal. But there needs to be a non-violent alternative. Code d' Ode is a revival of the venerable institution of the oriental pleasure slave in a modern, consent-based style. It evokes an era of opulence and hedonism. SM play is not a normal part of Code d' Odalisque.
We often receive emails from women who relate to us many bad experiences they have had in the contemporary BDSM community. They have been looking to fulfill their submissive nature through selfless service and obedience to a Master. Instead, they have fallen into scenes where they have been submitted to torture and abuse and used to satisfy men’s sadistic urges. Code d’ Odalisque offers such women a new alternative – a carefully codified framework of non-violent sexual slave play. It is for women who want to be submissive sex slaves who are used for erotic pleasure, not for sado-masochistic thrills.
There are, of course, women who do enjoy pain and are happy to play sado-masochist games. That is fine - safe play between consenting adults is entirely legal. But there needs to be a non-violent alternative. Code d' Ode is a revival of the venerable institution of the oriental pleasure slave in a modern, consent-based style. It evokes an era of opulence and hedonism. SM play is not a normal part of Code d' Odalisque.
Monday, May 30, 2011
A ritual method of kissing used in Code d’ Odalisque is described in article 17.21:
An odalisque shall be trained to the command "Tongue!" At the command "Tongue!" the slave will extend her tongue between her lips and hold her face so as to offer her tongue to her Keeper. The ritual mode of kissing in Code d' Odalisque is for the Keeper to suck vigorously the slave's tongue. The slave holds her tongue still. This device may be used at the beginning of play. The slave stands and is given the command "Tongue!" She extends her tongue, eyes open, staring directly ahead. Her Keeper approaches and sucks her tongue.
This is self-explanatory. The slave stands, holds out her tongue and the “kissing” consists of her Keeper sucking on her tongue. This is how he “tastes” his slave. The focus of the kiss is the slave’s tongue. Every part of the slave’s body is subject to her Master’s examination. Here he considers her tongue.
The slave – note - should not respond to the kiss. She stands still, eyes looking directly ahead and makes no response. She is merely offering her tongue. She holds her tongue out and still. She remains unmoved as her Keeper approaches and sucks her tongue. She remains entirely passive. He may suck her whole tongue or he may suck just the tip. In either case, this is used as a form of kiss.
To practice, teach your slave to extend her tongue on the command, “Tongue!” She should stand upright, tongue out, face up and forward, eyes looking directly ahead. Make her stand thus for a few minutes at a time. Then consider how – in what way – you might like to suck her tongue. Passionately? Gently? A peck on the tip? Deep and slow? A Slavekeeper can enjoy her tongue as he wills - she holds it out for him and remains still.
Needless to say, a slave’s tongue should be clean and pink for her Master’s enjoyment. An odalisque looks after her health, eats well and maintains exemplary oral hygiene.
An odalisque shall be trained to the command "Tongue!" At the command "Tongue!" the slave will extend her tongue between her lips and hold her face so as to offer her tongue to her Keeper. The ritual mode of kissing in Code d' Odalisque is for the Keeper to suck vigorously the slave's tongue. The slave holds her tongue still. This device may be used at the beginning of play. The slave stands and is given the command "Tongue!" She extends her tongue, eyes open, staring directly ahead. Her Keeper approaches and sucks her tongue.
This is self-explanatory. The slave stands, holds out her tongue and the “kissing” consists of her Keeper sucking on her tongue. This is how he “tastes” his slave. The focus of the kiss is the slave’s tongue. Every part of the slave’s body is subject to her Master’s examination. Here he considers her tongue.
The slave – note - should not respond to the kiss. She stands still, eyes looking directly ahead and makes no response. She is merely offering her tongue. She holds her tongue out and still. She remains unmoved as her Keeper approaches and sucks her tongue. She remains entirely passive. He may suck her whole tongue or he may suck just the tip. In either case, this is used as a form of kiss.
To practice, teach your slave to extend her tongue on the command, “Tongue!” She should stand upright, tongue out, face up and forward, eyes looking directly ahead. Make her stand thus for a few minutes at a time. Then consider how – in what way – you might like to suck her tongue. Passionately? Gently? A peck on the tip? Deep and slow? A Slavekeeper can enjoy her tongue as he wills - she holds it out for him and remains still.
Needless to say, a slave’s tongue should be clean and pink for her Master’s enjoyment. An odalisque looks after her health, eats well and maintains exemplary oral hygiene.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Historical romance - a pirate theme
Code d’ Odalisque has a certain romantic “pirate” theme. This reflects the historical models to which it alludes and upon which it is based. Specifically, Code d’ Ode looks to the type of slave trading that took place in the Ottoman Empire in the 1500 and 1600s when Turkish and Berber pirates menaced the Mediteranean and Barbary Coast. In this period pirates would capture men and women to be sold into slavery in Istanbul or in Egypt, Arabia or Persia. The most beautiful of the women would be saved from toil and used as sexual slaves in the harems of the rich and powerful.
In the romance of this period we find the tale of the beautiful, timid white woman – a daughter of an English aristocrat – who is captured by pirates and sold into sexual slavery in the exotic east. She lives in luxury but is used as a sexual toy by her benevolent captors. Code d’ Odalisque is based upon such stories. It is based upon the romance of this period. It makes no claim to be based in the hard facts of history – it is not an historical reconstruction. It is a creative rendering of the odalisque of romance, attuned to the hardcore sensibility of modernity.
The pirate theme in Code d’ Odalisque is muted and tasteful. The days of slavetaking on the high seas are gone. Today’s Slavekeeper is not a pirate but an executive, a businessman, an educated professional gentleman. He retains some connection with the old pirate days, though. In Code d’ Odalisque a Slavekeeper keeps a sword – a cutlass – as an emblem of his authority and as an allusion back to the romantic past. A slave in Code d’ Odalisque is said to be “under the sword”. In other respects, the Code attempts to create an atmosphere of opulent slavekeeping reminiscent of that past era.
Players are free to draw out the pirate theme if they like. It makes a good fantasy scenario in slavetraining, for instance. The odalisque is an English Lady, captured at sea, sold into odalisque slavery, who must be taught how to serve the men of the Sultan's court.
All the same, let it be stressed, there is no Disney-style “pirate fantasy” in Code d’ Ode. Players don’t dress up like Long John Silver and wear eye patches. The theme is implied only. It is a backdrop, a background. Code d’ Ode represents a modern odalisque slavery. The Slavekeeper wears a suit and tie. The days of the white slave trade are a distant tradition. Code d’ Ode continues those traditions but in a modern creative and elegant form, not in kitsch costume fantasies.
This is the historical background to Code d' Odalisque. It looks back to the romantic era of late medieval/early modern slavetrading in Turkey and the East.
In the romance of this period we find the tale of the beautiful, timid white woman – a daughter of an English aristocrat – who is captured by pirates and sold into sexual slavery in the exotic east. She lives in luxury but is used as a sexual toy by her benevolent captors. Code d’ Odalisque is based upon such stories. It is based upon the romance of this period. It makes no claim to be based in the hard facts of history – it is not an historical reconstruction. It is a creative rendering of the odalisque of romance, attuned to the hardcore sensibility of modernity.
The pirate theme in Code d’ Odalisque is muted and tasteful. The days of slavetaking on the high seas are gone. Today’s Slavekeeper is not a pirate but an executive, a businessman, an educated professional gentleman. He retains some connection with the old pirate days, though. In Code d’ Odalisque a Slavekeeper keeps a sword – a cutlass – as an emblem of his authority and as an allusion back to the romantic past. A slave in Code d’ Odalisque is said to be “under the sword”. In other respects, the Code attempts to create an atmosphere of opulent slavekeeping reminiscent of that past era.
Players are free to draw out the pirate theme if they like. It makes a good fantasy scenario in slavetraining, for instance. The odalisque is an English Lady, captured at sea, sold into odalisque slavery, who must be taught how to serve the men of the Sultan's court.
All the same, let it be stressed, there is no Disney-style “pirate fantasy” in Code d’ Ode. Players don’t dress up like Long John Silver and wear eye patches. The theme is implied only. It is a backdrop, a background. Code d’ Ode represents a modern odalisque slavery. The Slavekeeper wears a suit and tie. The days of the white slave trade are a distant tradition. Code d’ Ode continues those traditions but in a modern creative and elegant form, not in kitsch costume fantasies.
This is the historical background to Code d' Odalisque. It looks back to the romantic era of late medieval/early modern slavetrading in Turkey and the East.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Starting (Repost)
Many inquiries ask how Code d' Ode is played in simple terms. The Code itself is big and a bit complex. It includes an entire system of etiquette as well as a system of contract. Then there's a philosophy of erotic slavery. What does it all amount to? How does an ordinary couple get started?
The short answer to this is that the core of Code play is the relationship between Slavekeeper and odalisque. You play Code d' Ode by taking on the Keeper and odalisque roles. The man becomes the Keeper and the woman becomes his odalisque. It is as simple as that. Start there.
The only thing that matters is that the woman is treated as a dedicated cockslave and is preserved from other and lower forms of slavery. She is not a maid or a drudge. She is a sexual slave. The Code defines such a slave.
Couples play simply by starting their own game of Slavekeeper and odalisque. They can develop these roles in any way they like - the Code offers detailed guidelines that they might choose to follow. Couples are always free to adapt Code d' Odalisque to their own preferences.
Just start by having the woman naked and humble while she attends to her man. Ad lib around the "sex slave" theme while you learn more about Code d' Odalisque.
Gradually, the Slavekeeper can then teach his slave the standard slave positions set out in the Code and slowly develop her character as odalisque (cockslave).
It is best to start with informal play and to then add items of etiquette and formality step by step.
If you are looking for somewhere to start - the Slavekeeper/slave relationship is central. Start there. And the place to start there is talking. Discuss, negotiate - before you begin. Go slow. Make sure you discuss the issue of consent.
In practical terms, the best place to start is with the slave positions which are described in the relevant section of the Code.
The short answer to this is that the core of Code play is the relationship between Slavekeeper and odalisque. You play Code d' Ode by taking on the Keeper and odalisque roles. The man becomes the Keeper and the woman becomes his odalisque. It is as simple as that. Start there.
The only thing that matters is that the woman is treated as a dedicated cockslave and is preserved from other and lower forms of slavery. She is not a maid or a drudge. She is a sexual slave. The Code defines such a slave.
Couples play simply by starting their own game of Slavekeeper and odalisque. They can develop these roles in any way they like - the Code offers detailed guidelines that they might choose to follow. Couples are always free to adapt Code d' Odalisque to their own preferences.
Just start by having the woman naked and humble while she attends to her man. Ad lib around the "sex slave" theme while you learn more about Code d' Odalisque.
Gradually, the Slavekeeper can then teach his slave the standard slave positions set out in the Code and slowly develop her character as odalisque (cockslave).
It is best to start with informal play and to then add items of etiquette and formality step by step.
If you are looking for somewhere to start - the Slavekeeper/slave relationship is central. Start there. And the place to start there is talking. Discuss, negotiate - before you begin. Go slow. Make sure you discuss the issue of consent.
In practical terms, the best place to start is with the slave positions which are described in the relevant section of the Code.
Married couples owning slaves
It often happens that married couples play bedroom slave games, but in fact good wives do not necessarily make good cockslaves. The odalisque role is quite different to that of a wife. So, a better option that couples should consider is for them – as a couple – to purchase and keep an odalisque to service their fantasies and needs.
In such a case, the odalisque will belong to the husband, since an odalisque must be directly responsible to a Master. She serves her Master and obeys him. She does not serve her Master’s wife. But – upon her Master’s instructions - she will serve the erotic needs of the Master and his wife both.
26.35. - Addressing the wife of a Slavekeeper
When an odalisque addresses the wife of her Keeper she does so with "Madam". Thus "Keeper and Madam". But not "Madam Slavekeeper". The Master's surname is used, "Madam [Jones]"
Let us suppose you are a horny middle aged couple. You own a large house, empty since your kids grew up and moved away.
Advertise for a woman to be your odalisque. She lives with you, occluded, secret from the world. She is kept naked. She has her own room. You use her in your sexual fantasies. Most nights you put her to use. As a couple you use the slave as a willing fuckpuppet, a toy, to explore your fantasies. Your odalisque is a luxurious indulgence, pure decadence.
An odalisque is a female sexual servant.
It could be what your marriage needs.
In such a case, the odalisque will belong to the husband, since an odalisque must be directly responsible to a Master. She serves her Master and obeys him. She does not serve her Master’s wife. But – upon her Master’s instructions - she will serve the erotic needs of the Master and his wife both.
26.35. - Addressing the wife of a Slavekeeper
When an odalisque addresses the wife of her Keeper she does so with "Madam". Thus "Keeper and Madam". But not "Madam Slavekeeper". The Master's surname is used, "Madam [Jones]"
Let us suppose you are a horny middle aged couple. You own a large house, empty since your kids grew up and moved away.
Advertise for a woman to be your odalisque. She lives with you, occluded, secret from the world. She is kept naked. She has her own room. You use her in your sexual fantasies. Most nights you put her to use. As a couple you use the slave as a willing fuckpuppet, a toy, to explore your fantasies. Your odalisque is a luxurious indulgence, pure decadence.
An odalisque is a female sexual servant.
It could be what your marriage needs.
Odalisque Bazaar
Friday, May 27, 2011
Facts of Nature
There is no need to detail the many ways in which Code d’ Odalisque violates mainstream (vanilla) morals and assumptions. The feminist revolution has promoted the self-determining woman as a universal ideal while demonizing male sexuality as violent and exploitative. Code d’ Odalisque is politically incorrect on every count. It revives the “odalisque” role – an odalisque being a woman who lives as a submissive servant to male sexual desire. This is completely against mainstream values that insist that women should be independent and that men should practice self-control over their lurid appetites.
Code d’ Odalisque appeals to two realities of nature that are set against such values:
1. Many men are driven by their libido and have urges that, by nature, are not easily controlled, and
2. Some women, by nature, find fulfillment in catering to men’s urges.
Contrary to how PC people would like the world to be, the fact is that many men are phallic sex obsessives and there are women who love serving the sexual obsessions of such men.
Moreover, this has always been a fact and no amount of social engineering and puritanism will change it. As long as men are men and women are women there will be men who are highly-sexed and women who cater to male sexuality. This is why prostitution is called the world’s oldest profession. An odalisque is not a prostitute but, like a prostitute, her “work” is providing sexual gratification to men. There will always be men needing that gratification and there will always be women willing to provide it. Some women will make it their vocation and find fulfillment in it.
Code d’ Odalisque takes these facts and creates a framework for civilized, elegant, regulated play. The institution of "odalisque" is a civilised way to give expression to these facts of human sexual nature.
It is important to note that Code d’ Ode does not adopt a philosophy that proposes that all men are born to rule over all women. The foundations of Code d’ Ode are not in an entirely male dominant, sexist worldview. Code d’ Ode does not imply that men are superior to women, per se. Freewomen in Code d’ Ode are equals to men. Slaves are inferior only because they are slaves, and slaves are women because odalisques, cockslaves, are necessarily female. But women, per women, are not inferior to males. Code d’ Ode is at odds with contemporary puritanism only on the shameless claim that (1) some men love to fuck and (2) some women love to be fucked.
A man owns an odalisque because he wants to explore his sexual fantasies. Self-restraint be damned! He is cock-driven and wants to sample all the delights of the flesh. A woman becomes an odalisque because she finds fulfillment in being used as a willing toy in men’s sexual fantasies. Sex is what she does best. She doesn’t want to be the sexual aggressor. She is fulfilled through service. She is sexually submissive. She loves being used.
The relationship takes the form of Master/slave in order to allow a particular intensity of expression and experience. Master/slave signifies a degree of intensity. It is only through owning a slave – a completely compliant and willing servant - that a Keeper can explore to a profound degree. An odalisque allows a man a range and depth of sexual exploration otherwise not possible.
Code d’ Odalisque appeals to two realities of nature that are set against such values:
1. Many men are driven by their libido and have urges that, by nature, are not easily controlled, and
2. Some women, by nature, find fulfillment in catering to men’s urges.
Contrary to how PC people would like the world to be, the fact is that many men are phallic sex obsessives and there are women who love serving the sexual obsessions of such men.
Moreover, this has always been a fact and no amount of social engineering and puritanism will change it. As long as men are men and women are women there will be men who are highly-sexed and women who cater to male sexuality. This is why prostitution is called the world’s oldest profession. An odalisque is not a prostitute but, like a prostitute, her “work” is providing sexual gratification to men. There will always be men needing that gratification and there will always be women willing to provide it. Some women will make it their vocation and find fulfillment in it.
Code d’ Odalisque takes these facts and creates a framework for civilized, elegant, regulated play. The institution of "odalisque" is a civilised way to give expression to these facts of human sexual nature.
It is important to note that Code d’ Ode does not adopt a philosophy that proposes that all men are born to rule over all women. The foundations of Code d’ Ode are not in an entirely male dominant, sexist worldview. Code d’ Ode does not imply that men are superior to women, per se. Freewomen in Code d’ Ode are equals to men. Slaves are inferior only because they are slaves, and slaves are women because odalisques, cockslaves, are necessarily female. But women, per women, are not inferior to males. Code d’ Ode is at odds with contemporary puritanism only on the shameless claim that (1) some men love to fuck and (2) some women love to be fucked.
A man owns an odalisque because he wants to explore his sexual fantasies. Self-restraint be damned! He is cock-driven and wants to sample all the delights of the flesh. A woman becomes an odalisque because she finds fulfillment in being used as a willing toy in men’s sexual fantasies. Sex is what she does best. She doesn’t want to be the sexual aggressor. She is fulfilled through service. She is sexually submissive. She loves being used.
The relationship takes the form of Master/slave in order to allow a particular intensity of expression and experience. Master/slave signifies a degree of intensity. It is only through owning a slave – a completely compliant and willing servant - that a Keeper can explore to a profound degree. An odalisque allows a man a range and depth of sexual exploration otherwise not possible.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
On-line censorship has become much worse in the last few years. Of recent times we have seen Code d’ Odalisque lose its website, facebook pages and some yahoo groups. Our wikipedia entry has also been removed.
We will keep this blog going as long as we are able. You can find out more about Code d’ Odalisque through:
If you can assist us by providing secure webspace or forums free of censorship it would be deeply appreciated.
We will keep this blog going as long as we are able. You can find out more about Code d’ Odalisque through:
If you can assist us by providing secure webspace or forums free of censorship it would be deeply appreciated.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Question: What is an ambiphiline?
Question: What is an ambiphiline?
“Ambiphiline” is the name given to one of the sexual specializations recognized in Code d’ Odalisque. There are several such specializations. An odalisque is a sexual servant. She is a passive sexual slave, to be used and enjoyed by her Master. She is expected to be expert in the arts of erotic service. In this she may nominate a particular specialization, a type of sex in which she excels and in which she wishes to be trained and enjoyed. An “ambiphiline” is an odalisque who chooses to specialize in f/f sex. This means that her Master can use her for lesbian scenes and can enjoy having her engage in bisexual play. An “ambiphiline” is a bisexual odalisque.
Code d’ Ode is itself a heterosexual system of slave play. At the core of Code d’ Ode is the Master/slave bond, which bond is between a male Slavekeeper and his female slave. But lesbian play is a part of heterosexual male fantasy. Many men enjoy watching lesbian sex. An ambiphiline is an odalisque who will cater to this male fantasy. As well as serving her Master sexually she will serve him by indulging in f/f play.
This might be particularly useful where a married couple purchase an odalisque as their play thing. In that case the slave will be bound to serve the husband – he will be her Master – but she may engage in sexual play with the wife as well, and in m/f/f play. By declaring herself to be an ambiphiline, an odalisque indicates that she wishes to specialize in this type of play. She is a slave who enjoys f/f sex and will happily engage in f/f sex to please her Master.
“Ambiphiline” is the name given to one of the sexual specializations recognized in Code d’ Odalisque. There are several such specializations. An odalisque is a sexual servant. She is a passive sexual slave, to be used and enjoyed by her Master. She is expected to be expert in the arts of erotic service. In this she may nominate a particular specialization, a type of sex in which she excels and in which she wishes to be trained and enjoyed. An “ambiphiline” is an odalisque who chooses to specialize in f/f sex. This means that her Master can use her for lesbian scenes and can enjoy having her engage in bisexual play. An “ambiphiline” is a bisexual odalisque.
Code d’ Ode is itself a heterosexual system of slave play. At the core of Code d’ Ode is the Master/slave bond, which bond is between a male Slavekeeper and his female slave. But lesbian play is a part of heterosexual male fantasy. Many men enjoy watching lesbian sex. An ambiphiline is an odalisque who will cater to this male fantasy. As well as serving her Master sexually she will serve him by indulging in f/f play.
This might be particularly useful where a married couple purchase an odalisque as their play thing. In that case the slave will be bound to serve the husband – he will be her Master – but she may engage in sexual play with the wife as well, and in m/f/f play. By declaring herself to be an ambiphiline, an odalisque indicates that she wishes to specialize in this type of play. She is a slave who enjoys f/f sex and will happily engage in f/f sex to please her Master.
Tantra and Code d' Odalisque
Tantra, properly speaking, is a diverse movement within traditional Hindu ritual and philosophy. It is characterized by Shakti (goddess) worship and sometimes includes a sexual yoga. The symbols of tantra are the lingam (phallus) and the yoni (vagina).
In the West today the word “tantra” has been appropriated outside of that Hindu context and has come to refer to any spiritual approach to sexuality – sacred sex. Many methods of tantric sex as practiced in the West today are traditional and come from India, but others are not. In either case, the idea always involves adding a sacred dimension to eroticism, a transcendent dimension, an approach to self-transformation through ecstasy rather than through denial.
Code d’ Odalisque is not a tantric system as such. It is not a spiritual system, not a cult, not a religion, and it makes no pretense regarding sacred sexuality. It is, rather, an unashamedly hedonistic indulgence. Its purpose is to provide pleasure, not enlightenment. An odalisque is a luxury, an adornment to a life of opulent living. Slavekeepers keep odalisques in order to enjoy them. It is a search for sensual pleasure, not a search for nirvana. Owning an odalisque is as spiritual as owning an expensive yatch.
All the same, Code d’ Ode might be used as a platform for compatible and appropriate tantric practices. There is nothing to prevent Code d’ Ode being used as a framework for some types of tantric sexuality. A Slavekeeper can use his slave as he wills. He might, if he wished, use her for tantric sex, if that is the dimension of sex he wishes to explore. There are tantric meditations, breathing exercises, chants, postures, rituals and prayers that might be added to sexual exploration under Code d’ Odalisque.
Some themes of Code d’ Ode lend themselves to tantric development. Bondage and servitude can be spiritual methods. The quest for sublime pleasures and a transcending excess can be adapted to tantric philosophy. Code d’ Ode is well-suited to a tantric and spiritual interpretation. Slavery, after all, is an expression of reverence. Code d’ Ode is about the pure potencies of male and female; Code play might be understood as a type of alchemy. Some people in the wider BDSM sub-culture understand BDSM as a spiritual sexuality. The occlusion of an odalisque might be understood as a type of sexual monasticism. The training of an odalisque might be understood as a type of spiritual training. Code d’ Ode also has a natural fixation upon lingam and yoni, cock and cunt. It explores the male/female duality in its starkest terms. There is a symbolism in Code d’ Odalisque that is, at least, tantra-like.
The aspect of Code d’ Ode that most readily lends itself to tantric development is the theme of cockworship. An odalisque is devoted to cock, a cockslave. This means that for her the phallus is an object of lust and desire. She is trained to be phallocentric, cock-obsessed. By extension, she is devoted to cock as to a god. Her motto is: Man is my Master. Cock is my god. For a devoted cockslave, the phallus is an object of reverence, mystery, worship. The tantra that comes naturally to Code d’ Ode, therefore, is phallicism, phallic worship. Phallic modes of tantra are suitable for mixing with Code d’ Odalisque. Goddess-focused types of tantra would be less obviously compatible, although – in truth – the Slavekeeper is, in his keeping of an odalisque, devoted to the feminine. The odalisque, it might be said, embodies a certain manifestation of the Divine Feminine (but specifically that aspect of the Divine Feminine that surrenders to the Phallic Principle.)
Note that this is a slightly controversial topic in Code d’ Odalisque because, in the early days, some of the people who first developed the Code d’ Odalisque concept wanted to craft it along tantra lines. In fact, as it turns out, their main interest was in tantra, and they wanted to construct a tantric system. Other Coders, however, were not interested in tantra and objected to the introduction of “eastern mysticism” into Code d’ Ode.
The non-tantric point of view prevailed. The tantric enthusiasts – who had contributed a lot to Code d’ Ode - gave up on it and drifted away and did other things. Early Code d’ Odalisque was factionalized over this issue.
It remains important that Code d’ Odalisque not be taken over by hippys and New Agers! Code d’ Ode is NOT a system of a tantra. It exists for hedonistic joy. It is fun. It can be used as a platform for tantric sexuality if that is what people want to do with it but it is not a tantric cult.
In the West today the word “tantra” has been appropriated outside of that Hindu context and has come to refer to any spiritual approach to sexuality – sacred sex. Many methods of tantric sex as practiced in the West today are traditional and come from India, but others are not. In either case, the idea always involves adding a sacred dimension to eroticism, a transcendent dimension, an approach to self-transformation through ecstasy rather than through denial.
Code d’ Odalisque is not a tantric system as such. It is not a spiritual system, not a cult, not a religion, and it makes no pretense regarding sacred sexuality. It is, rather, an unashamedly hedonistic indulgence. Its purpose is to provide pleasure, not enlightenment. An odalisque is a luxury, an adornment to a life of opulent living. Slavekeepers keep odalisques in order to enjoy them. It is a search for sensual pleasure, not a search for nirvana. Owning an odalisque is as spiritual as owning an expensive yatch.
All the same, Code d’ Ode might be used as a platform for compatible and appropriate tantric practices. There is nothing to prevent Code d’ Ode being used as a framework for some types of tantric sexuality. A Slavekeeper can use his slave as he wills. He might, if he wished, use her for tantric sex, if that is the dimension of sex he wishes to explore. There are tantric meditations, breathing exercises, chants, postures, rituals and prayers that might be added to sexual exploration under Code d’ Odalisque.
Some themes of Code d’ Ode lend themselves to tantric development. Bondage and servitude can be spiritual methods. The quest for sublime pleasures and a transcending excess can be adapted to tantric philosophy. Code d’ Ode is well-suited to a tantric and spiritual interpretation. Slavery, after all, is an expression of reverence. Code d’ Ode is about the pure potencies of male and female; Code play might be understood as a type of alchemy. Some people in the wider BDSM sub-culture understand BDSM as a spiritual sexuality. The occlusion of an odalisque might be understood as a type of sexual monasticism. The training of an odalisque might be understood as a type of spiritual training. Code d’ Ode also has a natural fixation upon lingam and yoni, cock and cunt. It explores the male/female duality in its starkest terms. There is a symbolism in Code d’ Odalisque that is, at least, tantra-like.
The aspect of Code d’ Ode that most readily lends itself to tantric development is the theme of cockworship. An odalisque is devoted to cock, a cockslave. This means that for her the phallus is an object of lust and desire. She is trained to be phallocentric, cock-obsessed. By extension, she is devoted to cock as to a god. Her motto is: Man is my Master. Cock is my god. For a devoted cockslave, the phallus is an object of reverence, mystery, worship. The tantra that comes naturally to Code d’ Ode, therefore, is phallicism, phallic worship. Phallic modes of tantra are suitable for mixing with Code d’ Odalisque. Goddess-focused types of tantra would be less obviously compatible, although – in truth – the Slavekeeper is, in his keeping of an odalisque, devoted to the feminine. The odalisque, it might be said, embodies a certain manifestation of the Divine Feminine (but specifically that aspect of the Divine Feminine that surrenders to the Phallic Principle.)
Note that this is a slightly controversial topic in Code d’ Odalisque because, in the early days, some of the people who first developed the Code d’ Odalisque concept wanted to craft it along tantra lines. In fact, as it turns out, their main interest was in tantra, and they wanted to construct a tantric system. Other Coders, however, were not interested in tantra and objected to the introduction of “eastern mysticism” into Code d’ Ode.
The non-tantric point of view prevailed. The tantric enthusiasts – who had contributed a lot to Code d’ Ode - gave up on it and drifted away and did other things. Early Code d’ Odalisque was factionalized over this issue.
It remains important that Code d’ Odalisque not be taken over by hippys and New Agers! Code d’ Ode is NOT a system of a tantra. It exists for hedonistic joy. It is fun. It can be used as a platform for tantric sexuality if that is what people want to do with it but it is not a tantric cult.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
The Gorean slavery

Code d’ Odalisque is a complete system of consensual erotic slavery. The other modern system popular in BDSM sub-culture is known as “Gorean” or the “Gor” system. This is based upon the fictional works of John Norman, pseudonym of the philosopher Professor John Frederick Lange Jr. Beginning in the 1970s, and drawing upon the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Professor Lange has used fantasy fiction novels to illustrate his philosophy of “ethical naturalism”. From the 1980s onwards groups of people have translated the life described in this male adventure fantasy fiction into a real life sub-culture.
The novels describe a detailed system of slavery in which males are naturally Masters over women. The Gorean system is extracted from the novels. Goreans enact the slave system described in the novels. The system evokes a world of hunter/warriors – the noble barbarian – who, by virtue of his strength, is a Master over female slaves called “kajira”. The philosophy and ethics of the Gor system is Neitzchean – the refinement and nobility of power. A modern primitivism.
Gor is a beautiful system and it suits a certain temperament. There are many points on which it resembles Code d’ Odalisque. Both systems are male dom/ fem sub, for instance. But Code d’ O is a different system that draws upon different inspiration. The underlying philosophy might be described as “enlightened hedonism”, and it appeals to historical models from a later era. Gor takes its aesthetics from the European barbarian era. Code d’ O looks to the more sophisticated, urban slavery of the orient, up to and including the Ottoman Empire.
There is no quarrel or competition between Gor and Code d’ Ode. The systems appeal to different types of people. But it is useful to appreciate the differences between the systems. It helps to compare Gor and Code d’ Ode. The distinctive features of Code d’ Ode are better understood by comparing it to the Gorean system. Gor is tribal, primitivist, glorifying the ‘Order of Nature’ and offers an implicit critique of modern abstraction and alienation. Code d’ Ode is from a later phase of civilization. It is the slavery of the urban sophisticate, bourgeois decadence. This is why, for example, it takes the form of a quasi-legal codification. In this phase of history slavery is regulated to the life of the literate urban trader, a structured corporate world of contracts and rules. Gor is a system for the alpha male. Code d’ Ode is not rooted in such naturalism. It is a system – an indulgence - for educated, successful urban gentlemen.
French in Code d' Odalisque
15.17. - Training in French
An odalisque may be trained to speak French or at least taught certain useful and common terms in French or French phrases and words that are erotic or pleasing to her Keeper.
15,17. - Formation en français
Une odalisque peuvent être entraînés à parler le français ou tout au moins appris certaines utiles et communs
termes de phrases en français ou en français et des mots qui sont érotiques ou agréables à son gardien
French is the natural language of odalisque slavery, as it is other types of eroticism, including the popular forms of BDSM given their dependence upon Marquis de Sade. The word “odalisque” is itself French and by design this style of slave play draws upon ideas and traditions from the French colonial encounter with the orient, French orientalism. .
An odalisque (where she is not a natural French speaker) may be trained in French. A Slavekeeper may decide to send his slave on sojourn to French lessons, or may pay a tutor to visit the house. Instruction in French is a very useful addition to a slave’s life and training. A full-time slave will not be engaged in sexual service all day every day. She can usefully spend some of her free time learning French. This is a natural activity for an odalisque. It makes good sense for a woman to spend the time she lives as an odalisque learning a language.
But it is not necessary that a slave learn the whole French language. This is an entirely optional part of Code d’ Ode. Players use as much or as little French as they like. The French theme in Code d’ Odalisque is, in fact, an aesthetic affect. It is an aesthetic device. French is used to help create an appropriately erotic and exotic atmosphere and style of play, with allusions to history. It is regulated by the Code but it is not an essential part of play and where it is used it need not involve becoming fluent in French. Sometimes bad French, or French with a bad accent, is quite off-putting and ugly. In that case it is probably better to avoid French or keep it to a minimum. But if a slave can speak some French with a demure elegance and grace, it is a great asset.
Only a few French words are needed. All that is necessary is to instruct a slave to use a quite small vocabulary of French words and phrases. In her role an odalisque is not required to speak to her Keeper a great deal. She answers subserviently to his questions, yes or no. To begin, then, teach your slave to use the French “oui” instead of “yes.” Then add some other French words – “merci”, “s'il vous plait”, “au revoir”. Only a handful of words is required. This adds a francophonic dimension to play. The slave’s speech is peppered with a few French words.
As well as adding an erotic French flavor to odalisque play, the requirement that the slave use some French words helps her to psychologically move into a slave role. It is a good element of mental discipline. She should be reprimanded or punished if she says “yes” instead of “oui”. Her Keeper should make French part of her slave persona. It is psychologically useful to speak in a different idiom, using foreign words, when she is in occlusion.
A slave should not use her French vocabulary when she is on sojourn and when she is not in her slave role. She only uses French during active play. She uses it when she speaks to her Master, but not when she speaks to strangers. It is slave talk.
Other than using French titles (eg. Mademoiselle) Slavekeepers, Trainers and other players under Code d’ Odalisque do not need to speak French to each other. It is only the slave who needs to use some French terms. Slave talk in Code d’ Odalisque is frankophonic. This is just to add a certain flavour, a certain spice, to create a certain atmosphere for Code play.
An odalisque may be trained to speak French or at least taught certain useful and common terms in French or French phrases and words that are erotic or pleasing to her Keeper.
15,17. - Formation en français
Une odalisque peuvent être entraînés à parler le français ou tout au moins appris certaines utiles et communs
termes de phrases en français ou en français et des mots qui sont érotiques ou agréables à son gardien
French is the natural language of odalisque slavery, as it is other types of eroticism, including the popular forms of BDSM given their dependence upon Marquis de Sade. The word “odalisque” is itself French and by design this style of slave play draws upon ideas and traditions from the French colonial encounter with the orient, French orientalism. .
An odalisque (where she is not a natural French speaker) may be trained in French. A Slavekeeper may decide to send his slave on sojourn to French lessons, or may pay a tutor to visit the house. Instruction in French is a very useful addition to a slave’s life and training. A full-time slave will not be engaged in sexual service all day every day. She can usefully spend some of her free time learning French. This is a natural activity for an odalisque. It makes good sense for a woman to spend the time she lives as an odalisque learning a language.
But it is not necessary that a slave learn the whole French language. This is an entirely optional part of Code d’ Ode. Players use as much or as little French as they like. The French theme in Code d’ Odalisque is, in fact, an aesthetic affect. It is an aesthetic device. French is used to help create an appropriately erotic and exotic atmosphere and style of play, with allusions to history. It is regulated by the Code but it is not an essential part of play and where it is used it need not involve becoming fluent in French. Sometimes bad French, or French with a bad accent, is quite off-putting and ugly. In that case it is probably better to avoid French or keep it to a minimum. But if a slave can speak some French with a demure elegance and grace, it is a great asset.
Only a few French words are needed. All that is necessary is to instruct a slave to use a quite small vocabulary of French words and phrases. In her role an odalisque is not required to speak to her Keeper a great deal. She answers subserviently to his questions, yes or no. To begin, then, teach your slave to use the French “oui” instead of “yes.” Then add some other French words – “merci”, “s'il vous plait”, “au revoir”. Only a handful of words is required. This adds a francophonic dimension to play. The slave’s speech is peppered with a few French words.
As well as adding an erotic French flavor to odalisque play, the requirement that the slave use some French words helps her to psychologically move into a slave role. It is a good element of mental discipline. She should be reprimanded or punished if she says “yes” instead of “oui”. Her Keeper should make French part of her slave persona. It is psychologically useful to speak in a different idiom, using foreign words, when she is in occlusion.
A slave should not use her French vocabulary when she is on sojourn and when she is not in her slave role. She only uses French during active play. She uses it when she speaks to her Master, but not when she speaks to strangers. It is slave talk.
Other than using French titles (eg. Mademoiselle) Slavekeepers, Trainers and other players under Code d’ Odalisque do not need to speak French to each other. It is only the slave who needs to use some French terms. Slave talk in Code d’ Odalisque is frankophonic. This is just to add a certain flavour, a certain spice, to create a certain atmosphere for Code play.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Protecting the skin
One of the most important principles in Code d' Odalisque is that a slave is to be valued for the beauty of her skin and that the beauty of her skin must be protected at all times. Many of the rules and regulations in the Code are devoted to this purpose. The Code implies a deep reverence for the feminine, and a practical symbol of femininity is a woman's skin. The soft, sensuous skin of the human female is prized. Accordingly, in the assessment and grading of slaves the condition of a woman's skin is an important factor. Any marks, scars or blemishes reduce the value of a slave. Ideally a slave's skin should be spotless, pristine. An odalisque is kept naked so that the beauty of her skin is on display. This is also why tattoo-less women are preferred.
This should be a key consideration in slavekeeping. Everything should be calculated to ensure that the beauty of the slave's skin is maintained. In bondage play, for instance, bonds, ties and gags should be of a type that will not cause abrasions. Similarly, surfaces and furnishings should be such that they are not rough and do not cause abrasions. Methods of discipline should not include whipping or striking because, again, the slave's skin must be preserved from any injury. The slave is also kept from work and toil because these will age and damage her skin. A slave should not be required to cook and clean for her Master, for example, because there is a danger she will burn or scratch her skin. The luxurious state in which an odalisque is kept is designed to protect and preserve the beauty of her skin. A slave should be kept from any activity where she might possible damage her skin. Everything should be done to keep her skin in a pristine state.
For her part, a slave should look after her skin as part of her daily duties. She should preen and clean her skin, eat a healthy diet, and avoid any activity that might cause injury to her skin. Her skin is her asset. She should understand and practice skin care. This will involve using appropriate skin care products. When she is on sojourn (going about daily life like a freewoman) she must not do risky things where she is likely to cause any damage to her skin. She must preserve her beauty for her Master and in this ensure that her skin is protected. Just as a top model will work hard to keep her skin clean and blemish free and will avoid burns or scars that are unsightly, so an odalisque must keep her skin pure for the visual and sensual delight of her Keeper.
The importance given to this is a key to understanding Code d' Odalisque. A Slavekeeper should appreciate the value of a slave's skin and then go about slavekeeping with this in mind. A Slavekeeper should do everything possible to protect and preserve his slave's skin from damage, wear and tear, cuts, abrasions, sunburn. It is a tragedy if an odalisque causes damage to her skin. In the practice of Code d' Odalisque the beauty of the slave's skin is a paramount consideration. It is a consideration that imposes natural limits to play and that sets the standards of slave care.
This should be a key consideration in slavekeeping. Everything should be calculated to ensure that the beauty of the slave's skin is maintained. In bondage play, for instance, bonds, ties and gags should be of a type that will not cause abrasions. Similarly, surfaces and furnishings should be such that they are not rough and do not cause abrasions. Methods of discipline should not include whipping or striking because, again, the slave's skin must be preserved from any injury. The slave is also kept from work and toil because these will age and damage her skin. A slave should not be required to cook and clean for her Master, for example, because there is a danger she will burn or scratch her skin. The luxurious state in which an odalisque is kept is designed to protect and preserve the beauty of her skin. A slave should be kept from any activity where she might possible damage her skin. Everything should be done to keep her skin in a pristine state.
For her part, a slave should look after her skin as part of her daily duties. She should preen and clean her skin, eat a healthy diet, and avoid any activity that might cause injury to her skin. Her skin is her asset. She should understand and practice skin care. This will involve using appropriate skin care products. When she is on sojourn (going about daily life like a freewoman) she must not do risky things where she is likely to cause any damage to her skin. She must preserve her beauty for her Master and in this ensure that her skin is protected. Just as a top model will work hard to keep her skin clean and blemish free and will avoid burns or scars that are unsightly, so an odalisque must keep her skin pure for the visual and sensual delight of her Keeper.
The importance given to this is a key to understanding Code d' Odalisque. A Slavekeeper should appreciate the value of a slave's skin and then go about slavekeeping with this in mind. A Slavekeeper should do everything possible to protect and preserve his slave's skin from damage, wear and tear, cuts, abrasions, sunburn. It is a tragedy if an odalisque causes damage to her skin. In the practice of Code d' Odalisque the beauty of the slave's skin is a paramount consideration. It is a consideration that imposes natural limits to play and that sets the standards of slave care.

The Saray
A “saray” in Code d’ Odalisque is an adult playroom, the room dedicated to the Slavekeeper’s enjoyment of his odalisque. It is not a dungeon or a torture-chamber. Code d’ Ode is a different system of consensual slavery than the system most common in BDSM circles. The odalisque is a pleasure slave, a luxury slave. A saray, therefore, is not a dark and threatening environment with a grunge aesthetic. More appropriately, it is a gentleman’s playroom, a room equipped for the type of activities that take place between Slavekeeper and slave – and guests – under Code d’ Odalisque.
Ideally, a separate room should be set aside as a saray, and only used for that purpose. It should be private and discrete. It should be comfortable, quiet, with a sensual aesthetic. It should be warm. A purpose-built room is ideal, but in any reasonable size house not occupied by a family there will be a spare room that might be adapated.
Considerable thought should go into design. What exactly is the room to be used for? Will it be a place to entertain guests? Make a wish list of features. The design should take full account of the Slavekeeper's personal predilections and kinks. Lighting is a crucial consideration.
Since an odalisque is naked, some thought should go into surfaces – silk cushions, carpet, no abrasive surfaces.
Furnishing should include chairs, a bed, a divan and furnishings that might be useful for erotic slaveplay. This will depend upon the tastes of the Slavekeeper. Sexual pleasure is a creative art under Code d’ Odalisque, so it is possible to include many creative devices in the furnishings of a saray. Usually this will include devices for bondage play. It may include a built-in gloryhole. Ideally, a saray should adjoin a bathroom or sauna.
For those not so wealthy as to be able to have a purpose-built saray, it is then necessary to improvise. In any case, design should be tasteful. A good music system might be included, along with some erotic paintings or sculpture. Rugs.
Note that an odalisque’s sleeping quarters – her odella – cannot be used as a saray. It must be a separate room from the slave’s bedroom. A Slavemaster can use his own bedroom as a saray, but better if he maintains a separate play room.
Ideally, a separate room should be set aside as a saray, and only used for that purpose. It should be private and discrete. It should be comfortable, quiet, with a sensual aesthetic. It should be warm. A purpose-built room is ideal, but in any reasonable size house not occupied by a family there will be a spare room that might be adapated.
Considerable thought should go into design. What exactly is the room to be used for? Will it be a place to entertain guests? Make a wish list of features. The design should take full account of the Slavekeeper's personal predilections and kinks. Lighting is a crucial consideration.
Since an odalisque is naked, some thought should go into surfaces – silk cushions, carpet, no abrasive surfaces.
Furnishing should include chairs, a bed, a divan and furnishings that might be useful for erotic slaveplay. This will depend upon the tastes of the Slavekeeper. Sexual pleasure is a creative art under Code d’ Odalisque, so it is possible to include many creative devices in the furnishings of a saray. Usually this will include devices for bondage play. It may include a built-in gloryhole. Ideally, a saray should adjoin a bathroom or sauna.
For those not so wealthy as to be able to have a purpose-built saray, it is then necessary to improvise. In any case, design should be tasteful. A good music system might be included, along with some erotic paintings or sculpture. Rugs.
Note that an odalisque’s sleeping quarters – her odella – cannot be used as a saray. It must be a separate room from the slave’s bedroom. A Slavemaster can use his own bedroom as a saray, but better if he maintains a separate play room.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Shy and lascivious
An odalisque is a contradiction. She is shy, timid, passive, submissive. But, as a sex slave, she is uninhibited, wild, passionate,
lascivious. The Code says she is "a naturally graceful creature who, on command, will be a wanton animal and then a creature of grace." Her training must enhance both of these qualities and her ability to change from one to the other on command.
The Code offers one device to help in this. Article 17:27 describes the practice of "showing passion".
1. The slave stands in the modest Decor position.
2. The Master/trainer extends his right hand to the slave, palm up. At the command "Show me your passion!" the slave leans forward to where she can lick, suck and slobber wildly on his palm and fingers. At the command "Enough!" she desists and returns to Decor.
She should be able to move from timid to wild on command, seamlessly.
lascivious. The Code says she is "a naturally graceful creature who, on command, will be a wanton animal and then a creature of grace." Her training must enhance both of these qualities and her ability to change from one to the other on command.
The Code offers one device to help in this. Article 17:27 describes the practice of "showing passion".
1. The slave stands in the modest Decor position.
2. The Master/trainer extends his right hand to the slave, palm up. At the command "Show me your passion!" the slave leans forward to where she can lick, suck and slobber wildly on his palm and fingers. At the command "Enough!" she desists and returns to Decor.
She should be able to move from timid to wild on command, seamlessly.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Resources - Website for information
A new website collects all available written material on Code d' Odalisque to one place. Still under construction but this will be an invaluable resource.
Standards of grading?
Question: Is the assessment and grading of slaves objective or is there no standard method?
The Code only sets out the parameters of assessment and leaves it for Slavetraders and others to reach an agreed standard. This is necessarily subjective, but it is done according to the guidelines of the Code which list the factors to be considered. Slaves are graded against an ideal, namely:
A triple A – highest grade – odalisque is young, has never been married and has never been pregnant, has unblemished skin and perfect teeth as well as a perfectly crescent well-formed vulva.
In practice various Coders seem to use different methods. The original documents that were compiled into Code d’ Odalisque did not detail a specific method. In time it is hoped an objective standard emerges. This is an area of Code d’ O that will develop as more gentlemen become involved.
As a rough guide, though, here is one scheme. This uses a tally of points very similar to that used in judging, say, thoroughbred horses.
The grades by point are as follows:
AAA = 100-90
AA 90-80
A 80-70
BBB 70-60
BB 60-50
B 50-40
CCC 40-30
CC 30-20
C 20-0
The points are scored as follows:
Teeth = 10
Skin = 20
Vulva = 10
Age = 20
Married = 5
Years married = 5
Pregnant = 5
Birth = 20
Years suckled = 5
Teeth = graded out of 10. Ten points for perfect teeth down to zero points for
full false teeth. Average is 5.
Skin = graded out of 20. Twenty points for perfect. 10 is average.
Vulva = graded out of ten.
Age = 21-24yo is 20 points. Subtract one point per year after that.
Married = no is 5 points. Yes, once, is 2pts. Twice or more is zero.
Years married = none is 5 pts. 1 or 2 years is 4pts. Subtract a point for every
two years.
Pregnant = No is 5 pts. Yes, once, is 2pts. Twice or more is zero.
Birth = No is 20pts. Yes, once, is 10 pts. Two is 5 pts and more is zero.
Years suckled = None is 5pts. Subtract a point for every year.
Average woman of 35 years. Married for 5 years. Twice pregnant. One child.
Suckled two years.
Teeth = 6
Skin = 14
Vulva = 7
Age = 9
Married = 2
Years married = 2
Pregnant = 0
Birth = 10
Suckled = 3
Total = 53 (The BB grade)
But there is as yet no uniformity in this. Several gentlemen presently active in Code d' Odalisque who are using different scales to this.
All the same, given the guidelines in the Code, it is not difficult for gentlemen to reach an agreed assessment of any particular slave. The grading of slaves is based upon objective criteria. Judgments of “beauty” and personal taste are not involved. Usually, the older the woman the lower her grading. This is because an odalisque loses value through the “wear and tear” of life. Inevitably, age takes its toll.
The Code only sets out the parameters of assessment and leaves it for Slavetraders and others to reach an agreed standard. This is necessarily subjective, but it is done according to the guidelines of the Code which list the factors to be considered. Slaves are graded against an ideal, namely:
A triple A – highest grade – odalisque is young, has never been married and has never been pregnant, has unblemished skin and perfect teeth as well as a perfectly crescent well-formed vulva.
In practice various Coders seem to use different methods. The original documents that were compiled into Code d’ Odalisque did not detail a specific method. In time it is hoped an objective standard emerges. This is an area of Code d’ O that will develop as more gentlemen become involved.
As a rough guide, though, here is one scheme. This uses a tally of points very similar to that used in judging, say, thoroughbred horses.
The grades by point are as follows:
AAA = 100-90
AA 90-80
A 80-70
BBB 70-60
BB 60-50
B 50-40
CCC 40-30
CC 30-20
C 20-0
The points are scored as follows:
Teeth = 10
Skin = 20
Vulva = 10
Age = 20
Married = 5
Years married = 5
Pregnant = 5
Birth = 20
Years suckled = 5
Teeth = graded out of 10. Ten points for perfect teeth down to zero points for
full false teeth. Average is 5.
Skin = graded out of 20. Twenty points for perfect. 10 is average.
Vulva = graded out of ten.
Age = 21-24yo is 20 points. Subtract one point per year after that.
Married = no is 5 points. Yes, once, is 2pts. Twice or more is zero.
Years married = none is 5 pts. 1 or 2 years is 4pts. Subtract a point for every
two years.
Pregnant = No is 5 pts. Yes, once, is 2pts. Twice or more is zero.
Birth = No is 20pts. Yes, once, is 10 pts. Two is 5 pts and more is zero.
Years suckled = None is 5pts. Subtract a point for every year.
Average woman of 35 years. Married for 5 years. Twice pregnant. One child.
Suckled two years.
Teeth = 6
Skin = 14
Vulva = 7
Age = 9
Married = 2
Years married = 2
Pregnant = 0
Birth = 10
Suckled = 3
Total = 53 (The BB grade)
But there is as yet no uniformity in this. Several gentlemen presently active in Code d' Odalisque who are using different scales to this.
All the same, given the guidelines in the Code, it is not difficult for gentlemen to reach an agreed assessment of any particular slave. The grading of slaves is based upon objective criteria. Judgments of “beauty” and personal taste are not involved. Usually, the older the woman the lower her grading. This is because an odalisque loses value through the “wear and tear” of life. Inevitably, age takes its toll.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Question - serving wine
Question: Why is an odalisque allowed to serve drinks but not take orders for drinks?
Answer: Yes. An odalisque is permitted to serve drinks to her Master and his guests but she is not to be used as a barmaid. A Slavekeeper should not direct an odalisque to take orders for drinks. He should take the orders, but he can have her bring the drinks to the guests. This is a subtle distinction that follows from the defined nature of an odalisque. She is not a worker. She is kept from toil. She is only used for sexual and erotic purposes. Taking orders for drinks is considered a form of work. It makes the odalisque into a waitress or a barmaid. This is beneath her. She must be preserved from that sort of association. But when she brings the drinks - perhaps on a silver tray - this is considered a form of display. It is an occasion when the Keeper can direct the slave to demonstrate her poise and beauty. The bringing of drinks is considered a demonstration, an exhibition, not a chore. Taking orders for drinks is a chore. An odalisque should not be used as a common worker. She is an object of beauty and an object of pleasure. The bringing of drinks is a display of her beauty.
Answer: Yes. An odalisque is permitted to serve drinks to her Master and his guests but she is not to be used as a barmaid. A Slavekeeper should not direct an odalisque to take orders for drinks. He should take the orders, but he can have her bring the drinks to the guests. This is a subtle distinction that follows from the defined nature of an odalisque. She is not a worker. She is kept from toil. She is only used for sexual and erotic purposes. Taking orders for drinks is considered a form of work. It makes the odalisque into a waitress or a barmaid. This is beneath her. She must be preserved from that sort of association. But when she brings the drinks - perhaps on a silver tray - this is considered a form of display. It is an occasion when the Keeper can direct the slave to demonstrate her poise and beauty. The bringing of drinks is considered a demonstration, an exhibition, not a chore. Taking orders for drinks is a chore. An odalisque should not be used as a common worker. She is an object of beauty and an object of pleasure. The bringing of drinks is a display of her beauty.
How do the charity provisions of Code d’ Odalisque work?
How do the charity provisions of Code d’ Odalisque work?
Code d’ Ode is not only about erotic indulgence. It is also about raising money for relevant charities. Decadence and indulgence - with an ethical side.
Charity, like generosity, is an important value in Code d’ Odalisque. The decadence and luxury of Code play is balanced by an ethos of charity directed against all forms of non-consensual slavery, chattel slavery and forced prostitution. Those who are wealthy enough to enjoy the services of an odalisque have an obligation to those less fortunate. Code d’ Ode is about a civilized, consensual form of slavery, and stands opposed in principle and practice to archaic and barbaric forms of slavery. It would be indecent and insensitive to indulge in a sex-slave lifestyle and swedx-slave games and not acknowledge that there are thousands of women and girls subject to real slavery today. Charity in Code d’ Ode works to help those unfortunate women.
The Code includes regulations for a simulated slave market. Money from this – the slaveprice – is commuted to alms and given to an appropriate charity. The idea is that when people indulge in consensual sex slave play they should at least spare a thought for – and make a donation towards helping – all those women in the world today living under conditions of actual sex slavery, forced to be involved in an illegal, violent sex trade.
Basically, the system works in this way:
*An odalisque must be purchased. She is not for hire like a whore or taken free like a slut. When a man takes an odalisque he must pay for her.
*This is done by “commuting the slaveprice to alms..” In practice, the Slavekeeper makes a donation to an appropriate charity.
*The slave is graded and valued. The slaveprice is worked out in terms of a fictional currency for play purposes only.
*A charity is nominated by the slavewoman. It should be a charity devoted to eradicating forced prostitution, human trafficking, child prostitution, etc.
*The Slavekeeper makes a donation to that charity. He determines the size of the donation. He “commutes the slaveprice to alms…” He makes an anonymous donation to the charity. He is not obliged to reveal the amount to the slave.
*Once the alms has been paid, the transaction is complete and the Slavekeeper thereafter “owns” his odalisque. He has satisfied the slaveprice by commuting it to alms.
Similarly, the provisions of slave auctions under Code d’ Odalisque direct the slaveprice to alms as a way of raising money for appropriate charities.
It is important to note that at no point does any money change hands between players. The only transaction that takes place is that the Slavekeeper, of his own accord, makes a donation to a charity. The slavemarket in Code d’ Odalisque is entirely simulated. Through almsgiving, the consensual sex slavery of Code d’ Odalisque works to help those who are victims of non-consensual sex slavery.
1.27. - Charity
The more advanced the slavekeeping culture the more slavekeeping is moderated by institutions of charity and almsgiving and regulated as a luxury to be turned to socially beneficial ends.
The socially beneficial end in Code d' Odalisque is the fight against human trafficking. Consensual slavery is against non-consensual slavery. This is another device that underlines the principles of Code d' Ode: CONSENT, SAFETY, LEGALITY.
Code d’ Ode is not only about erotic indulgence. It is also about raising money for relevant charities. Decadence and indulgence - with an ethical side.
Charity, like generosity, is an important value in Code d’ Odalisque. The decadence and luxury of Code play is balanced by an ethos of charity directed against all forms of non-consensual slavery, chattel slavery and forced prostitution. Those who are wealthy enough to enjoy the services of an odalisque have an obligation to those less fortunate. Code d’ Ode is about a civilized, consensual form of slavery, and stands opposed in principle and practice to archaic and barbaric forms of slavery. It would be indecent and insensitive to indulge in a sex-slave lifestyle and swedx-slave games and not acknowledge that there are thousands of women and girls subject to real slavery today. Charity in Code d’ Ode works to help those unfortunate women.
The Code includes regulations for a simulated slave market. Money from this – the slaveprice – is commuted to alms and given to an appropriate charity. The idea is that when people indulge in consensual sex slave play they should at least spare a thought for – and make a donation towards helping – all those women in the world today living under conditions of actual sex slavery, forced to be involved in an illegal, violent sex trade.
Basically, the system works in this way:
*An odalisque must be purchased. She is not for hire like a whore or taken free like a slut. When a man takes an odalisque he must pay for her.
*This is done by “commuting the slaveprice to alms..” In practice, the Slavekeeper makes a donation to an appropriate charity.
*The slave is graded and valued. The slaveprice is worked out in terms of a fictional currency for play purposes only.
*A charity is nominated by the slavewoman. It should be a charity devoted to eradicating forced prostitution, human trafficking, child prostitution, etc.
*The Slavekeeper makes a donation to that charity. He determines the size of the donation. He “commutes the slaveprice to alms…” He makes an anonymous donation to the charity. He is not obliged to reveal the amount to the slave.
*Once the alms has been paid, the transaction is complete and the Slavekeeper thereafter “owns” his odalisque. He has satisfied the slaveprice by commuting it to alms.
Similarly, the provisions of slave auctions under Code d’ Odalisque direct the slaveprice to alms as a way of raising money for appropriate charities.
It is important to note that at no point does any money change hands between players. The only transaction that takes place is that the Slavekeeper, of his own accord, makes a donation to a charity. The slavemarket in Code d’ Odalisque is entirely simulated. Through almsgiving, the consensual sex slavery of Code d’ Odalisque works to help those who are victims of non-consensual sex slavery.
1.27. - Charity
The more advanced the slavekeeping culture the more slavekeeping is moderated by institutions of charity and almsgiving and regulated as a luxury to be turned to socially beneficial ends.
The socially beneficial end in Code d' Odalisque is the fight against human trafficking. Consensual slavery is against non-consensual slavery. This is another device that underlines the principles of Code d' Ode: CONSENT, SAFETY, LEGALITY.

Charity - against forced prostitution
Code d’ Odalisque is for consenting adults only. Consensual slavery is for a post-slavery world. Code d’ Odalisque actively promotes causes working to eradicate the criminal exploitation of women and girls in forced prostitution. The economic provisions of the Code create a mechanism whereby the mock sale of odalisques raises money for appropriate charities. Charity is an important dimension of Code d’ Odalisque.
1.27. - Charity
The more advanced the slavekeeping culture the more slavekeeping is moderated by institutions of charity and almsgiving and regulated as a luxury to be turned to socially beneficial ends.
Code d' Odalisque works for the eradication of real-life human trafficking.
1.27. - Charity
The more advanced the slavekeeping culture the more slavekeeping is moderated by institutions of charity and almsgiving and regulated as a luxury to be turned to socially beneficial ends.
Code d' Odalisque works for the eradication of real-life human trafficking.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Finding odalisques
The old recipe for rabbit stew began with the famous words “First, catch a rabbit…” This is the problem with odalisque slavery, isn’t it? It is an appealing idea but… first find an odalisque. No doubt there are many gentlemen who fancy the idea of owning their own odalisque, but making it a reality is easier said than done. The fact of the matter is that odalisques – women with a genuine aptitude for the odalisque role and lifestyle – are rare. By any calculation, there is a surplus of would-be Slavekeepers and a shortage of willing females. It is highly unlikely that there are idle odalisques living in your neighborhood or catching the same bus as you each morning. Code d’ Odalisque offers an attractive, structured system of consensual sex slave play, but finding a consenting female is the hard part. Indeed, for most gentlemen the prospects seem bleak.
Nevertheless, the task is not impossible, and there are a number of things that can be said as encouragement. Firstly, and most importantly, there is the fact that – rare as they may be – odalisques ARE for real. There ARE women who would enjoy the odalisque life. They are submissive, highly sexed, and would enjoy being kept for erotic service. Such women are not to be found standing on every street corner, but they do exist. If a gentleman is searching for an odalisque, he can at least be heartened to know that he is not hunting a snark. The quest is not hopeless.
In fact, it is encouraging to realize that – rare as they may be – they are, all the same, more common than one might think. Code d’ Odalisque attracts a lot of favorable attention from women. We receive emails on a daily basis from women who are interested in Code d’ Odalisque. The Code itself was first put together in response to requests from women who were looking for non-violent, non-SM sex slave roles. So, there is demand. While there are fewer odalisques in the world than one might like, there are in fact more than one might think. The Code itself states, correctly:
1.15. - Female sexual servants
It is a constant in human social affairs that there is always a class of female who in one way or another have as their vocation the sexual satisfaction of men.
We should all be comforted to know that the world is broad and humanity is diverse. It takes all kinds, as the saying goes. There are women in the world who, by temperament, are suited to the odalisque role. When the quest seems hopeless, one should think of people with highly particularized fetishes. Amazingly, they find willing accomplices. There are men who have equestrian fantasies, for example, and are seeking women who will consent to being ridden and treated as horses. Such men do find willing women. There is – amazingly – a thriving equestrian fantasy sub-culture. Similarly, some men want women who like to be whipped, tortured, beaten and bruised. Amazingly, they find them. Or men with scat fetishes, or other strange, obscure or objectionable desires. The adult scene is full of people who – with patience – find others willing to indulge in their fantasies with them.
But it takes patience. Gentlemen seeking odalisques need to be patient, above all. It can only help if they spend time promoting Code d’ Odalisque and building a community of players. Most likely, odalisque types have never heard the word “odalisque” and don’t know that that is what they are. This is a comment often made by females who contact us. They say “I never realized I was an odalisque. I am into being used sexually and serving sexually without sado-masochism. I didn’t know you call that an ‘odalisque’.”
Such women are then offered Code d’ Odalisque as a complete set of rules to protect, nurture and safeguard them. The Code provides a safe, consensual framework for women. Gentlemen should use Code d’ Ode as an enticement to women who might find the lifestyle attractive. Odalisque slave play is a good deal for the right sort of woman. Assured that there are women with interest and aptitude, gentlemen should then move to offer prospective females a good proposal. A framework of rules for safety, legality and consent, along with a complete set of slave positions and commands, is a drawcard.
In the symbolism of Code d' Ode, an odalisque is considered as rare and as precious as a black pearl. Odalisques are treasured. Like any treasure, it takes time to find it. But once found, it must be protected and kept safe. Code d' Odalisque offers a complete system of odalisque slave play designed to be attractive to interested women. They can rest assured that their slavery will be in a formal, written framework of safety, legality and consent. The Code is a safety net designed to make prospective females more comfortable about submitting to a cockslave's role.
Nevertheless, the task is not impossible, and there are a number of things that can be said as encouragement. Firstly, and most importantly, there is the fact that – rare as they may be – odalisques ARE for real. There ARE women who would enjoy the odalisque life. They are submissive, highly sexed, and would enjoy being kept for erotic service. Such women are not to be found standing on every street corner, but they do exist. If a gentleman is searching for an odalisque, he can at least be heartened to know that he is not hunting a snark. The quest is not hopeless.
In fact, it is encouraging to realize that – rare as they may be – they are, all the same, more common than one might think. Code d’ Odalisque attracts a lot of favorable attention from women. We receive emails on a daily basis from women who are interested in Code d’ Odalisque. The Code itself was first put together in response to requests from women who were looking for non-violent, non-SM sex slave roles. So, there is demand. While there are fewer odalisques in the world than one might like, there are in fact more than one might think. The Code itself states, correctly:
1.15. - Female sexual servants
It is a constant in human social affairs that there is always a class of female who in one way or another have as their vocation the sexual satisfaction of men.
We should all be comforted to know that the world is broad and humanity is diverse. It takes all kinds, as the saying goes. There are women in the world who, by temperament, are suited to the odalisque role. When the quest seems hopeless, one should think of people with highly particularized fetishes. Amazingly, they find willing accomplices. There are men who have equestrian fantasies, for example, and are seeking women who will consent to being ridden and treated as horses. Such men do find willing women. There is – amazingly – a thriving equestrian fantasy sub-culture. Similarly, some men want women who like to be whipped, tortured, beaten and bruised. Amazingly, they find them. Or men with scat fetishes, or other strange, obscure or objectionable desires. The adult scene is full of people who – with patience – find others willing to indulge in their fantasies with them.
But it takes patience. Gentlemen seeking odalisques need to be patient, above all. It can only help if they spend time promoting Code d’ Odalisque and building a community of players. Most likely, odalisque types have never heard the word “odalisque” and don’t know that that is what they are. This is a comment often made by females who contact us. They say “I never realized I was an odalisque. I am into being used sexually and serving sexually without sado-masochism. I didn’t know you call that an ‘odalisque’.”
Such women are then offered Code d’ Odalisque as a complete set of rules to protect, nurture and safeguard them. The Code provides a safe, consensual framework for women. Gentlemen should use Code d’ Ode as an enticement to women who might find the lifestyle attractive. Odalisque slave play is a good deal for the right sort of woman. Assured that there are women with interest and aptitude, gentlemen should then move to offer prospective females a good proposal. A framework of rules for safety, legality and consent, along with a complete set of slave positions and commands, is a drawcard.
In the symbolism of Code d' Ode, an odalisque is considered as rare and as precious as a black pearl. Odalisques are treasured. Like any treasure, it takes time to find it. But once found, it must be protected and kept safe. Code d' Odalisque offers a complete system of odalisque slave play designed to be attractive to interested women. They can rest assured that their slavery will be in a formal, written framework of safety, legality and consent. The Code is a safety net designed to make prospective females more comfortable about submitting to a cockslave's role.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Refinement - Conduct of Orgia
24.1. - Intention of refinement
The general intention of this Code is to bring refinement, fine taste and decorum to the modern environment of sexual experimentation and adventure. All players are bound to this same ideal in word and action at all times.
A substantial part of Code d’ Odalisque concerns manners and etiquette. The intention of the Code is to provide the rules and framework for a high culture of slavekeeping, where hardcore debauchery is balanced with an elegant aesthetic, where a blatantly sexual mode of servitude is civilized by a code of urbane politeness and chivalry. This style of slavekeeping is for the sophisticated gentleman.
It needs to be distinguished from the more common ‘grungey dungeon’ style of slave-play. An odalisque is not a piece of trash. She is the highest and most precious of slaves. She has been raised above the level of low slaves and memlooks to be devoted to erotic service. Accordingly, her world is one of civility as well as a world of rules that carefully define her place in the order of things. The Code sets out her standards of behavior, as well as setting limits for those who would enjoy her.
This includes a set of rules for orgia. It may occur that, on the command of her Master, an odalisque is to serve several men, or several men and women, in the form of a ‘gangbang’ or an orgy. By definition, the odalisque exists to bring new and rare sexual delights to her owner. One owns an odalisque in order to explore. This might include sharing her with guests. The Code has rules for the conduct of such occasions. The whole of section XXV is devoted to ‘Conduct during Orgia’. These are rules that make for civilized group play.
Anyone who has sampled the contemporary urban orgy will understand the need to set some standards. Group sexual encounters can often be grubby and uninspiring. The atmosphere can be ruined by loudmouths and uncouth and pedestrian players. The present author once attended a group-sex scene where the loveplay was punctuated with two obnoxious men bickering while a third heated slices of pizza in a microwave! Code d’ Ode endeavors to bring some style and good taste to the orgy. Without compromising its ecstatic nature, the orgy requires some formality.
Article 26.1 states:
All speech and discourse during play shall be of a civil tone and indicative of a culture of respect and refinement. Players shall refrain from loud vulgarisms and uncouth or abrasive speech, except where lewd sexual talk is appropriate and warranted.
An orgy, obviously, should be orgiastic, and this means spontaneous, unruly, intense, but there is no reason why an orgy needs to be tacky. People can conduct themselves with decorum as well as indulging in carnal excess. The famous orgy scene from Kubrick’s film Eyes Wide Shut is an example of the appropriate aesthetic and tone: formal, tasteful, decadent. In all aspects, Code d’ Odalisque proposes a high culture of slavery. This is not the slavery of barbarians, nor of rural landowners, nor an industrial slavery. The purpose of an odalisque is to provide sexual luxuries. It is the slavery enjoyed by urban sophisticates, men of fine taste and leisure.
The general intention of this Code is to bring refinement, fine taste and decorum to the modern environment of sexual experimentation and adventure. All players are bound to this same ideal in word and action at all times.
A substantial part of Code d’ Odalisque concerns manners and etiquette. The intention of the Code is to provide the rules and framework for a high culture of slavekeeping, where hardcore debauchery is balanced with an elegant aesthetic, where a blatantly sexual mode of servitude is civilized by a code of urbane politeness and chivalry. This style of slavekeeping is for the sophisticated gentleman.
It needs to be distinguished from the more common ‘grungey dungeon’ style of slave-play. An odalisque is not a piece of trash. She is the highest and most precious of slaves. She has been raised above the level of low slaves and memlooks to be devoted to erotic service. Accordingly, her world is one of civility as well as a world of rules that carefully define her place in the order of things. The Code sets out her standards of behavior, as well as setting limits for those who would enjoy her.
This includes a set of rules for orgia. It may occur that, on the command of her Master, an odalisque is to serve several men, or several men and women, in the form of a ‘gangbang’ or an orgy. By definition, the odalisque exists to bring new and rare sexual delights to her owner. One owns an odalisque in order to explore. This might include sharing her with guests. The Code has rules for the conduct of such occasions. The whole of section XXV is devoted to ‘Conduct during Orgia’. These are rules that make for civilized group play.
Anyone who has sampled the contemporary urban orgy will understand the need to set some standards. Group sexual encounters can often be grubby and uninspiring. The atmosphere can be ruined by loudmouths and uncouth and pedestrian players. The present author once attended a group-sex scene where the loveplay was punctuated with two obnoxious men bickering while a third heated slices of pizza in a microwave! Code d’ Ode endeavors to bring some style and good taste to the orgy. Without compromising its ecstatic nature, the orgy requires some formality.
Article 26.1 states:
All speech and discourse during play shall be of a civil tone and indicative of a culture of respect and refinement. Players shall refrain from loud vulgarisms and uncouth or abrasive speech, except where lewd sexual talk is appropriate and warranted.
An orgy, obviously, should be orgiastic, and this means spontaneous, unruly, intense, but there is no reason why an orgy needs to be tacky. People can conduct themselves with decorum as well as indulging in carnal excess. The famous orgy scene from Kubrick’s film Eyes Wide Shut is an example of the appropriate aesthetic and tone: formal, tasteful, decadent. In all aspects, Code d’ Odalisque proposes a high culture of slavery. This is not the slavery of barbarians, nor of rural landowners, nor an industrial slavery. The purpose of an odalisque is to provide sexual luxuries. It is the slavery enjoyed by urban sophisticates, men of fine taste and leisure.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Yoga for Sex Slaves
Code d' Odalisque is pro-health. Sex and vitality go together. An odalisque is devoted to pleasure and the enjoyment of pleasure depends upon physical vitality. The surest way to sustain or increase libido is to maintain a high level of physical vitality. A regime of physical exercise is therefore an indispensable part of the odalisque's life. She must keep herself beautiful, and she must keep herself physically fit and healthy. Simple forms of light exercise are ideal for this - walking, jogging, cycling, swimming.
As well, a simple regime of hatha yoga is perfect for keeping an odalisque fit, healthy and flexible. Yoga involves stretching the body. It brings balance to the energies of the body, improves posture and elasticity, deepens breathing, aids relaxation, concentrates the mind, increases stamina and keeps the body supple. A basic routine of hatha yoga asanas (postures) every day will help keep an odalisque in good physical condition to perform her duties. The routine called 'Salute to the Sun' is good for beginners, but other routines are specifically designed for sexual health.
There are many good introductory books on yoga and yoga classes are usually inexpensive. There is no need to detail yoga practices here. But Slavekeepers and Slavetrainers are encouraged to include some yoga - or a similar system such as "tai chi" - in the daily discipline of an odalisque.
As well, a simple regime of hatha yoga is perfect for keeping an odalisque fit, healthy and flexible. Yoga involves stretching the body. It brings balance to the energies of the body, improves posture and elasticity, deepens breathing, aids relaxation, concentrates the mind, increases stamina and keeps the body supple. A basic routine of hatha yoga asanas (postures) every day will help keep an odalisque in good physical condition to perform her duties. The routine called 'Salute to the Sun' is good for beginners, but other routines are specifically designed for sexual health.
There are many good introductory books on yoga and yoga classes are usually inexpensive. There is no need to detail yoga practices here. But Slavekeepers and Slavetrainers are encouraged to include some yoga - or a similar system such as "tai chi" - in the daily discipline of an odalisque.

Friday, May 6, 2011
Legal Issues - overmistress
Numerous court cases in a range of countries have demonstrated how delicate and difficult the legal status of consensual slavery can be. Legally speaking *consent* is not always a clear-cut matter. Even where somewhere gives clear verbal consent to something it might be legally invalid if they can be shown to be speaking under duress or to have been subject to manipulation. Further, several cases have made it very clear that there are limits to consent - you cannot consent to surrender rights which, by law, are deemed inalienable.
A consensual slave, therefore, can never be recognized as "slave" in law. From a legal viewpoint consensual slavery can only ever be of the nature of a "game" and of "make believe" because real slavery is illegal. In reality, it is illegal to hold someone as a captive and slave, and it is especially so if one does this in order to use the slave for sexual purposes. Anyone at all involved in consensual slave play should understand this fact, and note it well. Judges and juries are merciless when the words "sex slave" are mentioned. This is why consent and legality are emphasized in Code d' Odalisque. Consent. Legality. Safety. These are guiding principles in all aspects of the Code.
The Code itself is quasi-legal and sets out important rules and regulations which are designed to keep the enjoyment of willing odalisques within a proper legal framework.Some people in the BDSM community have an overly casual attitude to legal issues. It is foolhardy to engage in slave play without set rules and a very careful consideration of matters of consent. This is not crucial where people are only engaging in occasional fantasy slave games, but some people want to adopt a Master/slave relationship as a lifestyle. That is when due care is necessary - it is important to establish consent and to stay within legal limits. Needless to say, no one under legal age should be involved in any way. The slave's limits should be clearly defined and respected at all times.
Code d' Odalisque also provides for the institution of Overmistress as a device to ensure consent, legality and safety. An odalisque may have an Overmistress - another woman, acting independent of the Slavekeeper, who keeps an eye on the welfare of the slave. The Code is pro-social. It is isolated rogues who cause problems. The Code advocates "triangulation". When play gets serious, introduce a third player. An odalisque has the right to independent supervision. An Overmistress has the right to have access to the slave to check on her and look out for her at all times. An odalisque's consent can be confirmed through her Overmistress. A slave should be able to turn to her Overmistress for support and to report to her any violations of her limits or any troubles she may be having. Slaves are submissive. By nature, they are easily manipulated. A slave needs an Overmistress as someone who can be forthright and assertive and act on her behalf and stand up for her interests.
A consensual slave, therefore, can never be recognized as "slave" in law. From a legal viewpoint consensual slavery can only ever be of the nature of a "game" and of "make believe" because real slavery is illegal. In reality, it is illegal to hold someone as a captive and slave, and it is especially so if one does this in order to use the slave for sexual purposes. Anyone at all involved in consensual slave play should understand this fact, and note it well. Judges and juries are merciless when the words "sex slave" are mentioned. This is why consent and legality are emphasized in Code d' Odalisque. Consent. Legality. Safety. These are guiding principles in all aspects of the Code.
The Code itself is quasi-legal and sets out important rules and regulations which are designed to keep the enjoyment of willing odalisques within a proper legal framework.Some people in the BDSM community have an overly casual attitude to legal issues. It is foolhardy to engage in slave play without set rules and a very careful consideration of matters of consent. This is not crucial where people are only engaging in occasional fantasy slave games, but some people want to adopt a Master/slave relationship as a lifestyle. That is when due care is necessary - it is important to establish consent and to stay within legal limits. Needless to say, no one under legal age should be involved in any way. The slave's limits should be clearly defined and respected at all times.
Code d' Odalisque also provides for the institution of Overmistress as a device to ensure consent, legality and safety. An odalisque may have an Overmistress - another woman, acting independent of the Slavekeeper, who keeps an eye on the welfare of the slave. The Code is pro-social. It is isolated rogues who cause problems. The Code advocates "triangulation". When play gets serious, introduce a third player. An odalisque has the right to independent supervision. An Overmistress has the right to have access to the slave to check on her and look out for her at all times. An odalisque's consent can be confirmed through her Overmistress. A slave should be able to turn to her Overmistress for support and to report to her any violations of her limits or any troubles she may be having. Slaves are submissive. By nature, they are easily manipulated. A slave needs an Overmistress as someone who can be forthright and assertive and act on her behalf and stand up for her interests.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Confusions in the Story of O.
The original impetus for the set of rules and guidelines that became Code d' Odalisque came from women who were looking for a submissive style of play without sado-masochistic themes. This is still the defining characteristic of Code d' Ode - it still caters for such women. There are many women who enjoy being used sexually and who find sexual submission fulfilling. But very often they find that others assume this means they like being treated as a piece of trash. They enjoy being commanded for sexual service but find that would-be Masters want to whip, beat or torture them as well. There is a common assumption that submissive women enjoy degradation and pain. Indeed, sado-masochistic submission is the standard in BDSM sub-culture, built upon the ubiquitous influence of the Marquis de Sade.
This is what we find in the famous book 'Story of O', for example. O. is not only used for sex. She is also subjected to various forms of SM play and cruelty. She is made to perform demeaning chores like a domestic servant and she has various forms of pain inflicted upon her for erotic purposes.
The novel is interesting because it confuses two different styles of erotic slave play. The main character is called O. because she is supposed to be an odalisque. She is modelled on the female sexual slaves of the orient known (in French) as "odalisques". But the style of play described in the novel is not oriental. The novel does not describe odalisque slavery. Instead, this O. is subjected to sado-masochistic fantasies that are typical of Marquis de Sade and belong to the eroticism of the French Revolution. The 'Story of O.' that is, is a cross-cultural work. It presents a European/French version of an oriental institution. Or, we might say, the main character is mis-named, because she is not treated like an odalisque at all. It is a European (French Revolution) fantasy that submissive females want (or need) to be pain slaves.
In Code d' Odalisque there are careful distinctions. An odalisque is a female pleasure slave. She is protected from abuse and violence. She is treated like a treasured harem slave. But the sado-masochistic themes of Marquis de Sade (historically located in the French Revolution) are not a normal part of play. Code d' Odalisque offers odalisque slavery without adaptations to French Revolution tastes, submission without sado-masochism. An odalisque under Code d' Ode, therefore, is not like O. in 'Story of O.' Instead, she is more like a true odalisque, preserved from mistreatment, used for sex and pleasure.
This is what we find in the famous book 'Story of O', for example. O. is not only used for sex. She is also subjected to various forms of SM play and cruelty. She is made to perform demeaning chores like a domestic servant and she has various forms of pain inflicted upon her for erotic purposes.
The novel is interesting because it confuses two different styles of erotic slave play. The main character is called O. because she is supposed to be an odalisque. She is modelled on the female sexual slaves of the orient known (in French) as "odalisques". But the style of play described in the novel is not oriental. The novel does not describe odalisque slavery. Instead, this O. is subjected to sado-masochistic fantasies that are typical of Marquis de Sade and belong to the eroticism of the French Revolution. The 'Story of O.' that is, is a cross-cultural work. It presents a European/French version of an oriental institution. Or, we might say, the main character is mis-named, because she is not treated like an odalisque at all. It is a European (French Revolution) fantasy that submissive females want (or need) to be pain slaves.
In Code d' Odalisque there are careful distinctions. An odalisque is a female pleasure slave. She is protected from abuse and violence. She is treated like a treasured harem slave. But the sado-masochistic themes of Marquis de Sade (historically located in the French Revolution) are not a normal part of play. Code d' Odalisque offers odalisque slavery without adaptations to French Revolution tastes, submission without sado-masochism. An odalisque under Code d' Ode, therefore, is not like O. in 'Story of O.' Instead, she is more like a true odalisque, preserved from mistreatment, used for sex and pleasure.
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