Monday, September 24, 2012

The Odalisque's life (repost)

During her time in occlusion an odalisque will not spend all of her time in active play. In fact, sex play would normally constitute only a small portion of an odalisque’s time - at least in “real time” Master/slave arrangements. At other times - when not serving sexually - she is a kept slave and enjoys a life of relative ease and luxury. Even if her Master demands her services every night, what does she do during her days?

The first answer to this is - she sleeps. An odalisque will normally sleep several hours more than a busy working person. She is the sort of woman who loves sleep and will sleep for ten or more hours. She lazes snug and naked in bed. She spends a lot of her time just lazing in her bed. On the whole, in fact, she is lazy. The true odalisque type is lazy and enjoys doing nothing. She lazes on the divan and elsewhere in the house, casually displaying her naked beauty as an ornament for her Master. She day-dreams or reads and enjoys her nakedness.

Apart from this life of gentle indolence, however, she must keep herself groomed according to her Master’s standards. Her hair, teeth, eyelashes, face, nails, skin, pussy... she must keep her body clean and well-maintained at all times. A certain amount of grooming is needed every day. It can take up a lot of an odalisque’s time. This includes showering and bathing, spas and saunas.

As well as this “toilette”, the slave must more generally look after her body by way of diet and exercise. An hour of yoga every day will keep her body supple and toned. She might be permitted to go swimming once or twice a week, or maybe her Master has a pool and she can swim daily? Or other suitable exercise. Her lazy and opulent lifestyle needs to be restrained by a regime of physical care and exercise in order to keep her body in an attractive and able state for her Master’s enjoyment.

A slave is also allowed her own entertainments in her apartment (odella) to occupy her time. This depends on what her Keeper provides but might include TV, radio, computer, internet, music. A slave in occlusion does not need excessive stimulation in this regard, but some provision for entertainment in an odella is the norm. Often live media - TV, radio, internet - are avoided because they bring too much “real world” into the slave’s isolation. Instead, the slave is given music CDs and DVD movies by her Master, and even then old music and old movies are preferred because they do not bring the current “real world” into the isolation of the odella.

A Keeper might also provide materials and support to encourage his slave to pursue a suitable pastime such as practising a musical instrument. Classical and feminine instruments - the violin or flute rather than the bass drum or tuba - are preferred. A cockslave need not neglect all her non-sexual talents while in occlusion. If she is a pianist and has practised every day since the age of seven, a Slavekeeper should provide her with a piano to continue with her music.

Finally, periods of occlusion can be punctuated with periods of “sojourn” when the slave goes back into the world like a freewoman. A slave might have a part-time job several days a week or might undertake study or have some other reason to spend days in sojourn. Her Master might let her walk to the public library once a week, or go walking in the park. Arrangements will entirely depend upon the needs of Master and slave. Some women have a greater capacity for isolation than others. Genuine odalisques love occlusion and thrive in captivity.

Needless to say, a Master may set his slave a routine of daily tasks to perform by way of slavetraining. This will usually include practise of the Code d’ Odalisque slave positions and commands and other finer points of etiquette. The slave will later be tested on these points and is expected to be elegant and well-drilled.

An odalisque (in contrast to lower slaves) can eat at table with her Master, and she must be given the same quality food as her Master. These are great privileges. She can spend time with her Master at table in conversation and enjoy food with him. There are other occasions when she has non-sexual interaction with her Master.

And an odalisque may also have an Overmistress who may visit or ring her on a regular basis. Indeed, a slave and Overmistress may conduct a close relationship independent of the Slavekeeper.

A generous Master will pay for his slave to receive such physical fine-tuning as Swedish massage and pedicure or similar, now and then. Or he might pay for her music lessons or French lessons. A Slavekeeper has an obligation to nurture his slave. Odalisque slavery is not about degrading and demoralising a woman - an odalisque is to be nurtured and refined.

All the same, there is no need to pamper her excessively and no need to render her more psychologically complex by developing sides of her personality that might conflict with or complicate her role as cockslave. A cockslave needs to be simple. Her isolation is a condition suited to developing MONOMANIA in a slave. Specifically, this monomania takes the form of a fixation upon phallic worship.

Code d’ Ode doesn’t resort to pain and torture and SM to reach into the deeper layers of the slave’s being, so instead Slavekeepers use psychological training methods. Isolation is one of them. During isolation, the mentality and desires of the slave - all her energies - can be redirected onto the single fixation - cock. The phallocentric slave. Phallic fixation is proper for a cockslave. A Slavekeeper will use the periods of the slave’s occlusion to channel her energies into a single focus - her obsession with cock. He can rightly fill her days with methods and exercises that are designed to imbue her with this monomania. This is the art of Slavetraining in Code d’ Ode - directing the slave’s beauty and grace and spirit and zeal and heat into a deep and genuine cockworship.

Under Code d’ Odalisque a Slavekeeper has an obligation not to let his cockslave go unused. He is urged to make use of her often. And it is in the spirit of the Code (subject to her contractual limits) for her Master to share her with other men (guests). Sexual generosity is a virtue in Slavekeepers. A man who is so fortunate as to own an odalisque has an ethical obligation to share her with others not as fortunate as himself - usually his selected close friends. Where a slave is consenting, a circle of gentlemen can form around an odalisque. She always remains the property of her Owner and Master, but she will happily serve her Master’s guests if that is his bidding. Where a slave is an orgophon and specialises in group play, it is essential that her Master forms a circle of other players around his odalisque.

So an odalisque can expect active service in her slavehood and will not usually be left in her odella for days on end without her services being required. Service to cock, in any case, is what she lives for. That’s why she is an odalisque. When she is not serving cock she is usually preparing herself to better serve cock by catching some beauty sleep, grooming herself, exercising, bathing, toning. Otherwise she lazes, or busies herself with a routine of activities that enhance and refine her. For a woman of the right temperament it is a rich and full lifestyle.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Kegels - muscular tone (repost)

15.11. - Muscular tone.

The training of an odalisque will normally include the cultivation of physical control over and achieving and maintaining firm tone in the muscles employed in various modes of sexual congress. Train your slave to do kegel (pelvic floor) exercises every day, for vaginal tone. This is an essential part of a cockslave’s daily regime. 

An essential part of an odalisque's training program is daily attention to the Kegel pelvic floor exercises. From Day One a cockslave should be doing regular Kegel exercises to improve and maintain the muscular tone of her vagina. Her vagina, of course, is her primary tool of trade. Keeping it fit and toned and preventing it from being loose and sloppy is a top priority. The Trainer or Keeper should make an assessment of her muscular strength - how much control does she have over her cunt muscles? He then sets her Kegel exercises to either improve or maintain her tone.

There is no need to over-develop these muscles. An odalisque is not a circus freak who can open a beer bottle with her labia! But her pussy should be tight and should have some grip. It is most important that a Slavetrainer attends to this. And, of course, a Slaveowner desires it in a cockslave.

Kegels are the same exercises done by pregnant women. There are many how-to websites. Go to a google search. There are also sex toys designed to help women attain and maintain vaginal tone. A Slavekeeper should invest in such toys for his slave.

It is especially important that the slave keep her mool in an attractive form. She is responsible for shaving or trimming her pubic hair according to her Master’s directions. She is responsible for maintaining hygiene and health. As an odalisque it is fundamental to who and what she is that she has something attractive to offer when she is told to spread her legs.

Proper care of her pussy should be made a strict requirement for odalisques. They are free from manual labour and domestic chores. But their obligation to look after themselves - and their sex - is basic to their lifestyle. The Keeper wants to develop healthy habits in a cocksklave in this regard right from the start. It is obviously important for a female sexual servant to keep her pussy in a presentable form. Slavekeepers - insist upon it from every slave! It is essential to the slave’s grooming.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Diverse needs

A man needs more than sex. He needs companionship, friendship, intellectual stimulation, amongst other things. It is always a mistake in life, however, to suppose that all of these needs can be met by one person. This is a very common strain upon marriages. People try to get all of their needs from their partner. Too often, the partner fails to live up to this unreasonable expectation and relationships end in disappointment. Very often, over time, a man will hone back his expectations and, with resignation, realize that a wife cannot be all things. This is the point at which a man starts to see his wife as only a business partner (with whom he shares his property and debts) and starts looking elsewhere for those things he cannot find at home. Usually this means that he spends more time with his male friends and, very often, looks elsewhere for sexual fulfillment too. It is a hard lesson of life: you can’t get everything from one person.

This is even more true of an odalisque. It is a one dimensional relationship. The purpose of an odalisque is to provide a man with sexual adventure. Only a man who has strong sexual needs is in need of an odalisque (cockslave). She acts as a compliant and willing sexual toy, an agreeable partner in his sexual fantasies. But that is all she is and it is unreasonable for a Slavekeeper to expect anything more from her. She is not a wife. She is not a companion. She is not a mate or a buddy. She doesn’t sit with him watching the football while having a few beers. She is an answer to one problem only: his sexual desires. His other needs have to be met through other relationships with other people.

These are important considerations for any man who is thinking of purchasing an odalisque. He must appreciate the limitations of such a relationship. If his problem is loneliness, then it is a girlfriend he needs, not an odalisque. If he needs someone to talk to, he needs friends, not a sex slave. If he needs love, he needs a lover. An odalisque – even less than a wife – cannot be an all-purpose companion. This involves mature judgments. A man must ask himself serious questions about his needs and how he intends to fulfill those needs. The best strategy is always to seek a range of solutions through diverse relationships. The Master/slave relationship is just one such relationship. A man needs other relationships for other purposes. His odalisque brings him beauty and pleasure – but it is not her job to keep him company on fishing trips. A rich life requires many relationships and associations in order to meet a man’s diverse needs.

It is also true, of course, that different men have different needs. Not every man needs a cockslave. There are some men, however, who are shaped and consumed by their sexual drives. There are men who need sex every day. There are men who need sex several times a day. There are men who spend their lives in brothels. Their sexuality will not be denied. They are driven by phallic obsessions. For such men sexual fulfillment is a first priority in life. They have a deep urge to go into and explore their sexuality, to embrace excess, to pursue ecstasy. It is not so for all men – only for some. These are the men who might reasonably make good use of a personal cockslave. They should realize, though, that a cockslave has a very specific role. His other needs – intellectual, emotional, social – he will necessarily have to meet through other relationships with other people. It is important not to burden an odalisque with tasks outside of her proper role. It is important that a man makes a realistic estimation of all his needs and meets those diverse needs through a diverse range of relationships. Let it be clear - an odalisque is only a solution to one problem: sex. For other needs a man must look elsewhere.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Objectification. Repost.

Much of the psychological dynamics of erotic slavery hangs on the idea of Objectification. Put simply, a cockslave is a sex object. She allows herself to be made an object of sexual use. She allows herself to be a sex toy, a fuckpuppet.

In feminist ideology this is the greatest of all sins. In soft liberal conceptions of human relations, it is a cardinal sin to treat another person as an object. People must always be treated as complex, integral beings.

But the reality of human sexual relations is usually not like this. Sex is a primitive thing and it curls up and dies if you try to drag it into the morally terrified atmosphere of the Sensitive New Age Guy. Sex is animal. Sex is biology. If you stifle it with good intentions it is no longer sexy.

Which is why the hardline feminist do-gooding is ultra non-sexy. Because their ideology violates the basic parameters of sexual nature. Sex thrives on objectification.

Feminist ideology says a man should not look at a woman's breasts. That is to treat her as an object. Big no-no.

But male sexuality is DRIVEN to look at breasts, damn it! That is why breasts stick out like fucking fog-lights and say "LOOK AT US!" Breasts ARE objects. By design.

Sure human beings are complex, rounded, right-endowed, free-willed and emotionally integral beings - but this is not the relevant fact to human sex play. In normal sex play human being's objectify. If you prevent them from doing this, you kill their sexuality.

Emotional relationships should be deep and meaningful, but the sex act doesn't have to be. Sex can be primitive. Sex can be on the "Me-cock, you-cunt" level. And in fact the best, raunchiest sex usually happens when partners get down to this level.

It is unavoidable in any good sex. You might start off "making love" but if things get clicking then soon you are thrashing about like two wild animals and if its really good you can hardly remember your own name, let alone that of the person you're fucking. Names and identities don't matter when the going gets hot. when a man is really pumping his woman he becomes all cock and she becomes all cunt.

Some types of normal sex play are inherently objectifying. Cocksucking for example. Like breasts, the cock sticks out from the body offering itself as a semi-attached object. Men LOVE having their cock treated like an object.

Objectification is essential to slave play. The slave is made an object of sex. This is for women that LOVE being made an object of sex.

Objectification is simplification. The slave must be made into an object, not a complex, free-standing being.

The focus of objectification in Code d' Ode are the genital organs - cocks and cunts. The slave is all cunt. She is her Master's cunt. And at the same time she is fixed upon cock. The cockslave worships cock. Cock is her devotion. She is not fixed on the personality of the man she serves. She is fixed upon his penis. She makes herself into pure cunt seeking pure cock. Master and slave are cock and cunt. Objects.