Monday, August 27, 2012

Women and work

Many women who are interested in the odalisque’s life have bad experiences in the work place and have a history of unhappy employment. If a woman is counted as “unskilled” she might often have to work in factory conditions, or low paid jobs in cleaning or hospitality. Other women are forced into the cut-throat world of business where they have to be ruthless and aggressive against their nature. Still others find all work undesirable. They would really prefer to stay at home; they expect a man to go out to work: such women resent the feminist revolution which has dragged women into the workforce and told them that women who stay at home are inadequate. Some women feel put upon by the modern expectation that women must prove themselves in a man’s world.

All of these experiences are amplified in the case of shy, timid, inward, introverted or submissive women. They, indeed, often feel brutalized by the modern working life. Working in a factory, or in physical labor – this is wrong for many small-framed women. It makes them age very quickly. In the competitive world of business only loud masculine women thrive – shrinking violets are stomped upon without a second thought. The introvert loves being at home and finds the social and work realm harsh and unfriendly.

What then is a woman to do? It is at this point that some women turn to prostitution. It is an easy way to make money. Or to porn films, or similar. Such women realize that one way to escape the fate of the 9 to 5 wage-slave is through sex. Sex is always available to a woman as a work substitute. For some women this comes with the realization that sex, in fact, is what she does best. When the careers counselor asks, “What do you enjoy most in life? What are you good at?” for some women the answer is “fucking”. She may not touch type and has no computer skills but she knows how to fuck like an expert. Some women are drawn to it. They love to fuck – more than anything in the world.

The odalisque’s life will appeal to such a woman. She serves a Master. She is a female sexual servant. He keeps her, looks after her, protects her. She is spared from having to labor. He provides and he preserves. She serves her Master’s bed.

For some, this is a better prospect than prostitution. It is better to serve a Master than a pimp. The prostitute’s life can be very rugged and every bit as brutalizing as working in a factory. And, in fact, the prostitute’s life is not really very sexy. Whores are not usually into sex. Sex is not their motivation. Sex is a means to an end. The odalisque’s life is luxurious and hedonistic by contrast. An odalisque is a pleasure slave. For a woman who excels at sex, who loves sex – and who would do anything to get out of waiting tables for fourteen hours a day - the odalisque’s life is a labor of love. She is safe, protected, kept - used by her Master as a compliant sex slave in his hedonistic fantasies. It is a life dedicated to luxury and pleasure, certainly when compared to the common experience of prostitution; grubby and risky.

Women with aptitude for the odalisque’s life also tend to be lazy. They have an aversion to work. She has an indolent temperament. She doesn’t want to work. Her experience of work is bad. She hates cleaning. She hates cooking. She wants no duties – other than fucking. She’s quite content sitting or lazing around not doing much at all. She’s happy to fuck. She doesn’t want to work. This is a keynote of the odalisque type: She’s happy to fuck. She doesn’t want to work. But, at the same time, she isn’t suited to prostitution. What she shares with the prostitute is the choice to live by sex, but she is not suited to the rough and tumble of hire service. She is made of softer, more refined, stuff.

There are, however, many odalisque-types who end up in prostitution. They are women who have a vocation to live by sex – and to avoid regular labors – who, in the end, succumb to whoredom. Prostitution is the only option open to them, as they see it. Code d’ Odalisque has a special mission to such women. Our objective is to create a culture of consensual odalisque slavery as an alternative to prostitution. There are some women – for reasons of aptitude and temperament - for whom bonded sexual service would be a far better option than walking the streets or working in brothels.

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