Saturday, December 7, 2013

Grading vulva

Undoubtedly, one of the most salubrious aspects of assessing and grading an odalisque is the inspection of her vulva. Grading includes an assessment of her teeth, skin and other attributes, but it also includes an aesthetic estimation of her genitalia. Accordingly, the grader must make a careful inspection of the slave’s pussy. 

The vulva is assessed on a scale of one to nine (1-9). There are defined types, as set out in the Code. The types are usually grouped into four distinct categories:

1. Concave (1-2)

2. Flat (3-4)

3. Arched (5-6-7)

4. Extended (8-9)

What we are after and regard as the ideal is a well-defined and gracefully attractive “arched” type.

This is usually determined by viewing the vulva from the side in profile. The grader should ask the woman to stand side-on. Then ask her to move her near leg back slightly. The mool can then be viewed from the side. The grader should do this from both sides, both views, as well as inspecting the vulva from other angles. It is best if the women is smooth shaven for this. It can also be helpful to change the lighting in order to see the slave in silhouette.

Ideally, looking side-on, there is a gentle, well-defined crescent moon shape made by the lower belly, the vulva and the perineum. The vulva does not protrude out too far, and nor is the vaginal entry sunken and hidden.

To some extent, this is an assessment of the size of the vulva. Are the cunt lips too big or too small, or in between? The protruding vulva is usually because the lips are too large, too flabby or swollen, chubby. The concave shape is usually because the vulva is small, thin. In some cases, the vulva are best described as “flat”. But it is not only size. It is also a question of shape, form, volume. Some allowance needs to be made for ethnic differences – Asian women are likely to have smaller lips, for example – but the range of types is universal.

We are interested in this line (marked in black) in the female form. It is a crescent shaped arch that extends from the lower belly to the perineum. How well-shaped is this line in any given specimen? Men who are grading slaves should look at this line in the subject's anatomy. 

Universally, too, there is a lot of variation between women. These days more and more women are having cosmetic surgery to correct what they see as imperfections. Different gentlemen might have differing tastes in this sort of matter too. All the same, the ideal shape in Code d’ Odalisque conforms to popular preferences, i.e. neither too big nor too small, neither protruding nor sunken. We are not imposing an unusual standard. The ideal is a steady line, a gentle arch, a visually attractive form.

This is necessarily a subjective aspect of slave grading, but the grader should try to be as objective as possible. After inspection – guided by the four groupings – he gives the specimen a score on the 1-9 scale. Is the mool shapeless? Are the lips lacking in contour and definition? Or are they extended or even pendulous, over full? Finally, it is a judgment about the woman’s entire genitalia – obviously an important attribute for a sexual slave.

A vulva that deviates wide of the ideal should not be regarded as a fatal flaw, however. It is merely one factor in the assessment, and compared to other things it is, in the end, not a defining matter. On the contrary, too, a vulva that deviates from the ideal is still a thing of beauty. Here is an example:

This vulva would be graded 8 or 9 on our scale, classified as "extended", but no one is saying it is unattractive. The Code sets a standard and it is used for grading purposes but in the end pussy is pussy and the red-blooded hetero Slavekeeper has a natural love for them all. 

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