Saturday, November 25, 2017

Slaves & Whores

1.21. - Whoredom

Sexual slavery is better than whoredom. The whole tenor of this Code is opposed to prostitution in all its forms. The use of the term “sex slave” should not be confused with the popular use of this term for forced prostitution. 

The role of the odalisque can be better understood by considering her in relation to the prostitute. There are significant differences, and also significant similarities. 

The odalisque and the whore are similar in that both of them are women who live by providing sexual service to men. An odalisque is a cockslave. She is a sexual slave. A pleasure slave. She is kept by a Slavekeeper to be used for sex. Her “work”, like that of the whore, consists of letting men use her body for sexual gratification. 

But, unlike the whore, the cockslave is not for hire. She is owned, not leased. The whore hires her body out to any man with the money. The odalisque belongs to one man, her Keeper. He then enjoys her as his own personal pleasure slave, but he may also share her with other men; in fact, sharing is the norm. A Slavekeeper puts an odalisque to her proper task, namely providing sexual gratification to men. He uses her for his own pleasures and he shares her with friends. So even though an odalisque is owned by one man, she will often service a circle of gentlemen. But never for money. She never sells her sex. 

And Slavekeepers are strictly forbidden from prostituting a slave. An odalisque is kept from, protected from, whoredom. A prostitute is always subject to the harsh realities of the market, the violence of the street. In this she either looks out for herself or she is subject to exploitation by a pimp. A Slavekeeper must keep his slave from this fate. An odalisque is not a whore for rent. She is not on the open market. It is a grave insult to an odalisque to treat her as a whore.

The Code takes a strong stance on this. There is a strict contrast between slave and whore. The odalisque is, as it were, an anti-whore. Odalisque slavery is, as it were, an alternative to prostitution. In any society the reality is that men will want their (extra-marital) sexual desires served and satisfied. How is this to be done? In most societies it is done through prostitution. But it could be done through odalisque slavery in a society where odalisques are the norm. A cockslave serves male desires. That is her task. That is her vocation. She is trained and dedicated to that end. But she is bonded to a Master – bonded service, not hire service. 

Many submissive females fall into prostitution. But they are often brutalised in the experience. They would be better serving as an odalisque, serving a Slavemaster as his cockslave.

1 comment:

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