Saturday, July 21, 2012


14.16. - Permission for temporary use cages and cells 
A Keeper may place an odalisque in cages, cells or restraining containers for the temporary purposes of handling, discipline, display and enjoyment.

14.17. - Prohibition of permanent caging 
An odalisque shall not be kept caged indefinitely nor treated as a caged animal and kept in feeding cages on a permanent basis.

An odalisque lives in captivity. She is a captive slave. Although she enjoys certain privileges denied to lesser slaves (memlooks) and might even be called a “luxury slave” who is relatively pampered, she is a captive slave nonetheless. She is not a freewoman. She belongs to her Master; she is his property, kept to be used for his sexual enjoyment. This is something she should never be allowed to forget. It is important that an odalisque appreciates her predicament and that she develops the habits and mentality of a captive. Occlusion is a state of imprisonment. Her Master keeps her as a captive prisoner, hidden from the world, a submissive toy for his personal use.

The first step in training an odalisque is to teach her the difference between a slave and a freewoman and to firmly establish in her mind that she is a captive. This process is called “discalcing”. A slave is “discalced”. This means, for a start, that she is stripped of her clothes and her footwear. A freewoman wears clothes and shoes. An odalisque is naked and unshod. This nakedness signals the slave’s captivity. Her nakedness is her leash. She is kept naked and unshod as a way of keeping her captive. Being kept naked, with no access to clothes or footwear, helps to cultivate the captive mentality that is appropriate to an odalisque.

Another way to reinforce the captive mentality – another method in discalcing - is caging. An odalisque, like other slaves, can be placed in a cage. Captivity, imprisonment, restriction, bondage: these are Code d’ Ode themes and so a cage is a natural device for use in odalisque slave play. Nothing illustrates how her life differs from that of a freewoman than placing an odalisque in a cage. It is good practice, especially in the early stages of her occlusion, to cage an odalisque for a period of time every day or every few days – she must develop a captive psychology and give up the mental habits of a freewoman. Time spent in a cage helps shape the odalisque’s responses. She will gradually develop a ‘slave mind’, a closed, submissive psychology that comes from the experience of restriction.

A cage can also be adapted to sexual play. The slave can be made to her offer her body for sexual use whilst caged. Caging is then a form of bondage sex. This has proven to be a popular game among Code practitioners. The slave is placed in the cage. Her Master – and/or his male Guests – then feed her cock through the bars or through holes and apertures made for the purpose.

The articles of Code d’ Odalisque provide guidelines and limits for the use of cages. Again, in this, the odalisque has privileges not forthcoming to lesser slaves (memlooks). For instance, she is not to be treated like a caged animal. She is not to be fed her food in a doggy bowl for instance. She is not a dog. She might be caged but she retains the status and dignity of an odalisque – she is not to be treated as sub-human.

Similarly, every effort must be made to prevent her from suffering cuts and abrasions to her skin. An odalisque’s cage should have a comfortable mat on the floor and should not be made of rough, rusty metal with sharp edges or corners. An odalisque is a rare treasure. A cage for an odalisque should be a safe environment. The objective is to teach her the facts of her captivity, not to harm her or reduce her to a beast.

Slavekeeper’s should invest in a decent cage for the training and enjoyment of their slave. It is a very useful piece of equipment. Cages can be purchased but tend to be quite expensive: it is possible to make a cage which is both cheaper and it can be constructed according to appropriate standards for holding an odalisque.

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