Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Occlusion and sojourn

Question: I am a Slavekeeper, but I cannot afford to have a slave dependent on me financially full-time. My slave goes out to work two days a week. She also works in my garden. How can I adapt our lifestyle to Code d’ Odalisque?

Answer: Code d’ Ode is very flexible. The written Code seems highly regulated, and it sets out the ideal, but there is plenty of scope for people to adapt it to their needs. Please feel free to take whatever you need from the Code – adapt it to your circumstances.

A feature of Code d’ Ode is the distinction between “occlusion” and “sojourn”. Occlusion is active service. When she is occluded the slave lives as an odalisque, behind closed doors, a sexual captive ready to serve her Master. Ideally, an odalisque spends as much time in occlusion as possible. She is kept for sex.

But in today’s world it is often not possible for a slave to live in occlusion full-time. There are times when she may need to leave the house and go about in the world like a freewoman. For many people, it is a financial necessity that she works, at least part-time. This time is called “sojourn”. A slave who works part-time spends that time on “sojourn”. When her work is done, she returns into the state of “occlusion”. Ideally, she spends as little time as possible on “sojourn” – but the circumstances of modern life may require her to be on sojourn more than is ideal.

Each Master/slave couple need to establish an arrangement that suits their circumstance. Time spent in occlusion and on sojourn can be varied according to needs. The Code is very flexible in this regard. In practice, only a quite wealthy gentleman can afford a slave in full-time occlusion. Also, the fact is that modern women live busy lives. A woman – though she loves being a cockslave to her Master – may have commitments to job, family, friends or study that cannot be entirely avoided. It is best to take a flexible, practical approach and gradually move towards the ideal.

Several points should be observed though:

*Where she needs to work, a slave should only do types of labour that are clean and safe. If she cannot be spared from all work, an odalisque should at least be spared from dirty, heavy, dangerous or demeaning work.

*A Slavekeeper should not exploit financial imperatives to turn his odalisque into a memlook (low slave). And, above all, an odalisque cannot be prostituted. Regardless of financial needs, an odalisque cannot be made to work as a whore.

*The transitions from occlusion to sojourn should be ritualized. A clear distinction should be made between the two states.

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