Monday, December 5, 2016

A Simple Aptitude Test

The odalisque lifestyle is not suited for every woman, and not even for all sex-crazed cockworshipping women. It is a lifestyle of sexual submission. It is suited only to certain psychological types. True odalisques are rare, but many women are well within the psychological range.

The important thing is that the odalisque lifestyle meets your needs. The important thing is that a woman finds the odalisque lifestyle fulfilling. It must fulfill her needs.

There are many common methods of psychological profiling. One of the most common is based on the theory that human beings have (at least) five basic needs, but that we all have different degrees of these. The five needs are: Security, Love,
Power, Freedom, Fun. Some people have a strong need for power. Some people have a strong need for fun. Some people have a strong need for security. Some people value their freedom above all else.

Obviously, the life of the cockslave is not suitable for someone who values freedom above all else, but a need for security and safety is compatible to the slave role.

Here is a simple test to determine your aptitude to the odalisque lifestyle. It requires that you ASSESS YOUR NEEDS. What are your needs? What motivates you?

Read through the following lists of statements:


I have a strong need for security and safety.
I am quite conservative.
I like set routines.
I like to be comfortable.


I need a sense of achievement.
I like to be in control.
I like to overcome challenges.
The approval of others is important to me.


I am an independent person. I value my independence.
I like taking risks.
I don't like to be told what to do.
I like to solve problems by myself.


I gave a strong need for pleasure.
I am a spontaneous person.
I have a strong sense of play. I am playful.
I like adventure.


I have a strong need to belong (to somewhere or someone).
I like to feel connected to other people.
I like to share. Sharing is an important value for me.

Now arrange these categories in order according to your own needs. Which need is strongest in you? The need for security? The need for love? The need for power? The need for fun?

The test will work better if you also ask someone who knows you well to arrange them in order according to how they think of you.

Spend some time getting them into the right order. From your strongest needs to your weakest needs. What is really important to you?

If you have any aptitude for the odalisque lifestyle then your needs should be roughly in this order:




Security, Belonging and Fun are the things that will be important to you. Typically, Security and Belonging are most important. Fun will be third. Freedom and Power will be the things that are least important to the odalisque type.

Women who are sluts (rather than slaves) will be likely to value Fun and Freedom above all things. The slut is sex-loving but the important thing to her is her right to move on. Her love of sex must be in the context of freedom and independence. The feeling of being owned by a man (Belonging) kills her libido.

Women who are whores (rather than sluts or slaves) will be likely to value Security, Power and Freedom ahead of Belonging or Fun. They are interested in sex only as a means to other things.

The odalisque wants (sexual) fun and adventure but she wants it in a secure setting. And she has a strong need to belong. She wants to feel owned. She wants to feel possessed. Freedom and power mean nothing to her. She will happily give away her freedom and power for Security, Belonging and Fun.

The difference between an odalisque and a (typical) wife (a husband/wife relationship) is that a wife values Power much more than Fun. The profile of a (typical) wife will be:


Such women are motivated by the need for security and belonging, just as the odalisque is, but the odalisque is more motivated by (sexual) Fun. The odalisque is happy to give up her Power. But Power is important to the wife type – much more important than fun. The wife role is not essentially sexual. The odalisque role is.

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