Saturday, March 8, 2014

Surrender and respect

There is a deep ambivalence in male sexuality. It is well documented. In daily life it takes this form: a man will yearn for a woman who willingly surrenders herself to him and behaves as a lewd, cock-crazy animal for him, meeting all his most perverse desires, and yet as soon as a woman does this for him he no longer respects her. In a crude form we find it in situations where a man - or a group of men - enjoy a "loose" woman while at the same time denigrating her as a "stupid slut". Men want women who are free and easy but - here is the twist - they don't respect women who are.

There is no purpose in theorising about the roots and causes of this hypocrisy; we merely need to note that it is widespread and a reality of male sexual life. We then need to address it and take it into account. This is why slave play under Code d' Odalisque is heavily codified and wrapped in a developed system of etiquette and elegance. It is why the Code identifies and defines the institution of the odalisque and asserts its nobility. An odalisque, by definition, willingly surrenders herself to male sexual fantasy - the Code then seeks to ensure that she is afforded due respect and is not subject to denigration. An odalisque is a noble creature; Slavekeepers are bound by the slave code to respect her and not to make her into an object of misogyny and abuse.

It is necessary to codify this and to place it within a context of defined protocols and rules and standards of behaviour in order to prevent the odalisque being caught up in this syndrome; this then enables her to be exactly the lewd, cock-crazy animal of her Master's desires. The motive dynamism of odalisque slave play is fantasy projection. An odalisque makes herself the passive vehicle of male sexual fantasy. She makes herself the sex-loving woman of his dreams. The formality of play - the slave positions and code of etiquette - is in part to prevent a self-hating reflex to take hold. Men can hate themselves for the vulnerability of desire. Code d' Odalisque constructs a civilized formality whose purpose is to keep male players as gentlemen and to institutionalise respect for the consenting female.

Certainly, an odalisque should be confident that she will not experience a backlash of disrespect if she surrenders herself to her Master and what other men might be put over her. Men are not going to use her and then dismiss her by saying "What a stupid bitch" or "What a dumb slut" or similar. On the contrary, under Code d' Odalisque female cockslaves are prized and regarded as a treasures. Here is a woman who willingly gives herself - her body, her sex - for male erotic indulgence. She is to be celebrated! The Code institutionalises a deep respect for her. She is a slave - that is a measure of her submission - but among slaves she is a rare treasure, the most valued of slaves.

Male players might usefully reflect on this aspect of male sexuality in themselves. When a woman agrees to sleep with you, do you respect her in the morning? Or do you wake up thinking "only a stupid slut would sleep with me..." It is a deeply neurotic thought. But it is, as we said, very common. It has no place in the psychology of a Slavekeeper who owns an odalisque. When she surrenders herself to him, and meets his desires - is happily used to satisfy his lusts - he respects her and values her all the more.

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