Wednesday, September 28, 2011

5.10. - The traditional threat of beheading
At her Vows of Devotion, by long tradition, an odalisque is threatened with beheading should she run away or be willfully disobedient or bring disgrace to her vocation or her Keeper. Thereafter, the sword may be presented at her training sessions or other times as an emblem of authority and a constant reminder of the dire fate that awaits a slave who dishonors her vows.
Many aspects of Code d’ Odalisque allude to or appropriate aspects of slavekeeping from former times. These, of course, have been brought up to date and are under the provisions of a fully consensual framework – they are residual motifs from historical odalisque slavery.
One of these such historical motifs is the use of the sword as a symbol of authority and – during the initiation of a freewoman into slavery – the threat of beheading. In historical slavery, of course, this was a real threat. The penalty for an odalisque that ran away or was guilty of some serious breach of her duties (for example, if she tried to harm her Master) was beheading.
In consensual odalisque slavery under Code d’ Odalisque the threat of beheading, and the use of the sword, is retained, but it is of course purely symbolic. When a freewoman is brought into slavery she is threatened with the sword. In this sense, she lives “under the sword”.
As a corresponding gesture of submission, the slave will expose the nape of her neck to her Master. This gesture alludes to the residual threat of beheading. When a woman is “under the sword” she lives under the (symbolic) threat of losing her head if she violates the terms of her slavery.
Note that in Code d’ Ode odalisques do not usually wear collars and the symbol of authority is not the lash. Instead, Code d’ Ode is built on historical traditions concerning piracy and slavetrading. The appropriate sword is the cutlass – the Eroll Flynn-type sword. Slave play can be built around this theme.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
A Simulated Slave Economy (repost)
Code d' Ode includes a simulated slave economy. Legality is a first principle, so slavetrading is entirely simulated and no money changes hands between active players at any juncture. But a simulated trade operates as follows:
*Before purchase cockslaves are graded and priced. They are very expensive items! They are the most expensive of all slaves.
*A slave should demand that she be purchased, not taken freely like a slut. She is proud to be purchased.
*But her owner can "opt" to "commute" the slaveprice to alms. This means he makes a donation to charity instead. The purchase is only token (and indirect).
*Only some charities are acceptable for alms. These are: campaigns against child labour, forced prostitution and female genital mutilation, and all forms of non-consensual slavery. (You can't make a donation to your golf club and call it alms. It has to be directed to an appropriate cause.)
*The slavewoman has the right to nominate the organisation to which she wants her new owner to "commute the slaveprice to alms."
*The slaveowner has the right to decide the sum he will pay in alms to the charity his slave has nominated. Symbolically speaking he has paid the full price and the slave can wear her price with pride.
*A slaveowner is not required to reveal to his slave the actual sum of alms he has paid, nor is he required to give proof of payment to the slave or to anyone else. It is enough that he says to his new slave that he has "commuted the slave price to alms" with the charity of her choice.
*This constitutes full payment.
*It is improper for either slave or Keeper to ever mention either the fact or the sum of payment in any context again. It is a taboo topic in Code d' Ode play.
*It is a voluntary code. Men of good conscience will acknowledge that owning a cockslave is a rare privilege in life and will happily make a generous donation to a worthy cause in lieu of the slaveprice. This legitimizes the bond over his slave.
*Honesty is a cardinal virtue in a Slavekeeper. So when a man says "I have paid the slaveprice" (by way of a token donation to an appropriate charity) then we expect he is reporting the truth. It would be poisonous to begin a Keeper/slave relationship with a lie.
*It is the intent of Code d' Ode to foster and protect odalisques at all times. The whole Code works against illegal slavetrading, forced prostitution and exploitation.
*Odalisques are urged to demand that their owners pay the slave price. She should ask, "Am I to be taken for free like a slut?" An odalisque should SHAME her owner into paying a price for her.
*A key quality in a Slavetrader is the urge to protect and nurture odalisques. Such a man will abhor the ruthless maltreatment of beautiful, erotic women at the hands of underworld rackets and will happily give to charities that are devoted to helping such women. There are thousands of them in forced prostitution in the United States!
*There are no obstacles to players holding (consensual) slave auctions or auctions-for-service so long as ALL proceeds go to an appropriate charity.
*Code d' Ode seeks to create a high-class, luxury, consensual cockslave culture where play incidentally assists charity work that is devoted to eradicating forms of non-consensual sex slavery.
*Before purchase cockslaves are graded and priced. They are very expensive items! They are the most expensive of all slaves.
*A slave should demand that she be purchased, not taken freely like a slut. She is proud to be purchased.
*But her owner can "opt" to "commute" the slaveprice to alms. This means he makes a donation to charity instead. The purchase is only token (and indirect).
*Only some charities are acceptable for alms. These are: campaigns against child labour, forced prostitution and female genital mutilation, and all forms of non-consensual slavery. (You can't make a donation to your golf club and call it alms. It has to be directed to an appropriate cause.)
*The slavewoman has the right to nominate the organisation to which she wants her new owner to "commute the slaveprice to alms."
*The slaveowner has the right to decide the sum he will pay in alms to the charity his slave has nominated. Symbolically speaking he has paid the full price and the slave can wear her price with pride.
*A slaveowner is not required to reveal to his slave the actual sum of alms he has paid, nor is he required to give proof of payment to the slave or to anyone else. It is enough that he says to his new slave that he has "commuted the slave price to alms" with the charity of her choice.
*This constitutes full payment.
*It is improper for either slave or Keeper to ever mention either the fact or the sum of payment in any context again. It is a taboo topic in Code d' Ode play.
*It is a voluntary code. Men of good conscience will acknowledge that owning a cockslave is a rare privilege in life and will happily make a generous donation to a worthy cause in lieu of the slaveprice. This legitimizes the bond over his slave.
*Honesty is a cardinal virtue in a Slavekeeper. So when a man says "I have paid the slaveprice" (by way of a token donation to an appropriate charity) then we expect he is reporting the truth. It would be poisonous to begin a Keeper/slave relationship with a lie.
*It is the intent of Code d' Ode to foster and protect odalisques at all times. The whole Code works against illegal slavetrading, forced prostitution and exploitation.
*Odalisques are urged to demand that their owners pay the slave price. She should ask, "Am I to be taken for free like a slut?" An odalisque should SHAME her owner into paying a price for her.
*A key quality in a Slavetrader is the urge to protect and nurture odalisques. Such a man will abhor the ruthless maltreatment of beautiful, erotic women at the hands of underworld rackets and will happily give to charities that are devoted to helping such women. There are thousands of them in forced prostitution in the United States!
*There are no obstacles to players holding (consensual) slave auctions or auctions-for-service so long as ALL proceeds go to an appropriate charity.
*Code d' Ode seeks to create a high-class, luxury, consensual cockslave culture where play incidentally assists charity work that is devoted to eradicating forms of non-consensual sex slavery.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
*The Black Pearl
Code d' Odalisque incorporates some oriental sexual symbolism based on analogies between the female vulva and certain shellfish. Even in American slang a woman's genitals might be referred to as a "clam". Clam, oyster, molusc. This is the origin of the word "mool", a word used in Code d' Ode for the female genitals. By extension, there is also the symbolism of the so-called "black pearl". Inside the oyster is the pearl.

The Discalcing Ritual
A freewoman surrenders herself into odalisque slavery by way of a ritual called “discalcing”. Code d’ Odalisque describes the basics of this procedure, but players are free to expand it and adapt it to their needs. In essence, a “discalcing” is an occasion in which the freewoman can express her consent to becoming an odalisque and is then stripped and led into captivity (occlusion).
The word “discalcing” means “the removal of shoes”. The woman voluntarily removes her shoes and hands them over to the men presiding over the discalcing. This is a symbolic act signifying her transition from freewoman to slave. In Code d’ Odalisque, shoes are a privilege enjoyed by freewomen. Slaves go barefoot.
Here are the essential aspects of the ritual as set out in the Code:
(a) The woman shall sign a Contract of Submission that establishes her consent,
(b) The woman shall remove and surrender her footwear voluntarily,
(c) The woman shall be bound and blindfolded,
(d) The woman shall be stripped naked,
(e) The woman shall be bathed and purified,
(f) The woman shall take a vow of sexual slavery under the Sword,
(g) The woman shall be anointed, marked or branded.
(h) The woman shall be led naked and barefoot into occlusion (captivity).
As in all aspects of Code d’ Ode, this ritual should be an occasion for erotic creativity. The gentlemen who are conducting the initiation of the woman into slavery should be creative. They need a suitable venue. They should give due attention to creating an appropriate atmosphere and to making the event memorable. It should be a special event.
The word “discalcing” means “the removal of shoes”. The woman voluntarily removes her shoes and hands them over to the men presiding over the discalcing. This is a symbolic act signifying her transition from freewoman to slave. In Code d’ Odalisque, shoes are a privilege enjoyed by freewomen. Slaves go barefoot.
Here are the essential aspects of the ritual as set out in the Code:
(a) The woman shall sign a Contract of Submission that establishes her consent,
(b) The woman shall remove and surrender her footwear voluntarily,
(c) The woman shall be bound and blindfolded,
(d) The woman shall be stripped naked,
(e) The woman shall be bathed and purified,
(f) The woman shall take a vow of sexual slavery under the Sword,
(g) The woman shall be anointed, marked or branded.
(h) The woman shall be led naked and barefoot into occlusion (captivity).
As in all aspects of Code d’ Ode, this ritual should be an occasion for erotic creativity. The gentlemen who are conducting the initiation of the woman into slavery should be creative. They need a suitable venue. They should give due attention to creating an appropriate atmosphere and to making the event memorable. It should be a special event.
Sunday, September 18, 2011

In the written codifications of Code d’ Odalisque there are many references to “cock worship”. The slave (odalisque) is held as a captive and used as a sexual servant – she is made to worship cock. Her motto is (in French): J’adore le phallus! (I adore cock!) Adoration is worship. When she becomes an odalisque a woman must be devoted to serving and worshipping cock.
But what, exactly, does “cock worship” mean? What does it mean in practice?
In practice, of course, it means that the slave applies herself – her body, her skill, her energy, her passion – to pleasuring her Master’s phallus. She will stroke it, lick it, kiss it, suck it, fuck it and she will put her heart into doing so – that is what “worship” means. She applies herself to serving and pleasuring cock and she puts her heart and soul into doing so. She must love and adore cock and love serving cock. She is phallocentric. As a cockslave, her focus is upon cock. First and foremost, a cockslave wants to serve cock.
This focus upon cock is so intense that it constitutes worship, i.e. a quasi-spiritual intensity. The slave must love cock with a religious passion. This has an important consequence. It is cock that she is focused upon. This is her love. Her obsession. But note that she is NOT focused upon the personality of her Master. She obeys her Master, but cock is her god!
In much contemporary Master/slave play the female slave is subsumed by the personality of her Master. Masters tend to have strong personalities and, often, charisma. The submissive female falls for his strong persona. She loves him. She adores him. She worships and serves him as a god. She is swallowed up in the glow of his personality.
This is not the case under Code d’ Odalisque. There is a different emphasis in odalisque slavery. The odalisque is an exclusively sexual slave. Therefore, her duties are one dimensional. She is concentrated upon her duty to serve cock. She obeys her Master, but it is his cock, not his ego, with which she is obsessed. It is an important distinction. Cockworship means that the slave is focused upon the cock, not the man.
Under Code d’ Ode, Slavekeepers must refrain from egomania. There are no personality cults in Code d’ Ode. A slave is trained to be cock-centred. It is not desirable for her to become overwhelmed by the personality of her Master. Instead, he is just the man who feeds her cock. She serves him and obeys him, but it is cock she worships. Would she serve him if he was a eunuch? No! A cockslave longs to serve cock. Her Master is the man who puts her to this, her proper task.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Speech in training
In slavetraining, control of the slave's speech is a powerful means of taking control of her wider behavior. Speech is connected with a wide dimension of our thinking, our being. Speech is a pathway into the mind. Code d' Odalisque includes sections on the control of the slave's speech. The training of a slave involves taking control of, and reprogramming, her speech.
When it comes to remaking a slave's speech, it is especially advisable to move slowly and one step at a time. The best strategy is to wipe the slate clean and to start with silence. Step one. No speaking. Then you allow the slave to say only one thing - "I love cock!" Then, having established that platform, you can slowly introduce her to appropriate slave discourse.
A Trainer should concentrate on the following points first:
26.7. - A slave speaks with respect
An odalisque shall speak to all men and all freewomen with utmost respect at all times.
26.8. - Silence a virtue in a cockslave.
Silence is a virtue in a slave. An odalisque shall hold her tongue except where she is spoken to or where she must speak in the circumstances. She shall not speak unnecessarily or engage in idle gossip, backbiting or provoke or engage in trivial or malicious conversations.
26.9. - A slave's tone of voice
An odalisque shall speak in a quiet or a hushed tone unless otherwise directed for the purposes of play by her Keeper. The proper tone is lower than normal conversational speech but louder than a whisper. She shall speak clearly and not mumble.
26.10. - A slave's speech restrained
It is proper for an odalisque to be reticent, quiet and modest unless directed to be lewd and forward by her Keeper. When she must speak she is brief and restrained.
Take control of HOW the slave speaks as well as taking control of WHAT she says. What she says should be reduced to a minimum. All her speaking should be curtailed. When she speaks, she speaks as a slave.
Just like solitary confinement, the imposition of periods of TOTAL SILENCE when the slave is strictly forbidden from speaking are quite effective in placing her in a dependent and submissive position. So too is restricting her to only one word or phrase such as "I love cock!" Then that can be refined to "Your slave loves cock" as the slave learns to eradicate the personal possessive parts of her speech. Slowly with this.
The French parts of speech that are included in Code d' Ode can be a later addition unless the slave has a natural feeling for French. All the same, they are not just idle ornaments to the game. If the slave is taught to speak with French elements throughout her sentences this has a useful psychological effect. It means her mind is engaged in "catching up" because French will not come as smoothly to her as her native tongue. It is useful to "tie up" the slave's mind in this way. Another way of explaining this is to say that using the French elements in speech is like putting her leg in a splint. It acts as a device of mental restriction.
When it comes to remaking a slave's speech, it is especially advisable to move slowly and one step at a time. The best strategy is to wipe the slate clean and to start with silence. Step one. No speaking. Then you allow the slave to say only one thing - "I love cock!" Then, having established that platform, you can slowly introduce her to appropriate slave discourse.
A Trainer should concentrate on the following points first:
26.7. - A slave speaks with respect
An odalisque shall speak to all men and all freewomen with utmost respect at all times.
26.8. - Silence a virtue in a cockslave.
Silence is a virtue in a slave. An odalisque shall hold her tongue except where she is spoken to or where she must speak in the circumstances. She shall not speak unnecessarily or engage in idle gossip, backbiting or provoke or engage in trivial or malicious conversations.
26.9. - A slave's tone of voice
An odalisque shall speak in a quiet or a hushed tone unless otherwise directed for the purposes of play by her Keeper. The proper tone is lower than normal conversational speech but louder than a whisper. She shall speak clearly and not mumble.
26.10. - A slave's speech restrained
It is proper for an odalisque to be reticent, quiet and modest unless directed to be lewd and forward by her Keeper. When she must speak she is brief and restrained.
Take control of HOW the slave speaks as well as taking control of WHAT she says. What she says should be reduced to a minimum. All her speaking should be curtailed. When she speaks, she speaks as a slave.
Just like solitary confinement, the imposition of periods of TOTAL SILENCE when the slave is strictly forbidden from speaking are quite effective in placing her in a dependent and submissive position. So too is restricting her to only one word or phrase such as "I love cock!" Then that can be refined to "Your slave loves cock" as the slave learns to eradicate the personal possessive parts of her speech. Slowly with this.
The French parts of speech that are included in Code d' Ode can be a later addition unless the slave has a natural feeling for French. All the same, they are not just idle ornaments to the game. If the slave is taught to speak with French elements throughout her sentences this has a useful psychological effect. It means her mind is engaged in "catching up" because French will not come as smoothly to her as her native tongue. It is useful to "tie up" the slave's mind in this way. Another way of explaining this is to say that using the French elements in speech is like putting her leg in a splint. It acts as a device of mental restriction.
Thursday, September 15, 2011

What does the Code say about recreational drugs, and also the use of drugs like sedatives?
It is a fact that many people use drugs – including alcohol - to enhance sex. This has probably been the case in one form or another for thousands of years. Code d’ Odalisque accommodates this fact. A typical form of play is the “wine night” – an occasion for imbibing and hedonistic enjoyment. “Wine”, under the Code, is a generic term and means the Slavekeeper’s drink or drug of choice. The Code states that, according to tradition, absinthe and hashish are the inebriants most appropriate to odalisque slave play.
In principle, and in practice, then, Code d’ Odalisque accepts the use of recreational drugs as part of slave play. Code d’ Ode is guided by a hedonistic philosophy: in his quest for pleasure a Slavekeeper may use alcohol, or other substances, to reduce inhibition and enhance and extend his erotic indulgences. A Slavekeeper should be creative in this pursuit – consciousness-changing substances of various types may be part of that creativity. This is up to the Slavekeeper. The “wine” is his drink or drug of choice. The “wine” is his indulgence.
Similarly, in principle under the Code inebriants and other drugs can be administered to a slave both for the purposes of subduing her, making her easier to use and enjoy, and for the purposes of training, as required.
This must be placed within the restraints set in the Code, however. Foremost are considerations of consent. It is a violation of the Code – and indeed a crime under law – to drug someone without their consent. Secondly, there are issues of health and safety. The welfare of a slave is a top priority at all times. The Code also insists that an odalisque should not be drawn into or used in illegal activities. Her Keeper should never involve her in crimes. Obviously, prohibited substances incur penalty under law. An odalisque should not be exposed to this. The Code permits (and encourages) indulgence, but within the parameters of consent, safety and legality.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Mensuration (repost)
Question: What position does Code d' Odalisque take on mensuration? Can a slave be required to fuck while she is bleeding? Can a Slavekeeper give a slave drugs to stop her mensurating?
Answer: In general Code d' Odalisque follows the age-old taboo on sex during mensturation that is found in various cultures including the Turkish, Persian and Middle Eastern cultures in which odalisque slavery first developed. It is a taboo also observed by many Western people. But the basis of the taboo in Code d' Ode has nothing to do with ideas that a mensturating woman is unclean or cursed – it is rather just a mercy allowed to odalisques that gives them regular times without the demands of active sexual service. Article 10:44 of the Code states:
10.44. - Sex during menses
An odalisque shall not be compelled to have sex during her menses.
And article 2:25 states:
2.25.- Relaxation of nakedness during menses
The requirements of nakedness will normally be relaxed during a female's menses or during sickness or ill-health as well as during sojourn from occlusion.
As usual, of course, practitioners of this style of sexual slave-play may wish to change or adapt such rules to their own personal preferences. Some men, and women, don't mind the blood and mess that accompanies sex during menses; others do. The default position given in the Code is that sexual service is not required of a slave while she is bleeding. In fact, the Code provides a ritual means by which a slave notifies her Master of the on-set of bleeding. See article 24:24:
24.24.- Announcing menstruation
When an odalisque begins to menstruate she should go to her Keeper at an appropriate time and indicate the onset of her menses in the following way:
(a) The slave sits on the floor in silence and throws her hair forward over her face. (If an odalisque has short hair she wears a thin veil over her face.)
(b) The Keeper approaches. He tells the slave to look up. He parts the hair (or veil) from her face, bends down and kisses her on the lips. There is no need for either player to say anything.
As for controlling menses with drugs or other means, this is specifically forbidden under the Code. Many prostitutes use chemical means to eliminate their menses altogether so that their work is uninterrupted. In the long run this is dangerous to a woman's health. Code d' Ode places a woman's health ahead of other interests and so the practice is forbidden. See article 11:30.
11.30. - Prohibition on the radical control of menses
A Keeper shall not submit an odalisque to the chemical eradication or control of her menstrual cycles where this may possibly have negative long-term consequences upon her health, including her reproductive health, at a later time in her life.
We think that these provisions are fair and humane and take proper account of the nature of woman. Menses is a fact of human female sexuality. The sexual service to which an odalisque submits should take account of this fact. Please note article 10:43 of the Code:
10.43. - Regular respite from sexual duties
An odalisque shall have at least every seventh day free of her Keeper's demands and shall have regular respite from sexual duties.
Since a cockslave is to be allowed regular respite from sexual service it makes sense to take advantage of her natural cycles and to forgo sexual service whilst she is bleeding. Moreover, mensturation is not a curse or a disease. It is a normal feature of female sexual health. It may be an inconvenience, but it is natural and normal and – as always – the slave's health and well-being are paramount under Code d' Odalisque and come before other interests.
Answer: In general Code d' Odalisque follows the age-old taboo on sex during mensturation that is found in various cultures including the Turkish, Persian and Middle Eastern cultures in which odalisque slavery first developed. It is a taboo also observed by many Western people. But the basis of the taboo in Code d' Ode has nothing to do with ideas that a mensturating woman is unclean or cursed – it is rather just a mercy allowed to odalisques that gives them regular times without the demands of active sexual service. Article 10:44 of the Code states:
10.44. - Sex during menses
An odalisque shall not be compelled to have sex during her menses.
And article 2:25 states:
2.25.- Relaxation of nakedness during menses
The requirements of nakedness will normally be relaxed during a female's menses or during sickness or ill-health as well as during sojourn from occlusion.
As usual, of course, practitioners of this style of sexual slave-play may wish to change or adapt such rules to their own personal preferences. Some men, and women, don't mind the blood and mess that accompanies sex during menses; others do. The default position given in the Code is that sexual service is not required of a slave while she is bleeding. In fact, the Code provides a ritual means by which a slave notifies her Master of the on-set of bleeding. See article 24:24:
24.24.- Announcing menstruation
When an odalisque begins to menstruate she should go to her Keeper at an appropriate time and indicate the onset of her menses in the following way:
(a) The slave sits on the floor in silence and throws her hair forward over her face. (If an odalisque has short hair she wears a thin veil over her face.)
(b) The Keeper approaches. He tells the slave to look up. He parts the hair (or veil) from her face, bends down and kisses her on the lips. There is no need for either player to say anything.
As for controlling menses with drugs or other means, this is specifically forbidden under the Code. Many prostitutes use chemical means to eliminate their menses altogether so that their work is uninterrupted. In the long run this is dangerous to a woman's health. Code d' Ode places a woman's health ahead of other interests and so the practice is forbidden. See article 11:30.
11.30. - Prohibition on the radical control of menses
A Keeper shall not submit an odalisque to the chemical eradication or control of her menstrual cycles where this may possibly have negative long-term consequences upon her health, including her reproductive health, at a later time in her life.
We think that these provisions are fair and humane and take proper account of the nature of woman. Menses is a fact of human female sexuality. The sexual service to which an odalisque submits should take account of this fact. Please note article 10:43 of the Code:
10.43. - Regular respite from sexual duties
An odalisque shall have at least every seventh day free of her Keeper's demands and shall have regular respite from sexual duties.
Since a cockslave is to be allowed regular respite from sexual service it makes sense to take advantage of her natural cycles and to forgo sexual service whilst she is bleeding. Moreover, mensturation is not a curse or a disease. It is a normal feature of female sexual health. It may be an inconvenience, but it is natural and normal and – as always – the slave's health and well-being are paramount under Code d' Odalisque and come before other interests.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Occlusion and sojourn
Question: I am a Slavekeeper, but I cannot afford to have a slave dependent on me financially full-time. My slave goes out to work two days a week. She also works in my garden. How can I adapt our lifestyle to Code d’ Odalisque?
Answer: Code d’ Ode is very flexible. The written Code seems highly regulated, and it sets out the ideal, but there is plenty of scope for people to adapt it to their needs. Please feel free to take whatever you need from the Code – adapt it to your circumstances.
A feature of Code d’ Ode is the distinction between “occlusion” and “sojourn”. Occlusion is active service. When she is occluded the slave lives as an odalisque, behind closed doors, a sexual captive ready to serve her Master. Ideally, an odalisque spends as much time in occlusion as possible. She is kept for sex.
But in today’s world it is often not possible for a slave to live in occlusion full-time. There are times when she may need to leave the house and go about in the world like a freewoman. For many people, it is a financial necessity that she works, at least part-time. This time is called “sojourn”. A slave who works part-time spends that time on “sojourn”. When her work is done, she returns into the state of “occlusion”. Ideally, she spends as little time as possible on “sojourn” – but the circumstances of modern life may require her to be on sojourn more than is ideal.
Each Master/slave couple need to establish an arrangement that suits their circumstance. Time spent in occlusion and on sojourn can be varied according to needs. The Code is very flexible in this regard. In practice, only a quite wealthy gentleman can afford a slave in full-time occlusion. Also, the fact is that modern women live busy lives. A woman – though she loves being a cockslave to her Master – may have commitments to job, family, friends or study that cannot be entirely avoided. It is best to take a flexible, practical approach and gradually move towards the ideal.
Several points should be observed though:
*Where she needs to work, a slave should only do types of labour that are clean and safe. If she cannot be spared from all work, an odalisque should at least be spared from dirty, heavy, dangerous or demeaning work.
*A Slavekeeper should not exploit financial imperatives to turn his odalisque into a memlook (low slave). And, above all, an odalisque cannot be prostituted. Regardless of financial needs, an odalisque cannot be made to work as a whore.
*The transitions from occlusion to sojourn should be ritualized. A clear distinction should be made between the two states.
Answer: Code d’ Ode is very flexible. The written Code seems highly regulated, and it sets out the ideal, but there is plenty of scope for people to adapt it to their needs. Please feel free to take whatever you need from the Code – adapt it to your circumstances.
A feature of Code d’ Ode is the distinction between “occlusion” and “sojourn”. Occlusion is active service. When she is occluded the slave lives as an odalisque, behind closed doors, a sexual captive ready to serve her Master. Ideally, an odalisque spends as much time in occlusion as possible. She is kept for sex.
But in today’s world it is often not possible for a slave to live in occlusion full-time. There are times when she may need to leave the house and go about in the world like a freewoman. For many people, it is a financial necessity that she works, at least part-time. This time is called “sojourn”. A slave who works part-time spends that time on “sojourn”. When her work is done, she returns into the state of “occlusion”. Ideally, she spends as little time as possible on “sojourn” – but the circumstances of modern life may require her to be on sojourn more than is ideal.
Each Master/slave couple need to establish an arrangement that suits their circumstance. Time spent in occlusion and on sojourn can be varied according to needs. The Code is very flexible in this regard. In practice, only a quite wealthy gentleman can afford a slave in full-time occlusion. Also, the fact is that modern women live busy lives. A woman – though she loves being a cockslave to her Master – may have commitments to job, family, friends or study that cannot be entirely avoided. It is best to take a flexible, practical approach and gradually move towards the ideal.
Several points should be observed though:
*Where she needs to work, a slave should only do types of labour that are clean and safe. If she cannot be spared from all work, an odalisque should at least be spared from dirty, heavy, dangerous or demeaning work.
*A Slavekeeper should not exploit financial imperatives to turn his odalisque into a memlook (low slave). And, above all, an odalisque cannot be prostituted. Regardless of financial needs, an odalisque cannot be made to work as a whore.
*The transitions from occlusion to sojourn should be ritualized. A clear distinction should be made between the two states.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
A Circle of Guests
13.3. - Responsibility of the Keeper over Guests
It is the responsibility of the Keeper to ensure that Guests and any others who enjoy his cockslave respect her limitations, treat her in an appropriate manner and in accordance with the provisions of this Code.
The default position under Code d’ Odalisque is that a Slavekeeper may, if he wishes, share his odalisque with his “Guests”. She serves and obeys him as her Master including by following his commands to pleasure other gentlemen. Some couples prefer a monogamous Master/slave relationship: the norm for an odalisque, however, is that she will serve others (sexually) at her Master’s command.
One reason for this is that most men cannot occupy an odalisque to her full capacity alone. Even the horniest and fittest of men grow weary of constant fucking. This might mean that an odalisque is often left unused. An odalisque is not a work slave. She is spared from toil and kept for sex. Any odalisque could easily fuck three or four times a day and still enjoy a life of leisure. To put an odalisque to proper use a Slavekeeper requires some assistance. He therefore shares his slave with others.
This, of course, is subject to the contractual limitations set by the slave and considerations of consent and sexual health.
The default situation is that the slave is bound to a Slavekeeper – she gives herself to him in sexual service. He uses her, enjoys her, and he shares her with selected friends. He may “loan” her to another man, who is then a Guest Master. Or he may invite others to join him in enjoying her in creative orgia.
The Code sets clear rules about the sharing of slaves. She cannot be prostituted. Her safety must be assured. Her limits must be respected. Guests must be of good character – it is a travesty to share an odalisque with fools, bums and woman-haters.
The best strategy a Slavekeeper can adopt is to cultivate a circle of gentlemen (and perhaps ladies too) who make regular use of his odalisque. The odalisque is at the centre of this circle – the centre of attention. She is treasured. She belongs to the Slavekeeper. She answers to him. But the circle exists to enjoy and appreciate her – a group of people with a common interest, the sexual use of a willing cockslave. In effect, they form a club, with Slavekeeper as President.
Many arrangements are possible. Code d’ Ode is very flexible. The whole purpose of Code d’ Ode is to create an arena for uninhibited odalisque slave play and hedonistic exploration. With a circle of “guests” to draw upon and draw into play a Slavekeeper can be very creative and imaginative in the use of his slave. His first priority, though, must be her welfare. He can – and should – submit his slave to extensive use and creative sex play, but his first priority is always her safety and health. The same must also be true of his Guests. They share a duty of care.
The circle that forms around an odalisque must regard her as a beautiful, precious, rare pearl, and cherish her accordingly. The use of an odalisque, by her Master, by Guest Masters, or by groups (threesomes, orgies) is always underpinned by a deep regard for her and for the institution of odalisque. An odalisque is not an orgy slut, not a common tramp. She is regarded as a beautiful treasure. Owning an odalisque is a privilege few men can enjoy. This is another reason why a Keeper shares his slave. He is blessed to possess a cockslave. He has a moral duty to share his good fortune with others less sexually fortunate than he. Generosity is the default position in Code d’ Odalisque. Generosity is a virtue in a Slavekeeper. He is generous with his slave.
It is the responsibility of the Keeper to ensure that Guests and any others who enjoy his cockslave respect her limitations, treat her in an appropriate manner and in accordance with the provisions of this Code.
The default position under Code d’ Odalisque is that a Slavekeeper may, if he wishes, share his odalisque with his “Guests”. She serves and obeys him as her Master including by following his commands to pleasure other gentlemen. Some couples prefer a monogamous Master/slave relationship: the norm for an odalisque, however, is that she will serve others (sexually) at her Master’s command.
One reason for this is that most men cannot occupy an odalisque to her full capacity alone. Even the horniest and fittest of men grow weary of constant fucking. This might mean that an odalisque is often left unused. An odalisque is not a work slave. She is spared from toil and kept for sex. Any odalisque could easily fuck three or four times a day and still enjoy a life of leisure. To put an odalisque to proper use a Slavekeeper requires some assistance. He therefore shares his slave with others.
This, of course, is subject to the contractual limitations set by the slave and considerations of consent and sexual health.
The default situation is that the slave is bound to a Slavekeeper – she gives herself to him in sexual service. He uses her, enjoys her, and he shares her with selected friends. He may “loan” her to another man, who is then a Guest Master. Or he may invite others to join him in enjoying her in creative orgia.
The Code sets clear rules about the sharing of slaves. She cannot be prostituted. Her safety must be assured. Her limits must be respected. Guests must be of good character – it is a travesty to share an odalisque with fools, bums and woman-haters.
The best strategy a Slavekeeper can adopt is to cultivate a circle of gentlemen (and perhaps ladies too) who make regular use of his odalisque. The odalisque is at the centre of this circle – the centre of attention. She is treasured. She belongs to the Slavekeeper. She answers to him. But the circle exists to enjoy and appreciate her – a group of people with a common interest, the sexual use of a willing cockslave. In effect, they form a club, with Slavekeeper as President.
Many arrangements are possible. Code d’ Ode is very flexible. The whole purpose of Code d’ Ode is to create an arena for uninhibited odalisque slave play and hedonistic exploration. With a circle of “guests” to draw upon and draw into play a Slavekeeper can be very creative and imaginative in the use of his slave. His first priority, though, must be her welfare. He can – and should – submit his slave to extensive use and creative sex play, but his first priority is always her safety and health. The same must also be true of his Guests. They share a duty of care.
The circle that forms around an odalisque must regard her as a beautiful, precious, rare pearl, and cherish her accordingly. The use of an odalisque, by her Master, by Guest Masters, or by groups (threesomes, orgies) is always underpinned by a deep regard for her and for the institution of odalisque. An odalisque is not an orgy slut, not a common tramp. She is regarded as a beautiful treasure. Owning an odalisque is a privilege few men can enjoy. This is another reason why a Keeper shares his slave. He is blessed to possess a cockslave. He has a moral duty to share his good fortune with others less sexually fortunate than he. Generosity is the default position in Code d’ Odalisque. Generosity is a virtue in a Slavekeeper. He is generous with his slave.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
A program of delights
It is usually better if the use of an odalisque is not haphazard. It is better if the Slavekeeper has a clear idea of what he wants her for and what he wants to do with her.
In some cases, men have very definite sexual preoccupations, very definite fetishes. They acquire a cockslave in order to explore those fetishes.
In other cases, a man’s sexual interests are wide open – they are up for wide-ranging exploration.
In either case, it is best if a Slavekeeper has some plan of action.
OK. You are now the proud owner of a beautiful, willing cockslave. What do you intend to do with her?
This is a question every prospective Slavekeeper should be asked and should ask of themselves. What – exactly – do I intend to do with a compliant cockslave?
It is a good question, and never as easy to answer as it might seem. If a lovely, sexual woman confessed to being your slave and would willingly do whatever you ask of her, what would you use her for?
At this point many men can only offer: “Well, I’d fuck her.”
Yes, but how? When? Where? In what ways?
The craft of Slavekeeping needs to be much more creative than that. Odalisque slavery is about creative hedonism. Creativity is the job of the Slavekeeper. The slave is compliant, willing, but it is not her job to come up with creative sex play. That is the job of the Slavekeeper.
It is often useful for a Slavekeeper to compile a ‘Program of Delights’ – a concise program of the sexual activities in which he would like to indulge with the assistance of his slave. Of course, play will always follow its own path, and it is hard to say where certain interests might lead. It is experimental. Suck it and see. But the Keeper should at least have a list of his fantasies, things he wants to do and wants his slave to do. Odalisque slavery is exclusively sexual. Sex is what an odalisque does. A good Slavekeeper has a rich and diverse program of acts and scenes planned for his odalisque.
To compile such a program requires a certain amount of introspection. A man needs to look into his own desires. He needs to understand his own weaknesses, his own frailties and fantasies. The things that float his boat. He can then set out a framework for his explorations. In this he needs to be honest about his own depravity. Owning a cockslave may be his one chance in life to explore beyond the usual boundaries. How far will he go? What lusts lurk in the dark corners of his heart?
There is no need for the slave to see such a Program of Delights. Its purpose is to bring clarity and consistency to the Slavekeeper in his role. But it should be consistent with any specialization the slave may have nominated. Ordeals - as defined and set out in Code d' Odalisque - should be included in advance planning of orgia.
In some cases, men have very definite sexual preoccupations, very definite fetishes. They acquire a cockslave in order to explore those fetishes.
In other cases, a man’s sexual interests are wide open – they are up for wide-ranging exploration.
In either case, it is best if a Slavekeeper has some plan of action.
OK. You are now the proud owner of a beautiful, willing cockslave. What do you intend to do with her?
This is a question every prospective Slavekeeper should be asked and should ask of themselves. What – exactly – do I intend to do with a compliant cockslave?
It is a good question, and never as easy to answer as it might seem. If a lovely, sexual woman confessed to being your slave and would willingly do whatever you ask of her, what would you use her for?
At this point many men can only offer: “Well, I’d fuck her.”
Yes, but how? When? Where? In what ways?
The craft of Slavekeeping needs to be much more creative than that. Odalisque slavery is about creative hedonism. Creativity is the job of the Slavekeeper. The slave is compliant, willing, but it is not her job to come up with creative sex play. That is the job of the Slavekeeper.
It is often useful for a Slavekeeper to compile a ‘Program of Delights’ – a concise program of the sexual activities in which he would like to indulge with the assistance of his slave. Of course, play will always follow its own path, and it is hard to say where certain interests might lead. It is experimental. Suck it and see. But the Keeper should at least have a list of his fantasies, things he wants to do and wants his slave to do. Odalisque slavery is exclusively sexual. Sex is what an odalisque does. A good Slavekeeper has a rich and diverse program of acts and scenes planned for his odalisque.
To compile such a program requires a certain amount of introspection. A man needs to look into his own desires. He needs to understand his own weaknesses, his own frailties and fantasies. The things that float his boat. He can then set out a framework for his explorations. In this he needs to be honest about his own depravity. Owning a cockslave may be his one chance in life to explore beyond the usual boundaries. How far will he go? What lusts lurk in the dark corners of his heart?
There is no need for the slave to see such a Program of Delights. Its purpose is to bring clarity and consistency to the Slavekeeper in his role. But it should be consistent with any specialization the slave may have nominated. Ordeals - as defined and set out in Code d' Odalisque - should be included in advance planning of orgia.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Keeping a cockslave
Keeping a cockslave: some basic preparatory points. These are some basic things to note if you are at the beginning of owning a cockslave.
*You are Slavekeeper. Your odalisque is slave. Owning a slave is a responsibility and a privilege. A Keeper must keep his slave. You must feed, accommodate and look after your slave.
*Your odalisque is a captive sex slave. You keep her as a captive. You do so in order to use her for your sexual enjoyment.
*She cannot be used as a work slave. Her only task is sex. She does not cook or clean. As Keeper, you will need to organize cooking and cleaning both for yourself and for her.
*Your slave is a secret captive. She is hidden from the world. She is kept in “occlusion”. Treat your slave as a secret. Keep your slave lifestyle a secret.
*The slave is forbidden to leave the house without express permission. The Keeper should establish rules about this and about her behavior outside the house (sojourn). The less time the slave spends in sojourn the better. The more time she spends in occlusion the better.
*You control your slave’s clothing. Her natural state is completely naked. She should be allowed appropriate garments but kept “essentially naked.”
*Because your slave is kept naked or semi-naked you need to provide appropriate heating.
*Your slave must have access to bath and shower (and spa, where possible). An odalisque should spend a lot of her time washing, relaxing, preening, preparing herself for the use of her Master.
*Instruct your slave in your preferences regarding her presentation to you. Tell her how you want her to present herself. With her hair up or down? Her pubic hair trimmed or shaven? Etc.
*The slave should wear an “attar” – that is, a distinctive perfume. Make sure she wears this perfume whenever she is in active service as odalisque.
*Encourage a “service ethic” in the slave. She should be eager to serve and proud to do her job well.
*Establish a routine for the slave. Her life should be restrictive and structured. She is a captive, not a freewoman.
*The slave should be nurtured – this requires that she goes on sojourn for some things. Allow her to go for walks, or swimming, or to piano lessons, or yoga classes, or French lessons, or other activities outside the house, as arranged. The Slavekeeper must pay for these activities.
*Your odalisque has her own room – her odella. It should be comfortable, heated, private. She spends most of her time as captive in her odella.
*Adjust your slave’s sleeping so that she lives mostly at night. An odalisque is a creature of the night. Let her sleep until mid to late afternoon.
*Ensure that all contracts and guidelines are in order before any play begins. Give proper attention to matters of consent, safety and legality.
*Discuss contraception with your slave from the very beginning. There is a heavy responsibility upon a Slavekeeper to not let his odalisque fall pregnant.
*Discuss the question of guests with your slave from the very beginning. The default position is that a Keeper may share his slave with other gentlemen. Does the slave agree with this? If so, under what conditions?
*Teach the slave the basic slave positions. Construct slave play around the slave postures and commands. Let it be formal but not military-style.
*A Slavekeeper should acquire a suitable sword as emblem of his authority over his slave. An odalisque lives “under the sword”. Where there is no sword a cane can be substituted as a makeshift sword.
*Require the slave to say certain things in French. Start with using “oui” instead of “yes”. Control her speech. Set rules.
*Use bondage and confinement (cages etc.) to instill a captive mentality into the slave.
*Be clear in your own mind about how you want to use your slave. What do you want her to do sexually? How do you want to use her? Be creative.
*You are Slavekeeper. Your odalisque is slave. Owning a slave is a responsibility and a privilege. A Keeper must keep his slave. You must feed, accommodate and look after your slave.
*Your odalisque is a captive sex slave. You keep her as a captive. You do so in order to use her for your sexual enjoyment.
*She cannot be used as a work slave. Her only task is sex. She does not cook or clean. As Keeper, you will need to organize cooking and cleaning both for yourself and for her.
*Your slave is a secret captive. She is hidden from the world. She is kept in “occlusion”. Treat your slave as a secret. Keep your slave lifestyle a secret.
*The slave is forbidden to leave the house without express permission. The Keeper should establish rules about this and about her behavior outside the house (sojourn). The less time the slave spends in sojourn the better. The more time she spends in occlusion the better.
*You control your slave’s clothing. Her natural state is completely naked. She should be allowed appropriate garments but kept “essentially naked.”
*Because your slave is kept naked or semi-naked you need to provide appropriate heating.
*Your slave must have access to bath and shower (and spa, where possible). An odalisque should spend a lot of her time washing, relaxing, preening, preparing herself for the use of her Master.
*Instruct your slave in your preferences regarding her presentation to you. Tell her how you want her to present herself. With her hair up or down? Her pubic hair trimmed or shaven? Etc.
*The slave should wear an “attar” – that is, a distinctive perfume. Make sure she wears this perfume whenever she is in active service as odalisque.
*Encourage a “service ethic” in the slave. She should be eager to serve and proud to do her job well.
*Establish a routine for the slave. Her life should be restrictive and structured. She is a captive, not a freewoman.
*The slave should be nurtured – this requires that she goes on sojourn for some things. Allow her to go for walks, or swimming, or to piano lessons, or yoga classes, or French lessons, or other activities outside the house, as arranged. The Slavekeeper must pay for these activities.
*Your odalisque has her own room – her odella. It should be comfortable, heated, private. She spends most of her time as captive in her odella.
*Adjust your slave’s sleeping so that she lives mostly at night. An odalisque is a creature of the night. Let her sleep until mid to late afternoon.
*Ensure that all contracts and guidelines are in order before any play begins. Give proper attention to matters of consent, safety and legality.
*Discuss contraception with your slave from the very beginning. There is a heavy responsibility upon a Slavekeeper to not let his odalisque fall pregnant.
*Discuss the question of guests with your slave from the very beginning. The default position is that a Keeper may share his slave with other gentlemen. Does the slave agree with this? If so, under what conditions?
*Teach the slave the basic slave positions. Construct slave play around the slave postures and commands. Let it be formal but not military-style.
*A Slavekeeper should acquire a suitable sword as emblem of his authority over his slave. An odalisque lives “under the sword”. Where there is no sword a cane can be substituted as a makeshift sword.
*Require the slave to say certain things in French. Start with using “oui” instead of “yes”. Control her speech. Set rules.
*Use bondage and confinement (cages etc.) to instill a captive mentality into the slave.
*Be clear in your own mind about how you want to use your slave. What do you want her to do sexually? How do you want to use her? Be creative.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
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